Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Rahm Emanuel was saying "Fuck the UAW" from his perch at the White House (as Barack Obama's Chief of Staff) long before Donald Trump was Tweeting attacks on the Steelworkers Union head - George Schmidt

I suspect that many people who claim to be "progressives" will have the same kind of self-serving amnesia about the incoming administration as they did in blaming "No Child Left Behind" for the attacks on public education during the first five or six years of the Obama administration.... George Schmidt
George sent out this missive to his email list this morning - for the Obama apologists over, if not open attacks on unions - other than teacher unions - by default. But let's not forget Democrat Rahm Emanuel's FU to Karen Lewis. The neglect of the unions by both the Clinton and Obama admins and Democratic Party in general is part of the equation of the Trump victory. Yet the unions are branded as part of the fabric of the Dem Party, in particular our own AFT/UFT/NYSUT.

Here is George's full comment.
HYPOCRISIES AND IDIOCIES. I can't wait to watch the December 7 Board meeting and to witness myself the stuff I missed. The corruption of Forrest Claypool and Ronald Marmer should remind us that Rahm Emanuel was saying "Fuck the UAW" from his perch at the White House (as Barack Obama's Chief of Staff) long before Donald Trump was Tweeting attacks on the Steelworkers Union head from the President-elect's perch. 

As I read the hyperventilating about the upcoming Trump administration, I'm reminded that it was only eight years ago that Barack Obama sat with Arne Duncan at the "Dodge School of Excellence" (an AUSL "turnaround" school) and announced that Arne would move from the great job he had done as CEO of CPS to the job of U.S. Secretary of Education. I suspect that many people who claim to be "progressives" will have the same kind of self-serving amnesia about the incoming administration as they did in blaming "No Child Left Behind" for the attacks on public education during the first five or six years of the Obama administration. If you're still wondering, you can read BACK ISSUES at Substance or re-watch "Waiting for Superman" as a couple of many reminders.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we know the Randi is a self serving ambitious hypocrite that put all her eggs, us, in one basket endorsing Hillary. We know Mike was eviserated by Cuomo and blasted it as a victory. Randi and the AFT have to get people panicked and get the focus on Trump and not have anyone focus on the reasons for Trump's victory. With Randi and Mike, all roads lead to them and how every matter big and small will affect them, their positions, their entourage and their power. As for the elite in the Democratic Party, they are very much the same. That's not to say the Republicans are much better, but at least they had many candidates at their primary and Trump was not the choice of their elite members. Bernie was robbed, and Randi was part of it.


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