Friday, March 2, 2007

Tiny Kangaroo Down Sport

From a contact:

I was at the UFT in Manhattan and shocked to see the Aussies having a meeting there with lots of PR material etc.

High-priced Aussies ($1000) a day by some accounts, have been part of micro-management attack on teachers. I'm sure the UFT has some explanation, but we get all too many accounts of the collaborative nature of the UFT.


Anonymous said...

I had an Aussie at my school recently asking questions of the Pre-Kindergarten teachers. They (the Aussies) were writing a proposal for an Early Reading First Program. This program supposedly will to assist teachers, provide for demo lessons, ideas etc. After looking at the program I have, I was told you could do this with all your experience, but we could still assist you. She was nice, but I was not a happy camper.

Anonymous said...

why don't you ask aminda gentile what they were doing there

Anonymous said...

Who cares why they were there? Excuses, excuses, excuses. Like I'm sure there's a reason Eli Broad, who backed Alvarado in San Diego and is behing mayoral control and corporate control of schools gave the UFT $1 million for the UFT charter schools. You guys sleep with the enemy and ultimately knife teachers in the back.

Anonymous said...

the UFTTC is filled with cronies and incompetents