Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Class Size Matters/KidsPac Parent Action conference on Saturday Mar. 9

Come spend the day with fellow parent activists, hear from state legislators, and help create an Action Agenda to improve our schools!

About this Event

Co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, NYC Kids PAC and Community Education Council District 2, this year's Parent Action Conference will feature:
  • A panel of State legislators who will answer parents' questions and respond to our concerns
Workshops on the following topics:
  • Special education (a session in English and another in Spanish)
  • High-stakes testing
  • Charter schools and the need for more accountability
  • Class size and school overcrowding
  • School integration
  • Student privacy
  • Civic engagement and how to run for office.
  • In the afternoon, we will show the documentary Tested that follows NYC public middle school students as they try to get into a specialized high school.

Together, let's create an Education Action Agenda for 2019!
When you reserve your ticket, a suggested donation of $10 will help us cover the costs of lunch and the film, but you can contribute any amount. If you'd like a free ticket, please email us at info@classsizematters.org

Reminder - our Parent Action Conference co-sponsored with NYC Kids PAC will occur this Saturday, March 9 starting at 9 AM; here is more info and where you can reserve your seat. Great workshops, a delicious lunch and a movie in the afternoon. What could be better?

In the morning we will be presenting our ambitious state agenda to a panel of legislators. Come and ask questions, provide input and hear what they have to say on issues ranging from mayoral control and charter schools, to testing and class size.   We will also let you know about how you can help us get this agenda passed.

Hope to see you there, Leonie 
Kids Pac
Please remember to sign up for our Annual Parent Action Conference this Saturday, March 9, where you'll be able to hear from a panel of state legislators on Mayoral control, school funding, charters, testing, and class size, and you can let them know how you feel about these hot-button issues and more.
This morning panel will be followed by workshops on many important topics, plus we will be providing a delicious lunch and a film screening in the afternoon. Sign up today so we can be sure there's enough food for all.
Please share this message with other parents and colleagues.
Hope you and your kids are enjoying this (mostly snowless) Snow day; and see you all on Saturday!

Naila, Isaac, Fatima, Celia, Leonie, Eduardo, Margaret, Andy, Brooke, Karen, Shino and Tesa
I'll be there taping.

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