Ed Notes Extended

Monday, April 4, 2016

Chalkbeat Helps Lead Assault on Opt Out - As Predicted

Every single link in today's Rise and Shine is an assault on Opt-out.
My earlier post nailed Chalkbeat's funding sources.

Revealing Campbell Brown and "The Seventy Four" Bogus Ed Journalism Site, Funders Linked to Chalkbeat and Edweek

They feature at the very top, guess who?

Eva Moskowitz: Opt-out movement will leave students unprepared

“I really believe in the tests – I seem to be the only one left standing,” the Success Academy CEO said Friday afternoon, against the backdrop of thousands of children singing to pop songs whose lyrics were changed to extoll the virtues of learning and test preparation. Read more.
And follow up with these:

With state tests set to begin Tuesday, some are predicting that the opt-out movement will continue to grow, even though the consequences of those tests have diminished. Wall Street Journal
Plenty of New York City principals and parents still see the tests as a normal, and even helpful, part of a child's school experience. New York Times
Some teachers have gone further in encouraging students to opt out by sending anti-testing information home to parents. New York Post
The nonprofit High Achievement New York has launched a counter-campaign, with the tagline “Say Yes to the Test." New York Daily News
Al Sharpton says he opposes the opt-out movement because the test results help shine a light on educational inequality. New York Post, Politico New York
Upper West Side parents are still worried that opting out will hurt their children's chances of admission to a selective middle school. DNAinfo
Success Academy CEO Eva Moskowitz said Friday that she seems "to be the only one left standing” supporting state tests, just after thousands of her students gathered for a “slam the exam” pep rally. Chalkbeat
Three Success Academy charter schools didn't have copies of the tests last week, worrying school officials. New York Daily News
Editorial: Parents, you've been heard. Now have your kids take the damn tests. New York Daily News
Editorial: It's "pathetic" to see education leaders across the city and state pander to the opt-outers. New York Post


  1. You make me proud to have been fired by them.

  2. Also, the Post piece has a quote from the next President of the United Federation of Teachers, Jia Lee.

  3. Main stream media gets into these memes and can't hear the other side, in spite of its supposed dedication to unbiased journalism. Thanks for making the point and to Diane Ravitch for spreading the word. Those of us who find wind turbines harmful to residents have been watching this media illiteracy for years. Forget facts and evidence, if something reforms education [or fights climate change], it must do what it says it does. Case closed.


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