Ed Notes Extended

Monday, April 13, 2015

More Educators Turn on Hillary and Democrats

  • I have a Democrat for president and for Governor and yet I have the most disgusting policies ever placed over my school and staff. 
  • Unless I see a written policy statement from Ms Clinton vowing to do away with the destructive Bush (NCLB) and Obama (RTTT) agenda, I would rather vote for Ted Cruz who vows to eliminate the Federal Dept of Education...
  • I would gladly give up the Federal money our school receives if it freed us from the ridiculous testing requirements that consume more time and money than they are worth.
----------veteran union principal who is a registered Democrat
More scary words for Democrats came in today after my recent posts:
I voted for Obama over Hillary Clinton the first time he ran (in the Democratic primary). I figured all things being equal, to go with the black candidate as the Clintons already had their chance. I feel that it was a mistake-though selfishly I made back everything I lost in the Bush economic fiasco. Obama like Cuomo has done the math and figured out that he can run as a social liberal fiscal conservative and win.

They figure "where else are the unions going to go"? The Republicans went back to their roots and formed a Tea party... Maybe we democrats need to have a coffee party....

Speaking as an educator who has watched the Democrat party turn into an extension of the Republican party where education is concerned, I have a Democrat for president and for Governor and yet I have the most disgusting policies ever placed over my school and staff. 

Count me out. Unless I see a written policy statement from Ms Clinton vowing to do away with the destructive Bush (NCLB) and Obama (RTTT) agenda, I would rather vote for Ted Cruz who vows to eliminate the Federal Dept of Education.

I would gladly give up the Federal money our school receives if it freed us from the ridiculous testing requirements that consume more time and money than they are worth. It is not that much and it causes more trouble than it is worth.

Maybe a few years under a hostile Republican administration would bring us back together. God knows a major branch of our party Rahm Emmanuel, DFER etc.. have taken me away from the fold. I need something solid for Ms Clinton to earn my vote.

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