Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Exit Poll Data From VICE

When I heard some of this in late afternoon, it felt ominous. Trump got 29% of Latino vote -- higher than Romney did.

Exit poll data


 Whites vs. nonwhite voters
  • Whites made up 70 percent of voters
  • 58 percent of all whites voted for Trump
  • 21 percent of nonwhites voted for Trump
White men
  • White men made up 34 percent of voters
  • 63 percent of them voted Trump
  • 31 percent voted Clinton
White women
  • White women made up 37 percent of voters
  • 53 percent of them voted Trump
  • 43 percent voted Clinton
Young whites (ages 18-29)
  • Young white people made up 12 percent of voters
  • 48 percent of them voted Trump
  • 43 percent voted Clinton
  • In comparison, 9 percent of young blacks and 24 percent of young Latinos voted for Trump.
College-educated whites
  • White college graduates made up 37 percent of voters
  • 49 percent of them voted for Trump, while 45 percent voted for Clinton.
  • 54 percent of college-educated white men voted Trump.
  • 45 percent of college-educated white women chose Trump, while 51 percent chose Clinton. This is the only white demographic tracked by the exit poll that Trump didn’t win.
Non-college-educated whites
  • Whites without a college degree made up 34 percent of voters
  • 67 percent of them voted for Trump
  • Of them, women voted 62 percent for Trump
  • And men voted 72 percent for Trump

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