Thursday, March 6, 2025

Hey Retirees - Ask Amy at Tuesday, March 11 Zoom - 7PM

You will never see Mulgrew doing this. This meeting is also open to any UFT member - but focus will be on retiree issues up front.

Listen to Amy on retirees:

Arthur is hosting and I am running shotgun backup.

Hi retirees,

We are holding a Zoom meeting this coming Tuesday, March 11th, from 7 to 8 PM. Amy will be joining us. 

We very much hope you will not only attend, but also tell your friends to come. 

Thank you again for your activism and dedication. We very much appreciate it. 



Sunday, March 2, 2025

UFT Election Committee: Candidates Can Run on multiple slates - as has happened in the past

I kept getting asked the same question by some people who want to run on more than one slate. ABC has been open to anyone who wants to run for AFT/NYSUT Delegate on the ABC even if running on another slate. I don't get why there was ambivalence over that issue -- in fact I put that idea forth months ago to a leader of MORE as a way to run two slates against Unity and still win but there was little interest. But anyone who wants to take a shot at possibly winning as an AFT/NYSUT convention delegate and break the Unity monopoly, try to sign up to run with ABC and any other slate you are running on.

When I was asked I kept pointing to the years that New Action candidates were elected to the UFT Exec Bd by running on the Unity slate and their own slate. But for some reason, this history seems to have disappeared from the memory banks because members of their coalition are told they are not sure. 

At Thursday's UFT Election Committee meeting it was reaffirmed that you can run on more than one slate and reap the total votes you get on all slates. Go to this link and fill it out. And if you do, email me to let me know as I have to send you a blank petition for you to sign and return to me. 

Don't worry about getting the required 100 signatures as ABC has been and will be holding petition signing parties this week. Here is the Wednesday Brooklyn link: Friday Bayside link:


 Convention Delegate Form