Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Michelle (Take no prisoners) Rhee Swings the Ax

Michelle Rhee appoints a principal over parent objections in July. Then fires her on October. There's stability for you. It seems the principal fought for resources for the students and parents. Fighting for kids? A no-no in Rheeland.

For more on Ed in DC read union Exec Bd member Candi Peterson's blog The Washington Teacher. In the DC teachers union, an exec bd member can actually disagree with the leadership. Unike the Unity monolith here in NYC.

Update: - http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/1008/561119.html

Posted by Leonie Haimson:

Michelle (Take no prisoners) Rhee swings the ax – and removes a principal that she had just hired in July. It’s beginning to sound in DC like the last stages of the French Revolution.


As is customary with personnel matters, Rhee did not explain her reason for the abrupt move, which sparked a torrent of e-mails and phone calls to The Wire from angry parents.

BenZion was not the first choice of a school community panel that screened principal candidates this summer. But Rhee chose her nonetheless.

"Dr. BenZion took her job seriously and believed it was her job to advocate for the resources we needed, said PTA president Earl Yates. "You have to speculate there was some head-banging."

BenZion did not respond to an e-mail request for comment. In a message she sent to the Shepherd listserv, Friday afternoon, she said:

My Dear Parents,

You have heard by now, that the Shepherd school community has lost its principal today.
According to the Chancellor I am not the right fit to this community and it is best for the children that I am replaced.

I feel as if the flower has just began to bloom and was just stepped on. It has been a privilege to get to know each of you.


  1. There is a trend across this nation in our inner cities of disrespect for educators, and for the voice of parents to decide what is best for their children.
    We need a national movement to stand up to this injustice, but people are so financially stressed nowadays that they can only save themselves.
    Maybe if things get bad enough, they will have no choice but to band together under the same cause: "JUSTICE FOR OUR EDUCATORS AND OUR CHILDREN"..

  2. For more on this story, see the story aired by ABC local news on Monday Oct 13 at 5:30 pm



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