Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Register for TONIGHT (Apr. 14, 2022) 7PM Screening of our movie - "The Inconvenient Truth about Waiting For Superman" followed by a panel discussion - I'm on the panel

One of the highlights of my activist career was being part of the team that made this movie.
A reprise of the Grassroots Education Movement film so many of us worked on ten years ago, much of the material still relevant.
There is panel to discuss the film afterward hosted by Sam Anderson (who had so many great insights in the film) with Sam Coleman, Khem Irnby, Jose Alfaro and myself.

Watch this 7 PM screening of "The Inconvenient Truth about Waiting For Superman" followed by a panel discussion including educators and parents who are shown in the documentary and Q & A.


  1. So, Gloria isn't a Communist? Running for vp. Comment on that. You guys are ducking it.

  2. I’d say socialist as was Shanker. More varieties than covid. Certainly not a Stalinist like you make everyone out to be. In your world Biden is a socialist.

  3. If the UfC slate wins, that means all the current officers, with all their on the job experience, get replaced by people with zero experience. Every officer of the UFT went through a long apprenticeship, first working PM staff at the local borough office. Then, they became lower level full time staff. Then, after years of learning and establishing relationships with DoE counterparts, they were elected officers. If you vote UfC, you are replacing these seasoned officers with teachers who have no experience at the UFT. Let’s take an example. Debra Penny is the Treasurer. She worked as a teacher for 32 years, then as a PM staffer in pension at the Staten Island office, then full time as an Ed liaison, then as a Special Rep, then a borough rep of Staten Island. Only then did she become a trustee of the pension, where she was mentored by Mel Aronson. After all these decades of experience, she became our treasurer. Do you think it is wise to replace her with Luli Rodriguez, a very fine person and great teacher who has absolutely no experience in pension matters? When you call Debra Penny you are speaking to 40 years of experience. Luli will have none. How can she possibly answer your questions or advocate effectively for your pension priorities? How will she know what to do as Treasurer? Vote UNITY slate. Preserve hundreds of years of collective expertise.

    1. A compete load of horseshit. Penney just elected. Dist reps elections. I can think of many people who gave proven themselves in unity. But such fear for those jobs. Hey you all did so well, the classroom should be fun again.

  4. When you vote UfC, you are throwing away hundreds of years of collective experience at the UFT. Let’s take Mike Sill. He is the asst treasurer, but more than that, he runs the personnel department. Mike has a decade of experience learning the Byzantine rules of the DoE. If you have a problem with just about any aspect of your job from licensing to assignment to payroll, you name it, Mike is the guy you want to talk to. He knows all the players who pull the levers at the DoE. Are you going to replace him with Sally Beane White? She’s a great person and a fine teacher. But she has zero experience running a UFT department and will take years to develop the kind of expertise Mike has today. What sort of apprenticeship has Sally experienced? Who does she know? Even if she is quite brilliant, and I have no doubt she is very talented, it takes years to learn this stuff. Vote UNITY. Vote for expertise and experience.

    1. Boy Mike Sill has been such a find. Give us a break. If Mike is so good UFC just might hire him. Unless he was so anxious to go back to the teaching he missed -- LOL.
      I'd take 20 years of classroom management over the years of bureucrat. I bet the pwper shredders are ready to operate the minute there is danger of losing. and I also think Unity will pull a Trump Jan. 6 and refuse to leave office on July1 while going to court to protest the election. Too much as stake for them.

  5. If you vote UfC, that means replacing all the officers, not just Mulgrew. Do you think that you can simply walk into 52 Broadway and take over an officer’s job with absolutely no training and no apprenticeship? Do you think Leroy Barr came to the UFT two decades ago with all the talent he has today, as a speaker, organizer, problem solver? If UfC slate wins, Leroy gets replaced with Annie Tan, a very talented and intelligent teacher who has zero experience in being the Secretary of the UFT. When a member has a serious problem, one that simply defies resolution, the case goes to Leroy Barr. He knows everyone at the DoE. He has the knowledge of the system that comes from decades as chapter leader, PM staffer, Special Rep, director of staff and now Secretary. If you have that impossible problem, do you want to talk to Leroy Barr or Annie Tan? Vote UNITY.

    1. Absolutely. They did it in chicago and LA and i have supreme confidence wecan do a better job.
      And you get democracy too. Every secretary i speak to on my route feels betrayed.

  6. Don't worry Norm. There will be no need for January 6th or paper shredders. It's gonna be Deja Vu all over again. UNITY in a landslide. Figure 75%. Then, the hurtin' is gonna be bad. You guys really think you're gonna win.

    1. If you think landslide why even bring up replacing Mike Sill or Leroy if you know it won't happen? It's the first time I've seen that arguement made and back door comments from Unity people asking if some would be kept on. I used to say no way we win. Now I give it some odds -- maybe very long but first time even a slim chance. But you seem so worried. Take it easy and have as much fun as we are having.


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