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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Will (Clueless) Dems Win Virginia - Daily Howler

The fact that it's close is a sign of the zombified state of the liberal world.  ---- They think they are “woke.” They are, in fact, in a political coma..... Instead of learning how to talk to the public, we focus on our grandest dream—after we lose to Them at the polls, we'll try to get their winning candidates arrested and thrown into jail!.....They can’t seem to grasp the nettle of left-populism....  Daily Howler
Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PDT

Andrew Sullivan dissects the ongoing disaster: Will Democrats win in Virginia next week? We have no way of knowing.

The fact that it's close is a sign of the zombified state of the liberal world. At New York magazine, Sully delivers the mail:
SULLIVAN (11/3/17): This is not a good omen. If Gillespie wins, or the result is close, it means the Trump-transformed GOP is electorally viable in every swing district in 2018. That it could win in the state where actual white supremacists marched this past summer and when the president is 20 points underwater is a sobering reminder of the actual state of play in our politics. I can only hope it’s a wake-up call to the Dems. In 2017, they are either useless or actively counterproductive in the struggle to resist right-authoritarianism. They have learned nothing from 2016. Their intelligentsia seems determined to ensure that no midwestern whites ever vote for the party again. Their public faces are still Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. They still believe that something other than electoral politics—the courts, the press, the special counsel—will propel them back to power. They can’t seem to grasp the nettle of left-populism. And they remain obsessed with a Russia scandal that most swing voters don’t give a damn about.

They think they are “woke.” They are, in fact, in a political coma.
"Their intelligentsia seems determined to ensure that no midwestern whites ever vote for the party again?" Except for the lack of scare quotes around the word "intelligentsia," we'd say that's sad but true.

We were especially struck by Sullivan's reference to our dream for help from "the courts, the press, the special counsel." Increasingly, we liberals seem to have decided that we can never win a debate, or perhaps an election, thanks to the vile attitudes of all the bad people Out There.

Instead of learning how to talk to the public, we focus on our grandest dream—after we lose to Them at the polls, we'll try to get their winning candidates arrested and thrown into jail! It's nauseating to watch the Frankens, Leahys and Blumenthals chasing along, night after night, in pursuit of this losers' approach.

After we lose, we'll get them locked up! To our ear, Rachel Maddow has been broadcasting this sensibility for years. It's all about locking them up! Also, have you had a chance to listen to Governor Bentley's sex tape? (She'll mug and clown for us as we listen.)

The liberal world's "intelligentsia" is about as lacking in intelligence as it can possibly get. It's stunning to think that Virginia is close. That said, our team always knows the explanation:

The world is full of very bad people Out There. It makes us think of what Harrison Ford is told by Kelly McGillis' father-in-law at the end of Witness, as he prepares to leave his refuge in Amish country and return to the profane wider world:

"You be careful out there among them English."

It's the last line in the film.

That's the way we liberals are at this point. We're locked inside our tiny world, warning ourselves, day and night, about them English out there.

Maybe Rachel can bring Ana back to tell us more dick jokes about Them!


  1. Err...the answer is no. The times they are a changin. Conservatism is the new counterculture.

  2. As bad as the Republicans are, they did not run a crooked presidential nomination process. And the populace knows it. . Poor Bernie, he strongly suspected the fix was in, now he knows this was the case. No way the Democrat brand is a good one at this point, Virginia and otherwise.
    Ralph Northam's ad has to be the worse example of Democratic race baiting ever to hit the airways (and that is saying something). Embarrassing to all self-respecting Dems. No wonder 2020 will be in play.


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