Showing posts with label Chester Finn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chester Finn. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Jumping Checker

Susan Graham blogging at A Place at the Table at this link with a post called "Lessons Not Learned"and Nancy Flanagan at Teacher in a Strange Land lay some big ones on Chester Finn (known affectionately as "Checker") who recently came out with a book called Troublemaker.

For those who are not aware, Finn is one of the ideological gurus of the corporate takeover and marketization of public schools. We dumped Rothstein on him at the Manhattan Institute Luncheon a few weeks ago. Read the piece at this link which included our parody of The Band's The Weight:

Crazy Chester went on and on, and he made me see through the fog.
He said, "If you accept KIPP, you’ll be allowed to eat your hot dog."

I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know KIPP can’t educate em all."
He said, "That's okay, boy, we’ll take 70% and public ed will take a fall"

Unlike me, Susan is serious and goes after Checker where it hurts. Read the entire piece at this link and the comments, but here are some excerpts:

He "is usually styled as an “education guru” because he is a Hoover Institute Fellow and President of The Fordham Foundation where he contributes regularly to The Education Gadfly. For something like three decades, he has been more than willing to explain to people in positions of power exactly what is wrong with public education."

After attending Phillips Exeter Academy ( pricey now, pricey then) and earning bachelor and master degrees from Harvard (ditto), it must have been pretty traumatic to discover he couldn’t cut it in a public high school classroom [Finn taught one year and couldn't hack it] .... Finn says he "came to realize that, if I were going to make a difference in American education, it wouldn’t be at the retail level."

I wonder...why he derives such pleasure in styling himself as a gadfly (meddler, busybody, pest, nuisance) and a troublemaker. I spend my day with people of persistence, character, leadership and courage. (Many, Finn might be surprised to learn, are also smart and well-educated.) They are classroom teachers. They didn’t give up after a year. They come back to the classroom every day to try to improve the lives of their students. Some of them are amazing. Some of them struggle. But they are sticking around and putting in the time it takes to become accomplished teachers. Finn went back to Harvard and got a doctorate in Education Administration and Policy. And while I may not be qualified to question the screening process for the doctoral program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, I wonder about it. If a new CPA fails to survive an entry level job at an accounting firm, is the obvious path to skip the “retail” level and go back for a PhD. in Economics? Perhaps so. Perhaps this explains something about the quality and practicality of education policy today.

...those of us out here on the front lines could do without professional Troublemakers who leverage their privileged backgrounds, elitist education, and the contacts that go with them into careers directing the campaign from the rear. Public education is serious business. The future of our economy, government, and people depend on it. If Finn is serious about determining what works and what doesn’t, perhaps he should spend less time posturing in the plush chairs of non-profit think tanks, or the marble halls of government, and a little more time in quiet contemplation, observing and listening to the teachers, school administrators, and students who spend their days in our public schools.

In this excerpt, Nancy Flanagan hits Checker with this right cross:

I will never win any smarter-than-thou contests, Checker, but I made good use of my free and low-cost public education. In the post-war decades there have been millions of teachers like me: upwardly mobile, hard-working, intellectually curious, still dedicated to the idea that education is the ticket out of poverty, and still committed to kids who are less than intrigued by a classic, liberal-arts college preparatory curriculum or getting up at 3:00 a.m. to read Beowulf.

Sorry that your first teaching job didn’t work out, what with all those discipline problems, probably resulting from kids already irreparably scarred by their dreadful public school system. I’m not so sure that a strong syllabus or demanding accountability measures would have made a difference in your sense of efficacy—although a good mentor may have helped. One of the lessons I’ve absorbed is that nobody learns how to teach well in a single year. I am always mystified by pundits who suggest that putting graduates from our most prestigious colleges into our toughest schools with little training or on-site assistance is a good idea.

My first year of teaching wasn’t all that I hoped for, either, but I stayed with it, because (as you yourself noted) persistence counts. I came to love teaching, and was very good at it, for more than 30 years. I persisted because I had tangible evidence, every day, of my impact on real children and a real school. Later in my career, I worked for two years at a national education non-profit. I attended lots of conferences and meetings—saving the world one white paper at a time—but discovered that the real juice in education reform comes from the work with kids, and went back to the classroom.

The NY Sun's Elizabeth Green has written a review of Finn's book, giving just a little bit too much credit.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dropping Richard Rothstein on Chester Finn

I attended the Manhattan Institute luncheon at the Harvard Club for Chester Finn's new book "Troublemaker." Finn, known as Checker to his friends, is one of the gurus of the corporate attack on teachers and public schools. His old friend Diane Ravitch, who the phony ed reformers think has gone over to the dark side, was there to introduce him. Before they served the chicken she stopped by to whisper, "I see there's another troublemaker here.'

I asked a 2 part question (with just a little embellishment.) Basically I dropped a Richard Rothstein on him.

1. Finn had extolled Kipp,pointing to how they were doing things with kids that the public schools were not - meaning the hard core kids that are so tough to teach.

So, I asked Finn:
Are you claiming that if every child in America attended a KIPP school every one would become middle class and go on the college? He admitted that wouldn't happen but that 70% would which many dispute. I pointed out that in my school about 30-40% of the kids were doing ok and as Rothstein pointed out these are often the kids that end up at KIPP, not the 60% who are the most difficult to teach. I didn't get a chance to drop Rothstein 2-10 on him, since the Man. Inst.never wants real debate.

For a fuller picture, check Rothstein's Response to Chester Finn which can be found at

2. Part 2: Given that you have a close relationship with Diane Ravitch and her criticisms of the so-called reforms instituted in NYC, where do you stand on the implementation of so many of the ideas you espouse in NYC?

Finn saying he was not based in NYC said he would defer to Diane's judgment (can we take this as a slam at BloomKlein?). But if asked about Washington DC whose Klein Klone Michelle Rhee is running the schools and whom he praised on Thursday he could make a more informed comment. If Finn is deferring to Diane on NYC, and we know that Rhee is functioning along the same lines, then, excuse my math, can we assume if a=b and b=c, then a=c?

What was clear is that Finn is setting up an excuse for Rhee's failure by talking about the special interests like the union and others. Like there are no special interests on their side?

Thanks to Diane Ravitch for making me feel comfortable in what can be an intimidating pro-corporate environment (one guy told me after he managed Milton Friedman's money for years - since the business community thinks they can run school systems better than educators I was going to ask if I could manage some of their hedge funds in return.)

I was so inspired, I wrote lyrics to the Band's The Weight in honor of Diane:

Lyrics by Norm Scott
To the tune of The Band’s "The Weight"

I pulled into Harvard Club, was feelin' about half past dread;
Just need some place where I can lay my progressive e-e-ed.
"Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a red?"
He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said.

Take a load off Testing, take a load for free;
Take a load off Testing, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on accountabilty.

I picked up my Rothstein, I went lookin' for a place to hide;
When I saw Diane and the Devil walkin' side by side.
I said, "Hey, Diane, come on, let's go and some trouble make."
She said, "I gotta go intro this guy, but m'friend you can stick the stake."

Take a load off Testing, take a load for free;
Take a load off Testing, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on accountabilty.

Go down, Chris Cerf, there's nothin' you can say
It's just ol' Joel Klein, and Joel’s waitin' on the Judgement Day.
"Well, Joel, my friend, what about the young uns been screwed?"
He said, "Do me a favor, son, woncha keep schools in the hands of the few?"


Crazy Chester went on and on, and he made me see through the fog.
He said, "If you accept KIPP, you’ll be allowed to eat your hot dog."
I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know KIPP can’t educate em all."
He said, "That's okay, boy, we’ll take 70% and public ed will take a fall"


Catch a new governance now, t'take me down the line
Public ed is sinkin' low and I do believe it's time.
To get back to democracy, you know it’s the only one.
For teachers, parents, students and regards for everyone.

Take a load off Testing, take a load for free;
Take a load off Testing, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on accountabilty.