Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Roseanne on What the UFT Needs to Do for ATRs

If a principal stabbed a teacher 97 times the DOE would swear the teacher fell on the knife and the UFT would respond by saying there's nothing in the contract that talks about stabbings.  .. Roseanne McCosh
I  always listen to the wisdom of Roseanne. The DOE says it won't place ATRs to preserve principal autonomy. Roseanne calls "Bullshit on principal autonomy."
Place them and DOE pays the schools the monetary difference in salary between ATR and newbie and let chips fall. Or stop evaluating them as if they are anything more than day to day sub.   The UFT cannot allow for these fly by bullshit evaluations in a sub situation just because some ATRs aren't seeking permanent placement.  Principal autonomy? That's part of the problem----autonomy to clock in and not work.  Autonomy to harass staff.  Autonomy to refuse to hire senior staff because of salary.  Autonomy to hire family members. Principal autonomy is overrated. The hell with autonomy when it means no checks and balances and no sense of fair play.  If a principal stabbed a teacher 97 times the DOE would swear the teacher fell on the knife and the UFT would respond by saying there's nothing in the contract that talks about stabbings. Until the UFT forces the DOE to clean house none of us are safe from abuse. 


  1. For the union, we are mere cogs in the wheel. They have no interest in protecting veteran teachers. They have sold us down the river.

    Abigail Shure

  2. Bravo, Roseanne. Norm, Send it on to Amy, not that it will mean anything.

  3. Why do we keep talking about the same old atr stuff. Must be some type of therapy. Been an atr for 3 yrs and just keep my head down and smile for the next 4. Maybe I will get in trouble for smiling a lot. Hope I make it to 25/55.What a way to make a living!!!

  4. You mustn't have been much of a teacher, so this must be great for you.

  5. What about the ATRs who do not want to be permanently placed in a school? You'd force them to take a position?

  6. It has nothing to do with what I want. What do ATRs want? And what deal can be gotten from the DOE and UFT? Do ATRs want to be able to pick whatever school they want as a permanent position, gain school seniority, have the DOE pick up their salary for life and not be harassed. That is a perfect world.
    If ATRs had a chapter in the UFT and could write their own plan for the UFT to use as a negotiation what would it be?
    As I said pre-ATR if you were excessed or your school closed the DOE would place you where they wanted based on seniority and what positions were open - and we know they played games with those openings. So while people lament the ATR system currently they also don't seem to want to go back to those days of forced placement. The problem is the air of mistrust that makes ATRs rightfully very wary of the UFT and the DOE and that will never change.


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