Ed Notes Extended

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sign the Petition In Support of Full Remote-Learning to Begin the 2020 School Year

Already 3500 have signed in less than a day. Push it higher. A NYC teacher sent this:
Hey Norm! My colleague and I wrote this petition to ask to begin the school year as full remote learning here in NYC. We believe if we can get enough people to sign this, show support and get this moving, we will be able to influence the current dangerous trajectory that our city may be placed on. I am not sure where you all stand on the issue, but I hope you will at least read it and consider signing and sharing with your followers if you agree. If you have specific concerns that I can answer or talk out with you, please do tell me and we can discuss. You are able to sign anonymously, but more names = more legitimacy. Please share this with any teachers, parents, students, or community members you believe might support the issue. Thank you so much!

 Coming soon: A national day of action by teachers and supporters.


  1. Not everyone in America is a millionaire like the paid propagandists on main stream media. People have to go back to work. Without opening schools that is impossible. The ponzi money runs out soon, then America will start to see the real cost of what has happened.

  2. Anonymous says . . . "Not everyone in America is a millionaire like the paid propagandists on main stream media. People have to go back to work. Without opening schools that is impossible. The ponzi money runs out soon, then America will start to see the real cost of what has happened."

    Do people routinely quit work during the summer when the kids are off from school? No. And if this isn't true before, then what's wrong with continuing to do with your offspring what you did with them during July?

    Being in a room with 30 kids is not the same as being with 6 coworkers in a kitchen, or side by side at a meat plant, it's worse! And we know it now. So if we were so concerned about the children we closed the schools back in March, what's made things any safer to justify reopening them now?


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