Ed Notes Extended

Friday, November 10, 2017

South Bronx Asks a Few Questions of the UFT Leadership

Peter Zucker wants to know why the UFT won't put as serious an effort into fighting for the membership as it did on Proposition 1.
Mazel Tov UFT!!

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into doing away with the fair student funding which is keeping many qualified teachers from permanent positions?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into fixing the ATR problem?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into exposing abusive principals?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into make our union a true democratic union in which different ideas are debated and respected?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into enforcing our collectively bargained contract?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into ensuring that every member, whether active or inactive gets every last cent due them of monies owed since 2009, regardless on how one left the DOE?

Why can't the UFT put the time and effort to have ensured that we all get our retro in one sum, in 2015, instead of waiting until 2020 or 2021, both over a decade from when we should have had a contract and a raise.


  1. Excellent questions that the leadership will avoid answering because it will reveal that they can't handle the truth.


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