Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, October 12, 2008

ATR Urgent Campaign: Gather Outside the UFT Delegate Assembly

Update from the ATR ad hoc committee
If you are an ATR or know of any or if you want to support ATRs please circulate their petition around your school and post their fact sheet. Also urge your delegate and chapter leader to support their motion at the Delegate Assembly. Every teacher is potentially an ATR. The DOE can manipulate just about any school into being closed by packing it with kids and withholding resources.

On Wednesday, October 15, we will gather outside the UFT Delegate Assembly, starting at 3:30, 52 Broadway. Please join us outside and stay for the D.A. if you can. We'll be there with press packets, petitions, fact sheets -- we need to get out the ATRs real story.

We're calling on the UFT to hold a rally in front of the Department of Education and demand all ATRs who want positions be placed before any new teachers are hired. We also need to advocate for teaching fellows who have been told they will be "terminated" if they are not placed in positions by December.

Here's the update:

We're starting to push back against the slanderous ATR teacher-bashing in the media, as well as the wall of silence from the UFT on the "invisible" ATRS. It looks like several reporters are working on stories for the NY media. And after months of near-silence, the New York Teacher finally has a two-page spread on ATRs, including personal accounts from the teachers themselves.

Petitions are coming in from many schools--both the big high schools, and also, importantly, from some of the new "small schools". This is important because we need unity between us union-savvy veteran teachers and the newer teachers whom the DOE has tried to separate out in the small schools.

Some teachers will also present the petitions at the UFT Exec Board meeting on Tuesday October14, 6 pm, at 52 Broadway. Come if you can!

There's still time to petition at your school.

Here is the petition, the motion that will be presented at the D.A., and a fact sheet entitled "Not the NY Post -- The Real Facts about the ATRs."

----Marjorie Stamberg, ATR Ad hoc committee

View pdfs
The Real Facts About ATRs

Petition to UFT: Let ATRs Teach

ATR Motion for Delegate Assembly

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ICE, for hearing our cries. The UFT turned a deaf ear on to us ATR's. The only reason why their moving their ass is because they see that a lots of ART's have come over to ICE for help, because they weren't getting any from Randi, and her District Reps, like Charle Turner. She realized that she and her unity memebers might lose votes in the next election to ice. Randi is very smart, she always thinks ahead for her own well being. Just like Mayor Bloomberg. That we they get along so well. Of course she well never go against the mayor on term limits. Randi hats the word term limits, beacause that would mean that she and her distict Reps., would have to step down from UFT and AFT offices! Can't have that! It great to be King or Queen. Long live the King. It unbelieveable how she can hold office in both UFT and AFT! She does not want to give up the power. And that is what she is all about power. And who has more power than her best friend Mayor Bloomberg. So thank you so much ICE for hearing our cries and helping us out. We will certainly not forget you in the next UFT election, if were still around to vote!


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