Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Weather Gods Must Hate Eva, as FES Race-Baiting Rally Postponed Due to Threat of Lightning -- or Blowback?

I'm betting the blow back against the scuzzballs at FES is a factor in this postponement as they rebrand. Let's hope the next time there is a blizzard.

After forcing parents to take a day off or arrange alternate child care Success has to tell them "never mind."

Why worry about a little lightning and miss a chance to spread racial divisions? If you are willing to kill a half day of school what is the problem?

And poor Jennifer Hudson, who was set to sing. Hope she has another date free to support the undermining of the American educational system.
Due to the threat of lightning in Cadman Plaza, we have postponed tomorrow's Rally for School Equality. Please stay tuned -- we will share information on the new date shortly!


Jeremiah Kittredge
Executive Director
Families for Excellent Schools
There are protests against the race-baiting ad FES put out.


Critics call new charter school ad ‘racist’


Stop Eva Moskowitz's Race Baiting Ad

Eva Moskowitz and her Families for Excellent Schools has hit a new low.

In her billionaire-backed quest to privatize educat
ion, Moskowitz and her group has spent half a million dollars on a racially charged ad accusing Mayor Bill DeBlasio of neglecting the education of Black and Latino students in New York City.

Tell your state representative to demand that FES takes down its racially divisive ad.

Why is FES attacking DeBlasio now? Because the Mayor is actually working to improve these struggling schools. And FES doesn’t want that. They want public school funding for their privately run charter schools.

Yesterday, FES CEO Jeremiah Kittredge went on the record  opposing educational equity. FES and its hedge fund financiers lobbied tirelessly to divert public funding away from public schools and now they are opposing proven strategies to improve the schools.

Write your legislators and tell them to demand FES stop the attack ad.

In truth, FES and its hedge fund financiers have no interest in improving these schools or giving every student an equal opportunity. What they want to do is attack the Mayor for politically motivated reasons and they are willing to use racist ads to do just that.

Stop FES and its attack ads now. Write your state Senator and Assembly member today.

In solidarity,

Zakiyah Ansari
Advocacy Director of the Alliance for Quality Education

1 comment:

  1. Jeremiah was a bull dog and in this case a complete moron. A person who admits he knows nothing about education but seems to know that NYC public schools are failing. This guy is your typical bozo who in life will pay the price down the road as the commander in chief is always watching. If this bozo is reading this please note that we have thousands of people who believe you are a big freken jerk off and your typical idiot who thinks they know it all but rather know nothing and ruin the livelihoods of many hard working educators in NYC. So, to have to listen to this jerk is so disturbing it is mind bogglinig


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