Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ding, Dong: Courtenaye Jackson-Chase IS LEAVING the DOE

The EVIL DOE Legal Empire, which basically decides much of school policy towards how to treat employees, loses its Darth Vader.
EDUCATION MOVES: “Courtenaye Jackson-Chase, the city Department of Education's general counsel, will leave the department next month, education officials said Tuesday. Jackson-Chase has been at the DOE for nearly a decade and has served as general counsel since 2012. She will become general counsel at the Children's Aid Society in March. Charity Guerra, the current chief deputy counsel, will take over as interim general counsel while the DOE conducts a search for Jackson-Chase's replacement.” —POLITICO New York’s Eliza Shapiro [PRO] http://politi.co/1Lfd61E.
Time to party - until they appoint the next slug.


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