Thursday, March 14, 2013

Video: Julie Debates E4E on Seniority...


...and presents a defense of seniority and LIFO Mulgrew and the UFT don't seem to want to touch in this March 3, 2011 TV debate, a fine birthday present for me. Julie makes the point that seniority is still the fairest method and adamantly defends the idea that experience really counts. The E4E person says teachers don't get better after 5 years. Watch her try to dance when the moderator talks about TFAers who leave after 2 or 3 years.

Julie's key point in this debate and in our movie is that tenure gives teachers the protection they need to advocate for their children. And since all levels above teachers are a much greater threat to children's interests and benefits, this makes total sense.

Then when the layoff question comes up and the moderator says some schools may lose a good chunk of their young staff, Julie points to the policies that give principals incentives to hire younger, cheaper teachers. And her defense of ATRs too. All of what Julie did here 2 years ago, when she was relatively new to union activism, is an impressive performance and gave many teachers out there hope that here was a voice that talks for them.

Meanwhile, E4E is left with bragging that Syndey got a quote in the Gotham piece on UFT retirees voting, another outrage by Gotham, going to these slugs for a quote (maybe funding is contingent on this?) instead of calling MORE for an opinion.

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