Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where is our new leader in the AFT in defending teachers in the nation's capital?

My response to Michael's question is: Weingarten is busy helping Bloomberg/Klein continue running NYC schools for another 4 years.

Michael Fiorillo comments on Rhee in DC on ICE-mail:

One of the things that's remarkable about the whole Rhee/DC situation is the failure of the union to call her out on her presumtuousness and statements that cannot be backed up by her beloved "data." The woman had a cup of coffee in the classroom ten year or so years ago, and claims that her students made tremendous strides. However, she is unable to document any of this, claiming that the "data" is unavailable. [See Daily Howler excerpt below.]

Additionally, the DC local, with help from the AFT should be demonstrating every day in front of the Washington Post. The Post, agitating so militantly for the de-professionalization of teaching, is also the owner of Kaplan, which along with other test prep factories, stands to gain from the corporate education regime. Kaplan is currently the largest single source of profit for the Washington Post Corporation.

Where is our new leader in the AFT in defending teachers in the nation's capital?

Michael Fiorillo

The Daily Howler (excerpt July 11, 2007 - Read full piece and also do a search for more on Rhee on his blog.) I heard Rhee claim she raised scores from the 15% to somewhere in the 85% in one year.

Note: Howler Bob Somerby taught in the Baltimore schools for many years so he brings a teacher perspective to the issues.

For years, Rhee has been telling a pleasing story. She performed an educational miracle at Harlem Park—and she “earned acclaim” in the national media for this brilliant success. Our reaction? Speaking frankly, her claim about test scores is so extreme that we would regard it as suspect on its face. Now, there also seem to be a question about the “acclaim” which she says she earned. But once again, the big problem here is the Narrative of the Miracle Cure—the pleasing tale that routinely takes the place of serious talk about low-income schools.

Let’s get serious for a minute; if you know much about standardized test scores, Rhee’s claim about those miracle scores should invite healthy skepticism. It’s amazing that DC’s city council—and Washington’s newspapers—have allowed that claim to stand without evidence. But let’s just say it: That’s what happens, quite routinely, when the interests of black kids are at stake.

One last time, we’ll restate our view. The Washington Post and the Washington Times should insist on getting those musty old test scores. (They only date back to 1995, for God’s sake.) We know, we know—it’s only black kids! It’s much more pleasing to tell cheerful tales—and let the data sleep with the fishes.


  1. I would like Rhee to give me just one name of her class that improved so much. Whatever she claims is BS.

  2. Seems like the new leader of the AFT might have to come up with something other than triangulation to ward off mad dog DC Rhee!

    A third term for Bloomberg will shortly bring matters to a similar head in NYC. ATR's will be shown the door, contract or no contract, and declining tax revenues will provide the rationale. Chicago has been bleeding for over a decade already. What has the AFT done to sound the call for solidarity? Quite the opposite, the leadership has had a seat at the table for the execution!

    Our own oligarchs, with their empire in decline and their profit bubble burst see weakness on the home front and will grab everything that they can right out of your pocket and off your dinner table. As the great education philanthropist Bill Gates says, "Life's not fair, get used to it"

    Ever hear of PATCO? The Air Traffic Controllers supported Reagan's election , good little patriotic white bread conservatives and then whammo! Very dangerous for the rank and file to mistake foes for friends. AFT has been doing it for decades.

    All these neo liberal and neo conservative triangulating leaders of the AFT with obedient "educators" in tow walking into the sea, only most of the followers, unlike their leaders, have no life jackets or boats! So much for a college education and all those ed credits that seem to make educators even more stupid than the average citizens when it comes to identifying self interest. I recall that working class stiffs with no college managed to, at one point in a bygone era, to define their interests in Solidarity , An Injury to One is An Injury to All. They beat back the bloodsuckers, organized unions, defeated facism and pushed the oligarchy onto the defensive. But I guess that is just talk and as I was informed recently "talk is cheap". Well lets be grateful that it is cheap and do more of it, not idle chatter or mean spirited anonymous posts but as comunication for a purpose, to clarify our position and plan for the common defense.



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