Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, March 4, 2023

UPDATED - UFT Retirees Make Your Voices Heard as MulgrewCare Moves forward at Retiree Chapter Meeting - Live or Remote on Monday Mar 6 at 1 PM at 52 Broadway

On Thurs, March 9 there will be an EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION. The Municipal Labor Committee (MLC) and the Mayor are on the verge of taking away our excellent public Medicare and forcing us into a life-threatening for-profit Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. The MLC is voting on March 9th.


You must register in advance. 7000 have already done so.

Join us as Retiree Advocate challenges the upcoming move to the Aetna plan at UFT Retired Teachers Chapter Meeting this Monday, March 6th at 1pm at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway. It will be hybrid so you can attend via Zoom if you can’t go in person. Michael Mulgrew will be making a presentation about the NEW Contract just received from Aetna for the privatized Medicare Advantage Plan he wants to throw us all into! We all must be there to ask questions and make our voices heard loudly. RA reps will be outside with a leaflet and sign-up sheet beginning at 12 Noon.

You must Register on the UFT Website:Register Here

And sign up with RA so we can send you more info. Click here and let us know you're coming


The Blogs have been active: 

MULGREW NEEDS TO PLAY GAMES TO EXTEND VOTE TO GET MULGREWCARE THROUGH MLC STEERING - We got word from inside the Municipal Labor Committee meeting yesterday that there was a vote of the MLC Steering Committee after the regular meeting.

Jonathan Halabi - JD2718 - We heard you loud and clear

Mulgrew wrote to retirees today about the Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan. Or Mulgrew and Tom Murphy did. Or someone did, and put Murphy and Mulgrew’s names on top.*

Arthur Goldstein:  Mike Mulgrew Writes a Letter to Retirees

 An Overview

It has been a long road of intense, hard-fought negotiations. This is largely due to you goddamn retirees dragging our asses to court all the time. Well, we're gonna steamroll right over you, because we know what's best for your health.  



  1. I'm a retired teacher. It's not just the betrayal by our union, the mayor & the MLC, it's the bold statement attributed to Mulgrew that they're going to steamroll over the retirees, because they know what's best for our healthcare! Mulgrew must pay a price when he's up for re-election, even if he fails. The same goes for Adams, as he is selling out every current City worker, not just retirees. There needs to be consequences for this betrayal by all parties. I have options, because I am a former Federal Postal worker. The city insurance is inferior to the Fed, as I can keep my Medicare & still have a secondary Aetna insurance, but I will lose rthe Medicare reimbursement. Under the Fed, if I die, my wife is still covered by my secondary insurance -not so with city coverage - your spouse will need Cobra! I hope we can still fight this in the courts again & sabotage their steamroller ambitions. Workers & Retirees MUST unite - City workers your Healthcare is being eroded for the future & they'll be coming for whatever you think you have!

  2. Here's what we can do we can request an order like they did on the SBA and found out they were doing all kinds of things with the money that they weren't allowed to do I'm sure that's going on teaches Union there's no doubt in my mind that they just do whatever they want with the money they get each year everybody needs to write to the controls office requesting that in order to be conducted of the money that he stole from the health benefits fund


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