Ed Notes Extended

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rtc meeting notes: Murphy Runs, Mulgrew Misinformation

I've been pretty lazy and am way behind in blogging. It's been over a week since I posted on the Retiree Chapter meeting. I finished my video duties at Rockaway Theatre at the Saturday night (April 20) and Sunday matinee of Urinetown and attended the cast party which ran into the evening with the actors, despite a grueling 12 shows over 3 weekends, had more than enough energy to perform late in the evening. With 27 people coming for Passover the next evening I had to get home. Luckily, I did most of my chores already, so had time Monday morning to work with the set construction crew to take down the set. Amazingly, we had an empty stage by 10:30 and we began to build the new set for Cat on the Hot Tin Roof.

Passover went pretty well - we had one and two and 4 and 9 year olds - and one old 79 year old -  until there was a political explosion as we were eating the Festive Meal, which suddenly wasn't so festive. I won't go any further. 
Sunday (yesterday) morning I took an acting class at the Rockaway Theatre Company which was loaded with great actors - and me - maybe I will get insights into the poor acting of our UFT leadership.

Monday April 29, 2024
It's almost May -- the older I get the faster time passes. Coming soon: Labor Day.
On the morning of the Retiree chapter meeting (Apr 16, I posited: Expect The Usual Fiasco. I followed with a review of the non-Mulgrew part of the meeting: Retiree Advocate (RA) Shows Some Muscle at UFT Retiree Meeting: Mulgrew, Tier 6, Paras and Happy Retirees.
And don't miss: Friday Night Video Update - Marianne interviews RA Candidates Fischer, Brandman, Greenberg. Very impressive people running for RTC Officers and Exec Bd. People have commented on how sensible they seem, a relief to some who expect people in the opposition to be calling for radical changes. If you call running a democratic chapter radical.

I squirmed during Mulgrew's usual MedAdv bullshit at the April 16 RTC meeting. The distortions, misinformation and outright lies made me want to be uncivil and I called out a few times. What I want is a few minutes of rebuttal time, not being forced by Unity catcalls to "ask my question."
Mulgew is selling his Aetna plan as the best MedAdv plan in history because it is unique and even asks how we can oppose it if it doesn't exist? With even the NYT constantly taking down MedAdv as a scam, Mulgrew is telling us his genius had found a magic bullet. 
More like magical thinking.
And don't forget that the city currently covers us for 20% with Medicare 80% and Mulgrew wants to make us 100% dependent on city coverage. How they save money going from 20 to 100 percent is still a mystery.
RTC Ch Ch and "independent thinker" Tom Murphy did go out of his way to give our CL candidate Bennett Fischer the first question to Mulgrew about why he can't see the light and consider withdrawing from the MEDADV follies. (20 years ago Murphy accused Ed Notes of being antisemitic for a cartoon about Randi -- I asked what is antisemitic about it and he said "her nose." Clearly, Murphy is an independent thinker to come up with that one.

Mulgrew was ready with his infuriating stock response: Health care costs are rising and our current system is unsustainable. 
Which is actually bullshit. Costs have slowed down, especially since Obamacare. Marianne is posting a series of these videos taking down Mulgrew's stock presentation one at a time.  
First, a short video punching holes in the Mulgrew rising cost claims, which he also made at a meeting in Florida.

And this lie:

Mulgrew took questions, but how about giving us some time to bust through the outright distortions and misinformation?  
After giving Bennett Fischer first crack at Mulgrew, Tom Murphy called on Unity henchwoman Barbara Waldmann to support Mulgrew with half-truths, misconceptions and lies of omission. (No Unit y catcalls demanding she ask her question). As she bragged about how much protection the magic Aetna plan has on preconditions, I yelled out "How long is the contract?" They responded "5 years", as if that were a victory. I called out (but no one heard) "my contract with Medicare never runs out."

When we have raised the possible Aetna bait and switch after 5 years, Mulgrew shrugs and says we'll bargain hard or find someone else --- they will be lining up I imagine.
Waldmann testified in Jan. 2023 at the City Council where she begged for choice so she could remain in Medicare and keep all her doctors -- for pay of course, which lower paid union members could not afford.  In the Unity push to organize the 7k para retirees I bet they are not talking about their push for a two-tier system where higher pensions get to pay to opt out of Mulgrewcare.
Waldmann pleaded to be allowed to have the choice to remain in Medicare to maintain long-term relationships with physicians, fundamentally arguing to avoid the pitfalls of MulgrewCare.
BARBARA WALDMANN: Hello. My name is Barbara Waldmann. I’m 76 years old. I taught mathematics for 35 years in New York City schools including at Erasmus High School in Brooklyn and Tottenville High School on Staten Island. I retired in 2003. Over the years, I’ve had a number of medical problems... Without a longstanding relationship with my heroic surgeon, I couldn’t have been put on an expedited schedule to undergo all of the tests and scans that I needed to go have complete complex revision surgery. I’m walking proof today that long- term relationships with physicians are critical to successful medical care at this stage in our lives. ... It’s therefore so important that I am able to receive prompt medical care from doctors who have been following my medical history and have successfully treated me for all of these years. I hope you can understand why having choice is so important to me. I need to continue accessing the physicians who have basically saved my life up until this point. Please vote for the change in the Administrative Code so we can maintain to have change in our medical plans. I’d like to live long enough to see my grandkids grow up.
How infuriating to see her get up at the RTC meeting and argue the wonders of Mulgrewcare. Waldmann's misdirections and distortions are what is uncivil.

Can't you see the scam? Aetna "cooperates" for 5 years and then plays hardball. Mulgrew says we will go find someone else if that happens. Imagine going through the angst on a regular basis. But I don't even think it is 5 years on pre-conditions but 2 years. And Mulgew says there is a million dollar penalty to Aetna if they violate. Sure. Chump change.
  • Aetna reported nearly $5.6 billion in adjusted operating income for 2023. Total net income in 2023 was nearly $6 billion, up 1.6%
Aetna can make more money in denials than the fines. Aetna is a profit making company and they make profits by denial of service. Mulgrew says he is forcing them to stop that or face penalties, penalties that are a pittance compared to their profits.

Mulgrew thinks he outsmarted Aetna while we pay the price for his hubris. Can anyone point to Mulgrew outsmarting anyone --- maybe the Unity zombies.
Mulgrew spewed support for more corporation control of healthcare and the undermining of Medicare, while claiming motivation for MedAdv is the growing costs of healthcare, whose costs Medicare controls. Do you see the contradiction? 
This report exposes the background to the attack on Medicare by both political parties. The fact that the UFT/AFT are tied at the hip to the corporate wing of the Dem Party makes the UFT support for privatization of healthcare not surprising. It is not Mulgrew by himself, but the general policy of the UFT/Unity wing of Dem party central. This piece is illuminating:
A rapidly growing Medicare Advantage market — now 52% of Medicare beneficiaries, up from 37% in 2018 — controlled by some of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world, threatens to both drain the trust fund and eliminate Medicare’s most important and controversial component: its ability to set prices. 
It is not an overstatement to call it a heist of historic proportions, endangering the health not only of the more than 65 million seniors and people with disabilities who depend on Medicare but all Americans who benefit from the powerful role that Medicare has historically played in reigning in health care costs. The giant corporations that dominate Medicare Advantage have rigged the system to maximize payments from our government to the point that they are now being overpaid between $88 billion and $140 billion a year. The overpayments could soar to new heights if the insurers get their way and eliminate traditional Medicare.....  Healthcare Uncovered

You see - it is precisely these overpayments Mulgrew is counting on. To me, it is this factor -- the attempt to join with the city and its corporate bought politicians and union leaders -- that ie beyond outrageous. But there is no space in the UFT for the ability to counter the line - maybe in that 10 minute period at the Ex Bd - but I need two hours to counter the lies.
Even if the golden Aetna plan - better than any MeD-DisAdv plan in history - were true -- I'd still reject it on the grounds that our union is helping undermine medicare leading to higher prices and poorer healthcare. Aetna may be looking at 5 years of reduced profits worth it by driving a stake in the heart of Medicare.

Let's understand what Mulgrew is hiding from everyone. Private MedAdv plans make major profits by scamming money out of Medicare which pays for it all, thus undermining the very program that has been able to control prices. So while Mulgrew whines about high prices of healthcare, he promotes a program that creates higher prices due to lobbying efforts by Aetna et al. 
Mulgrew won't tell you that Aetna admin costs are 15% vs Medicare 2% -- and that difference comes out of Medicare. As does the upcoding scams that make people seem sicker than they are to fool MC into paying more to Aetna.

So let's get this clear -- in 5 years Aetna renegotiates -- they take a bit less to make more later. At that point we are out of Medicare and 5 years older (I hope) and sicker (I don't hope) and things break down. Now you have to go back to Medicare for your 80% coverage and find a private plan to take the place of what we used to have in Senior Care. Only 4 states force one of these plans to take you back - NY included but not Florida and 46 other states. 

Below are some Arthur Goldstein article links and his full report on the RTC meeting and the Unity leaflet.

The Tom Murphy/ UFT Unity Campaign

Hubris, Insinuation, Misdirection and Lies

Michael Mulgrew's Health Vision

I'm privatizing your health care, and anyone who disagrees is a conspiracy theorist.


I sat for over an hour, online, at the RTC meeting today. I left at 2:17. So be aware that anything that happened subsequently is not recorded here. My unedited notes are below my commentary.

Mulgrew repeatedly spoke of how wonderful the UFT Welfare Fund is. It sits on almost a billion dollars with which it does not appear to be providing us benefits. Mulgrew said it needs that money for drugs coming up the pike, as they are expensive. He showed no awareness that those of us on Medicare do not receive these benefits, or that we can be on the hook for exorbitant fees as we pay 25% of whatever Big Pharma asks.

Mulgrew said that in fact, we have the best Welfare Fund in the country. If many Americans rely on such funds, and Mulgrew’s statement is true, the country is in really dire straits. I wrote about several experiences I’ve had with the Welfare Fund a few months back, and they absolutely contradict Mulgrew’s claim.

Mulgrew claimed that UFT would protect members in the Advantage plan, just like they do in the Welfare Fund. My experience suggests this means they will not protect us at all. Whenever I’ve had a serious issue with a dentist, the Welfare Fund did absolutely nothing to help me.

Mulgrew repeatedly said it’s not fair to criticize his Advantage scheme, since it doesn’t even exist. However, by that logic, it’s not fair to support it either. Mulgrew wants us to trust him, and the “very smart people” who have been selling off our health care, piece by piece, since 2014. They’ve managed to get very little in return. Two of the last three contracts did not remotely meet cost of living.

As far as I’m concerned, you need to show me you’re smart, not tell me. Also, Mulgrew, who values loyalty over competence, is one of the worst judges of intelligence on God’s green earth. Otherwise, Amy Arundell would still be running Queens UFT. (In fact, her being so obviously and abundantly smarter than Mulgrew likely contributed to her exile.)

Mulgrew said the Welfare Fund never denies a member a drug, and that is a whopper of the worst kind. About 17 years ago I had an oral cancer. Trust me when I tell you it was no fun at all. Radiation had left my mouth drier than the Gobi Desert, and my radiation oncologist prescribed an artificial saliva to relieve this condition. The Welfare Fund did indeed deny me this drug.

How are we to trust you, Mulgrew?

What struck me most, though, was the contrast between the messages of Bosses Murphy and Mulgrew, and that of Political Director Venecia Williams. Mulgrew directly interrupted RTC Chapter Leader candidate Bennett Fischer, and did not wish to let him finish speaking. Yet, when people interrupted Murphy, or the pro-Advantage speaker, they were all about manners.

You’re being rude, they said. Yet Mulgrew clearly stated those of us who wished to preserve our benefits were engaging in conspiracy theories. He implied we were lunatics, but demanded we be respectful. (It’s funny, because Mulgrew was not all that respectful to me when he used my dues money to have lawyers threaten me for parodying him on my old blog. And I’ll bet you dimes to dollars that UFT lawyers blocked my old domain on Blogger too.)

A speaker claimed there were no pre-authorizations on Mulgrew’s Advantage. That’s not true. There are fewer, due to an agreement Mulgrew made to sell this thing, but that agreement sunsets with the contract, and can be renegotiated at any time. Michael Mulgrew’s priority, since 2014, has been giving back money to the city. If he can save Eric Adams a few bucks, I have every expectation he’d sell us out in a Staten Island minute.

Mulgrew gave us neither vote nor voice on his Medicare sellout. It was a change necessary to replenish the Stabilization Fund, evidently, after his boneheaded decision to hand a billion dollars of it, over half, to the city. In exchange he negotiated an awful pattern, with a year and a half of zeroes, and made us wait years for back pay we’d already been due for years. (He further managed to screw anyone who resigned or was fired, by denying them retro pay. Way to build faith in union, Mulgrew.)

And just one more thing about the Stabilization Fund—it has absolutely no relation to those of us on Medicare.

Mulgrew can get up and say his new plan is wonderful, and that we’re a bunch of cranks, or that we are not promised anything. But the fact is a NY State Supreme Court judge declared all of that was untrue. (Is the judge a conspiracy theorist too?) The city is appealing that, and Mulgrew is siding with the city, against membership. There is no vote, he proposes no vote, and he strips us of our voice.

That, evidently, is how Michael Mulgrew envisions union.

So no, Mr. Mulgrew. We are not respectful of you, just as you are not respectful of us. And God help the person who tries your approach to people as a teacher, because no principal will, and few teens will tolerate being treated as you treat us.

In marked contrast, Venecia Williams said we needed to harass politicians on social media to make sure they knew what we wanted and needed. On the one hand, Ms. Williams, that does not seem respectful. On the other, you are 100% correct. No one concedes without a fight.

That’s why we must continue the fight. That’s why next month, we must vote out Murphy. We didn’t need to be lectured like that as children, and we certainly don’t need to be lectured like that now.

There are some great union causes. I believe in reforming Tier 6. I believe in funding schools and smaller class sizes. However, Mulgrew and Murphy are using these issues. Neither of them raised a finger to stop Tier 6 when Cuomo wanted it. And Mulgrew’s Unity Caucus Patronage Cult voted in lockstep against class size resolutions I introduced to Executive Board.

This is their strategy—Look at this. Don’t look at that.

Here is our problem—if we can’t help ourselves, we can’t help anyone else either.

May RTC Chapter Meeting—Unedited notes.

1:02—I’m looking at the agenda on the Zoom meeting for the RTC. I note there is no motion period , again, and there has not been one all year. Clearly union participation is not a goal here. Looks like it will be more marching orders from RTC boss Tom Murphy. As we wait, they play insipid piano music, accompanied by a drum set that sounds remotely like dishes breaking.

The video feed begins at 1:04. Boss Murphy stands at the lectern and again projects the agenda. There appears to be a Q and A with Mulgrew, and “Michael’s gonna be here at 1:15.” Perish forbid the UFT president should be present for an entire meeting. As always, there are gala luncheons, or health care sellout to attend to.

Murphy welcomes us, says meeting is “chock full” with 4,301 registered online and 213 in person. Offers best wishes for Passover, says we are multicultural, with celebrations for various groups. Hopes those observing Passover will enjoy it, though it’s stressful time.

Next month Randi Weingarten will be here, and June 18 will be final meeting until October. Says he will speak of campaigns. Summer of discontent coming. Public discourse has become difficult. We as educators have to be more positive but also have to win. Says our efforts make advancement possible. AFT asks us to send folks to different states around country. Nothing like a NYC organized union member to help elsewhere.

Retiree luncheon May 30 at Hilton. Spring Conference May 18. Great way to celebrate ed. and union. Asks Shelby Young Abrams to talk of paras.

Abrams calls herself newbie. Says she wants to activate paras into “new family.” Says she’s done focus group asking what RTC group could do for paras. Has list that will help “them” to work with “you.” Says we must stand together. Your power is in your voice. May 7 virtual town hall for para issues. June 11 meet and greet with union info for paras. Thanks “you” and Tom for “accepting us,” and says we will fight.

Nina Tribble—election report. Says we’re coming down to home stretch, last day to turn in petition and nominating forms. AAA will take over. Ballots will be mailed out May 10th. Mark and send back ballot immediately.

Murphy brings up Tom Brown, as “we wait for Michael to come down.” 1:16—Being on time not huge priority for Mulgrew.

Brown—Spanish teacher, trustee, and UFT assistant treasurer. Walks off as Mulgrew arrives 1:17.

Murphy very happy to see “Michael” here. He will speak on issues “important to us” and then we will have a chat and questions.

Mulgrew says he’s trying to finish budget. Move forward and never move back. Lots of conversation about Tier 6. Says people no longer staying after five years as they see they must stay until 63. If you have to, it discourages people. Have to fix it.

Has meeting about national races. NY relevant for Congressional races. We lost Congress because of NY, and need big lift to get it back. People take us for granted. Says Congressional races are local and have to be bread and butter for district, as in Suozzi race.

Hopefully budget gets done today and he doesn’t have to stay up late again. Mayor has been taking money out of schools and putting it into reserves. Passed law for class size and mayor acts like it doesn’t exist. We have to make sure DOE money gets to schools. You have to build, create seats and hire staff.

Mayoral control broken, 20 years of evidence, fix it. Bloomberg started it, demanding total control. Educated legislature there can still be control like Austin, Cleveland, RI. Only we have this variety. 


Bennett Fischer—Mulgrew interrupts, says we are one union—running for CL on retiree advocate slate to keep our Medicare. Thank you. Everybody here pays dues, been in union for entire career, lobbies canvasses, still here, and now more than ever, we need a union that is responsive, keeps promises, protects us as we’re retired. For past three years, heard voices against switch to privatized Advantage plan. Public opinion overwhelming. Why are you still pushing for this, why can’t you make a turn,

Mulgrew—Says promise is to get high quality, argues with crowd. Says he can’t answer the question because he wants to yell what he thinks is right and he is wrong. Waiting to hear what court says and we will see what we are going to do. No guarantees on any of this. We have always been a union to take control, largest welfare fund. How do we do something never done before and keep control. No guarantees in any of this. All about how much it costs. Lots of cross talk. Says if we don’t they’ll hurt us. We will only move forward with what we believe is the right thing. Says Aetna is not in control and we have veto power. Future of health care—everyone’s is in jeopardy. Will continue down that path and see what court says. Everyone has right to freedom of speech, will do it respectfully. Says people aren’t listening.

Crowd wants to follow up. Mulgrew says it’s not okay to be rude.

Barbara ?—retired for three years. Would like to clarify. Says there is misinformation about Medicare plan. Says she knows the truth.

Mulgrew—Not okay to be rude. Twice. We have a difference right now. We’re trying to do the right thing. We have to build a huge apparatus inside UFT to preserve everything that we need. I believe that. Mulgrew clearly ignoring crowd.

Barbara—Medicare Advantage plan is not the same. Does not have prior authorizations. Senior Care we have is preferred provider program. Will be local protections if Aetna doesn’t follow through. Difference between Advantage on TV and this.

Crowd asks how long contract is for.

Barbara—Talks about costs. What guarantees do we have that this program will be helpful?

Mulgrew—Was down in Florida. Someone asked questions, did research, found everything said was not true. This plan absolutely different, more of PPO than Advantage plan. No other plan has very few authorizations, you’re causing fear and anxiety. City negotiated plan and we wouldn’t approve it. We did our homework. UFT created own negotiating committee, put all stuff inside no one had ever heard of. Medicare people at Aetna had agreed to things no one was doing, denial of claim automatically comes to us, will run it like our Welfare Fund. Please stop comparing to existing plans. We did our homework, and knew size of plan would give us leverage. Can’t change name, that’s the problem.

Mulgrew speaking about payroll. Everyone will get check in next 6 weeks.

Murphy—asking retirees to lobby for in service colleagues. Please tell us why we should.

Mulgrew—We’re not like other unions. Ask members to help. Years ago we got class size in contract. City tried to charge us triple for parental leave. This is history of union. Other unions don’t do that. Opted into state plan, will pay forever, Have to be smart, proud we always do and see things differently. Sometimes people can’t see it when it’s happening. Can’t just scream no the whole time and blame city. Says other unions have harm and play politics. Easy to be popular and blame someone. Have to do things that are difficult, protect, do what we need to do.

Heard all conspiracy theories, lots of time on people’s hands. Said we would take care of you and get you out of harm’s way. In service not out of harm’s way.

Mulgrew says it’s your meeting, has to be somewhere, will take one more question.

Sarah Shapiro—Welfare Fund, according to tax returns, has huge increase of accumulated assets, yet no increase in dental or optical benefits. Participating dentists haven’t seen increase in 9 years. With WF huge assets, why can’t we get better coverage, what is money being saved for, why not use it for our health care. Has other q but Mulgrew interrupts.

Mulgrew—WF examines new drugs as they come out. Says UFT has never denied a member a drug, (They’ve denied me.) Dental biggest problem in US, have been working on dental package, will get there when we get there, optical went up, hearing aids are out of control. If you overspend as a family, we cover all costs. Not like other Welfare Funds. They are looking at reserve, but looking at new drugs that come out. Many in UFT are pre-diabetic, taking GL1. If doctor says it, we will cover it. Agrees about reserves, has spoken to Welfare Fund, is very proud of it, best on planet.

Murphy—Moving on with our agenda as rude people shout at Michael. Points to people, says they are hurting online. Toxicity out, civility in, as woman shouts she may go blind. Murphy speaks of wonderful new fresh face, ignores angry crowd, shouting about taking old people off of Medicare.

Someone speaks about virtual lobbying, which is clearly not what crowd wants to discuss. People shouting, “We’re members too.”

Venicia Williams, who may or may not have been introduced, speaks about UFT priorities. Says no state agreement so far. Talks about class size agreement. Asks us to do virtual lobbying for education money. Says members harassed elected on social media, and that was effective. Odd contrast with, “Sit down and shut up, you’re crazy” approach taken by Mike Mulgrew. Urges us to do the same. Has social media posting guide so we “aren’t wearing silver bracelets.”

Says they’ll never get it, but it’s our job to press that truth.

Murphy—As things heat up, we have great prime volunteer list. Now we’re going to hear about retiree issues from Tom Brown, chair of TRS board, on pension.

Brown—says we are a happy group of people. Best part is getting here early, talking to people, have great things to say, people got back from Florida, Ecuador, Albany, have grandkids in a show, love being a Grandpa, love subbing in middle school. Says it’s great to be retired. Gives info on pensions. Discusses improvements and gives UFT credit for many.

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