Ed Notes Extended

Monday, June 29, 2015

MORE - Summer Series Workshops + Join Us

I am helping with the chapter leader training training on July 9th and August 20th and also working on the August 13th election event where I will make a case for MORE not running in the election and spend more time doing the real organizing we are doing below. I think if we did these throughout the school year we would be performing a real service instead of racing around with petitions for an election only Unity can win. Until there is one caucus with one message instead of multiple groups racing around trying to organize their own little groups - and thus confusing the membership who rightfully say - why can't you all get together in one opposition group - Unity always wins.

Please join MORE caucus UFT 4th Annual Summer Series.  It’s a great chance to Discuss, Debate, and Organize!

Thursdays this summer, 4pm-7pm
All are welcome!
The Dark Horse, 17 Murray St. NYCNear City Hall, Chambers St, WTC
Drink specials: $4 domestic drafts, $6 well drinks and $7 wine.
Please click on the blue links to RSVP on Facebook
July 9th
Hardcore MORE Chapter Leader Training: The Nuts and Bolts of Leading Your Chapter – Part I
Open to all newly elected or veteran chapter leaders, delegates, consultation/SLT committee members, para-reps, and anyone interested in getting more involved in their chapter. Some of the topics include: Getting members involved, Enforcing contractual rights, Planning chapter & consultation meetings, Fighting back against administration, Building allies in PTA/SLT, Filing grievances

July 23rdHow To Build an Opt-Out Movement in Your School
High Stakes Testing and the Teacher Evaluation System are suffocating public education. As Diane Ravitch states – the only way to save our schools is to starve the data beast. That is the mission of the opt out movement. Find out how teachers around the state are working together with parents to organize against high stakes testing and fight for the schools our students deserve!
Are you wondering what the teacher union is all about and what it means to you and your students? Is it something you should be active in?  Can unions be vehicles for social justice? What is a caucus? How has the UNITY Caucus kept control of the UFT for over 40 years? Why did MORE form?   Meet with new and veteran teachers to discuss these questions and more in this introduction to the inner workings of the UFT.
What should a 2016 grassroots UFT election campaign look like? Does MORE have the resources and activists to mount an effective campaign? How can we use new tools and lessons learned to ensure that organizing  for the election will build MORE? Come learn election nuts and bolts, brainstorm creative election strategies, and plan ahead for how we’ll build a campaign that builds a better union.
August 20th
Hardcore MORE Chapter Leader Training: The Nuts and Bolts of Leading Your Chapter – Part II(See Part 1 Above)

Our goal is to have a mobilized, active union that can effectively fight for our rights by giving all members a voice in the UFT. We believe in building stronger chapters that connect members with others around the city who believe our working conditions are our students' learning conditions. We encourage all NYC educators to join us in challenging the UFT leadership and transforming the union into one that can lead the fight in advocating for a fair and equitable education for all our children while ending the profit-driven testing policies that harms teachers, students, and schools. Public schools are under attack, that is why we need a new union leadership that will lead the fight back. Each educator experiences the attacks on our profession differently: for some, the testing frenzy has dramatically changed their work lives for the worse. For others, the new evaluation process and life under a weak contract are the main concerns. Many of our members work under horrific and abusive administrators and that reality overshadows everything else. A strong, member-driven union that stands together with our communities is the only way to have the public schools we all deserve. The time is now to revitalize the teachers union here in New York City!
Any member of the UFT can become a member of the caucus by making a minimum annual donation of $25 ($10 for paraprofessionals and secretaries)
If you would like to make an on-going monthly donation to help sustain MORE's activities, consider becoming a MORE sustainer.

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