Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reminder - TODAY - Got $15 Grand? Join MOREs - Rally at Cuomo Fundraiser Tuesday April 7 @6PM - 320 Park Av (50-51St)

If you are in town come and hang out -- I'm crawling in from Rockaway. Anyone know a good bar near Park Av and 50st?

Hey - looking for a fun evening with some fellow merry makers? Cuomo is the most hated man in NY State.

MORE got a call from a local union president outside NYC (naturally) to see if we're interested. Even with a lot of people out of town we're game to go up there and have some fun. (I know, I know - it is blowing off some steam -- but why the hell not?)

Join us in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1388773174779100/

Let’s have a Conversation with Cuomo!
Come to a Rally this Tuesday to greet Cuomo and his friends-

Dinner and Conversation Fundraiser for Andrew Cuomo
When: Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00pm
Where: 320 Park Ave. NYC (Between 50 & 51st Sts.)
Why: To get more money from his friends - $15,000 a ticket so he can do more harm to our schools!

We’ll be giving out free tickets. They may not get you into Cuomo’s event, but you can attend ours! Arrive by 6:00pm, bring your favorite signs and dress up as your favorite hedgefund celebrity!

We need to keep the fight against the corporate assault on public education strong. We must let our elected officials who “voted YES with a heavy heart” for Cuomo’s budget know that they did the wrong thing!
Come on out on Tuesday!
 Can I still fit into my tux?


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