Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Chicago School "CEO" Byrd Bennett Under Federal Investigation - Takes Leave of Absence - Why Is Joel Klein Not in Cuffs?

UPDATE (Sunday, Apr. 19, 7AM):

CORRUPTION CPS: Why is CPS's cloying 'Mister Cover Up,' Jesse Ruiz, now 'Interim CEO'?... A look behind the eternal smiles of the Board's Vice President... and a closer look at how CPS voted, legally, to keep the public record secret despite Freedom of Information and Open Meetings laws...

"You lie!" The words, which broke out during a meeting of the Chicago Board of Education, were clear enough: "Jesse Ruiz! You lie!" They were spoken by a mother of four who came from the . . .

George Schmidt and Substance are on the case. He warned about Bennett from day 1 when she was brought in as a consultant under the previous disaster of a CEO brought in by Rahm, Jean Claude-Brizzard, who used to ruin schools here in Brooklyn and received a 95% vote of no confidence by Rochester teachers when he was their Supt -- and "lured" away by Rahm.

Of course the feds waited until AFTER Rahm got re-elected before exposing this scandal -- but we always know there are scandals lurking under every ed deform school administration. I just copied and pasted these headlines over the past few days from Substance. Enjoy reading. I'm heading over to the MORE Meeting - I may blog from there later.

Babrara Byrd Bennett's 2012 resume was filled with 'red flags'... Should CPS have hired Byrd Bennett with all these conflicts of interest? Didn't the Board of Education ask her to get out of these conflicts?

Chicago's public schools "Chief Executive Offier" Barbara Byrd-Bennett is now under federal investigation for improprieties because of her recommendation of a no bid $20 Million dollar contract with SUPES Training Academy. The no-bid contract was . . .

BBB IS OUT! Barbara Byrd Bennett goes on 'leave' after desperate try to fend off corruption charges or get public legal support... Jesse Ruiz to head CPS during interim...


The 'Chief Executive Officer' of the nation's third largest school system, Chicago's Barbara Byrd Bennett, has taken a leave of absence from the Chicago Public Schools, according to informed sources. Board of Eduction Vice President . . .

CORRUPTION CPS: Barbara Byrd Bennett gathered buddies from other states, many (but not all) vetted by the Broad Foundation, for executive jobs at CPS, with the approval of the 'Chicago' Board of Education... Most had no Illinois credentials, but the Board members did not care or bother to check...

This part of Substance's current series of stories on CORRUPTION CPS will feature the cronyism that brought dozens of "educators" to Chicago from out of state during the years since Rahm Emanuel appointed his Board . . .

Better late than never?... Federal 'investigation' of Chicago schools 'Chief Executive Officer' Barbara Byrd Bennett revealed... Years of conflicts of interest, cronyism and corruption by the CEO have been ignored by Chicago's corporate media while regularly reported in Substance...


Feds reportedly investigating Barbara Byrd Bennett over controversial no-bid 'SUPES' contract to train principals....

It was only a week after Rahm Emanuel won re-election and suddenly Chicago's news media were filling up with stories that the federal government is investigating Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Barbara Byrd Bennett, . . .


1 comment:

  1. I advised Rahmbo to go with either Winston Wolf or Mike Ehrmantrout. When you're bringing in a cleaner you can't go sloppy. BBB is a filthy mess.


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