Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, May 3, 2015

MORE: Support ATRs (Monday at UFT Exec Bd) and Rally Against High Stakes Testing (Tues at Washington Sq Park)

Two interesting events, both of which I can't make -- this is my 30th (or more) years of working in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Plant Sale and the next 4 days are pretty locked up - plus we are taking down the set of "Lost in Yonkers" on Monday. So this week political activity is at a minimum - until next Friday when I debate Mike Schirtzer over the issue of running in the UFT elections - I say boycott!

The MORE testing event is sure to be a good way to spend an afternoon with other like-minded people.


Wear MORE wear to ExBd
Generally I don't feel it is worth the time to go to UFT Exec Bd meetings - been there, done that for about 8 years -- gained 10 pounds from stuffing myself with the food. Who are you talking to but Unity and New Action? I guess going there makes people think they are doing something, like anything said there means anything.

There is a token 10 minute open mic before the meeting starts - With Jeff and James on the EBoard from 2004-7, we began bringing people from the rubber room to speak out there.

By the way, that open mic was instituted one evening by Randi after a hot and heavy email exchange between us early that morning where I challenged her to open up Exec Bd meetings so members can participate -- I meant really participate in the debates, not a bogus period of time before the meeting starts that Unity has increasingly limited. I was the first and often only person to use that time for months and since no one else did I had the full 10 minutes. Now they divide the 10 minutes by the number of speakers.

I thought I was speaking truth to power but finally realized what the hell does that really mean? Finally, I stopped giving a shit about making the union leaders listen to me. The only thing they will ever understand is having hundreds of hostile teachers surround their building.

Unless people use these meetings as political events and report what happens widely, it is a waste of time. But Monday night I think it will be a political event and for those who can make it worthwhile.

Support ATRs and Rally Against High Stakes Testing

Monday 5:30-6:30pm
UFT Headquarters
Executive Board Meeting
52 Broadway in Manhattan 2nd Floor

Absent Teacher Reserves and Leave Replacement Teachers would appreciate your support. They have been asking for an ATR Chapter to represent our unique interests for a long time now.  We have filed a complaint with the UFT Executive Board concerning the Chapter Election process. ATRs are being compelled to vote and run for office at schools we are just passing through in May and might know nothing about instead of being permitted to vote for our own ATR representatives.
The UFT Executive Board will officially respond to our complaint and we will have an opportunity to voice our support.

NYC Teachers Rally & Speak Out
Against High Stakes Testing!
Tuesday May 5, 2015 @ 4:30pm
Washington Square Park

  We Speak Out For. . .
  • Diverse and authentic assessments used to inform instruction. Less time spent on test prep and bureaucratic paperwork so teachers can focus on planning meaningful instruction.
  • Culturally responsive, collaborative, and student-centered curriculum.
  • Well-rounded and robust programs including arts, physical education, and career and technical education for all.
  • Re-claiming a moral profession in unethical times.
*Spread the word  *Bring signs & banners  * Encourage you organization or chapter to endorse the event.
Let us know if you’d like to say a few words during the Speak Out.
Sponsored/Endorsed by: MORE (Movement of Rank and File Educators)

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