Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

UFT DA- The Numbers Don't Lie - Truth about our Delegate Assembly, Mulgrew Filibuster (and the mistruth UFC is “wasting time”)

With every blatant lie, the Unity Caucus machine wins votes for United For Change. They dare to try to blame the lack of business getting done at the DA on the few minutes taken up be points of order or parliamentary procedure which are attempts to open up the floor for debates, discussions and resolutions. So people have begun to track the actual time stamps for the DA to prove that Mulgrew and his Unity Caucus cohorts take up almost all the time -- even pre-planning questions and planted resolutions -- insiders tell us that Mulgrew actually holds practice sessions with people assigned seats and even a seating chart. 

Watch Unity attack UFC for speaking at all.

Here is a report from the UFC media team.

The numbers don’t lie. The Mulgrew filibuster is solely responsible for obstructing the deliberative and legislative business of the Delegate Assembly. 
The March DA is not exception. 
The numbers and data don’t lie. See the charts below. 
The time is being monopolized by the chair, Mulgrew and Unity - mostly for reports. In December, he took 80% of the DA time, while Unity consumed 95% of the total time with ZERO resolutions passed. 
Since December 2020, the DA has only averaged 1.5 resolutions passed, per month, almost all being political endorsements and symbolic resolutions. 

They claim to do the work … but the work seems to be the talking points 52 Broadway wants to deliver to us… not the rank and file organizing from the bottom up or bringing their ideas to the table and arena ideas. 
At the last DA, Mulgrew and Unity literally ran out the clock for an automatic 6 pm adjournment despite calls to extend the time so business and motions could be considered by the United For Change partner delegates. 
We must #FreeTheDelgateAssembly. Check out this spreadsheet for a minute by minute account of the March DA:



  1. Please share this on the teacher Facebook groups. This needs to get out!

    1. Sometimes I get rejected. Any sharing on your part would be appreciated.

  2. The moderators on the biggest NYC teacher Facebook group are Unity.


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