Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Peter Greene: What To Watch For At The Democratic Education Town Hall In Pittsburgh

They are largely pro-public education; at least one pro-charter ed reform group (the Center for Education Reform) has put out an e-mail call to mount a protest at the event.... Peter Greene, Forbes 
Let's see the astroturfers from the slimeballs at the CER protest this event and I bet the press will give them as much space as all the other groups who oppose charters combined.

I was offered a ticket for this event but am not able to go. Arthur will be there but so will a thousand others. Charters are the big issue and we want to see them hammered into oblivion.

Here Peter Greene gives us a scorecard on the candidates. There will be live streaming and Peter will be tweeting: Peter Greene @palan57.
What To Watch For At The Democratic Education Town Hall In Pittsburgh 



  1. The Democratic party is latterly characterized by utopians who promise everything to everybody all of the time. Their Uk counterpart just got hammered in the UK in the biggest conservative vote since the 1930s. The working class of the UK rejected the Labor party, and punted on nation state democracy, and a rejection of non elected Brussels bureaucracy. It is quite a feat to alienate the working class so thoroughly that they vote on masse for their traditional enemies in the Tory party. Unrestricted immigration pushed down wages and made houses and rents unaffordable. Budgets forged by central bankers in Brussels were forced down peoples throats. Accompanying this betrayal of sovereignty were the malicious and vested globalist press who called dissenters racists and 'Little Englanders.' The press and globalists have been outed as the enemies of the working people. The day before the election the lying media were calling the election a close race. Accompanying all this was a stultifying PC war that constructed a post modernist anti traditionalist narrative. People were slandered and marginalised for expressing anti 'statist' views. This result is possibly a precursor of what will happen in the 2020 election. When labor and the democrats turn their backs on working people they look elsewhere for representation. Margaret Greenwood held her Labor seat in working class Liverpool. Her take: 'Boris Johnson is in number 10 courtesy of Jeremy Corbyn.' Sums it up nicely.

  2. PS

    Champagne socialists have forgotten,or never knew, that the true working class are essentially conservative.

  3. London and the UK was treated to the sanctimonious arrogance of leftist thugs who couldn't handle the result of the election. This is the crowd who endlessly talk about inclusion and respect. This is the crowd who call you homophobic if you disagree with their worldview (which they are entitled to0 This is the crowd that demonstrate and riot at colleges to stop speakers they disagree with from speaking. The y are violent and intolerent, and certainly do not believe in or respect democracy. They are the true fascists.

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