Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Marianne Pizzitola Homework: A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up!

Happy New Year

A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up! They are planning for their next election! 


They are holding a meeting Sunday, January 5th at 7 pm!  CLICK HERE


Dear Fellow Retirees & Retirees in Training,

We hope you had a great holiday weekend!   New Years is this week, and our FB page is still closed, BUT!   You have missions to complete!  Our page reopens on January 2nd. 


We started a new homework series.  There are three assignments below.   More to come! Next week. 


Please remember we two cases running concurrently, the Copay Case known as Bianculli vs City of NY and the Nuclear Option case known as Bentkowski.   Both are working their way through the court, and there are no scheduled court dates yet.  The Bentkowski case is set to be scheduled come May.  SO our legal team is preparing our briefs. 


This new year, we are thankful we were not forced into Medicare Advantage and we did not have to pay copays for the last 2 years!  Don't let anyone tell you, you can't fight City Hall! 





Send this email to City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and her staff, CM Lynn Schulman, CM Crystal Hudson, CM Carmen De La Rosa, Henry Garrido, Michael Mulgrew and Harry Nespoli. 


Its time to tell them to get out of our pockets!   CLICK HERE




HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 2 - but only if you are an educator (UFT) 

A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up! They are planning for their next election! 


They are holding a meeting Sunday, January 5th at 7 pm!  CLICK HERE




Send this email to Lynne/UFT!  CLICK HERE 

If UFT Unity now believes in protecting Traditional Medicare are they going to support our efforts? Inquiring minds want to know.



Our Campaign site is updated!   

We are starting to add candidates who commit to helping retirees!  As more reach out to us or agree to meet and support our issues, we will add them.


We expose what the unions knew and how much the negotiated away and never told you. We bring receipts! If you want to see the documents, the link is in the description of the YouTube video.
A Conversation With Jim Walden, Candidate for Mayor

Fundraising for candidates end January 12th to qualify for 8x matching funds.  If you live in the 5 boros, you $10 donation= $80! To donate to Jim for Mayor click here. Those outside the 5 boros, your donation does not multiply.  


We will have our Friday Night update this week at 7:30 pm and of course join me on the radio Friday 7 AM. Listen LiVE HERE


This email was sent to pdob...@aol.com. Click here to unsubscribe.


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