Ed Notes Extended

Monday, November 5, 2018

UPDATED: STUDENTS ORGANIZE WALKOUT at Secondary School of Journalism - Complain About AI Principal Livingstone Hilaire

I'm updating this post with info from Leonie Haimson. Also see her comment in the comment section.
Students’ personal data is being collected by CZI/Mark Zuckerberg and being shared with up to 18 other companies.  Many parents & students throughout country have rebelled.
See the recent NY Mag article here:

I don't have the details on what is behind this walkout at this point. I saw something where the students at a school for supposed journalism are complaining about the curriculum. If you have info leave a comment but be patient as I have moderation on.

Part of 15K463 SSJ walkout on 5th November 2018 - despite the Superintendent Janice Ross trying to talk the students out of it.

One of IA Principal Livingstone Hilaire’s cronies who is also a former IA Principal in our school is preaching to the students what the students typed up.

Superintendent Janice Ross is on site at the moment - she was sent by Executive Superintendent Karen Watts to stop the walk out.


  1. Parents and students throughout the country have rebelled vs the Summit system b/c the students start to hate school, fall behind and become disengaged from their learning having to stare at computer screens for many hours per day. Moreover, all their personal data is being scooped up by Mark Zuckerberg via his CZI LLC. See the recent NY Mag article or the many blog posts I've written about Summit -including https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/08/30/parents-cite-student-privacy-concerns-with-popular-online-education-platform/?utm_term=.991a38a334ee and https://www.studentprivacymatters.org/parents-rebel-against-summitfacebookchan-zuckerberg-online-learning-platform/ and https://www.studentprivacymatters.org/update-on-summit-schools-including-my-visit-to-a-summit-charter-school/ and https://www.studentprivacymatters.org/zuckerberg-and-the-parent-pushback-vs-summit-schools-inbloom-reprised/ and https://www.studentprivacymatters.org/serious-privacy-concerns-with-new-summitfacebook-platform-used-in-100-schools-across-the-nation/

  2. Students or teachers at this school - pl get in touch w/ me at leoniehaimson at gmail dot com; thanks!

  3. Very interesting. I first met Livingstone when he was the principal at what is now Harvest Collegiate on 14th street. I can not remember the old name of the school but he ran it into the ground and they closed it and changed the name. The parent coordinator there would enter classrooms during class time and yell at teachers. Kids basically did whatever they wanted. He is a very nice and funny person but a horrible principal. He asked me to stay and help fix the school, I declined. I later was assigned to Bread and Roses and they had a principal who put his hands on a student and Hilaire was brought in until a permanent replaced could be recruited by a non-profit involved in the school. He was horrible and spent his time in the office while the school was completely out of control. AP Ali would go around yelling, screaming and cursing at the students and apologize to the student body for his behavior. It was on the chopping block and since has be closed, renamed and the like. Dwyane Clark came in for a staff meeting one time around Christmas and listened to Hilaire stand up routine and everyone laughed their asses off and then we went on break. Came back to a completely dysfunctional learning and teaching environment. That is when I saw how complicit the UFT is/was in dealing with abusive and incompetent school leadership that directly affected their members. While on my ATR tour, I ran across Hilarie consulting principals at Unity HS in the old Norman Thomas, said hi, a little small talk and then he disappeared. I wanted to ask him his secret on staying in the DOE even after all his missteps. Still up to no good.

  4. Time to rip the mask off this type of miseducation and its deployment in schools less likely to have parents who will complain. Three cheers to these students who broke through the adults barring them from expressing frustration with their own education!!


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