Showing posts with label UFT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFT. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

TRS Election Was Consequential - Results Are Out - Ben Gets Over a Third With a Minimal Campaign While Unity Went All Out

Massive Unity failure in GOTV
....Unity also has the school by school data and can tell which of their district reps and chapter leaders actually did the work. The outcomes were so poor for the Unity GOTV effort I bet the leadership is plenty pissed at their own people. Don't be shocked to see some heads roll.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The shock and awe of only the second ever TRS election for UFT trustee (the last one was over 30 years ago) to the UFT/Unity cult and to the DOE is still reverberating on multiple levels. The DOE clearly violated the law with its electronic voting plan and the turnout was very poor. I'm trying to get totals but roughly Ben got over a third despite a heavy Unity campaign for his opponent. The Unity failure may be the major takeaway from this election. No wonder they were so perturbed at being forced to run an unexpected campaign. They knew they were not prepared. And very upset that this is an election controlled by the DOE, not them. Which leads us to this:
The late breaking news is that UFT legal eagle, Rude Beth Norton, has contacted Ben and Daniel Alicea (the alternate) about joining a union complaint about the election.
An interesting development, given Unity won by two thirds.
Why protest an election they won? Lots of speculation, including the low turnout as a condemnation of the Unity machine which went all out. Do they want a redo?
I wouldn't be shocked to see the UFT use this election as a way to try to change the law in ways to tip future elections in their favor --  like maybe "offer" to take the running of the election off the hands of the DOE. Make sure electronic voting is NOT on the table. And how do they argue that in next year's UFT election they should continue to use the massively expensive paper ballots? And how about letting retirees vote in a TRS election?
Despite the Unity win, I'm not betting on there being joy at 52 Mudville today. Some oppo are already talking about doing it again next year.

Ben did quite well given limited resources and campaign

The most unique data we have is the DOE giving us 18 pages listing all schools and how they voted. (I will publish at some point). This is something I've been asking the UFT to do for years in the general election and they refuse but I bet they get that data from the AAA anyway and don't share it. The reason is I wanted to see how our own people did in getting out the vote. This time we can see how the GOTV worked in every school. Now many had zero votes or so few the data is meaningless. I'm betting that where Ben did well it was tied to schools that did petitions for him and it means some person in the building did the work. 
I give Ben Morgenroth top credit for the organizing he did and his extensive contacts in enough schools to give him a credible outcome. We all learned a lot about organizing on short notice and I hope we see a campaign every year for the TRS position - they are rotated in 3 year terms and one Unity pension rep must run every year. 

Also expect this election to help form a base for next year's general UFT election, along with the work being done in the para and retiree chapter elections, plus all the school based chapter elections which will lead to new leadership in many schools.

This is worth repeating:
Massive Unity failure in GOTV
On the reverse side, Unity also has the data and can tell which of their district reps and chapter leaders actually did the work. The outcomes were so poor for the Unity GOTV effort I bet the leadership is plenty pissed at their own people. Don't be shocked to see some heads roll. 
We are looking at the data for certain districts with big mouth DRs who attack the oppo -- so far it is not looking good for them.

I always argue with my oppo friends - any progress we make is not due to the organizing we do but in the failures of the organizing of Unity and the increasing level of incompetence at the top. They are the gift that keeps giving. 
Oh, if the oppo ever did really get organized.
The campaign TRS campaign has brought crucial issues to the attention of many UFTers, like:
  • Tier 6 - Accelerating the campaign for changes
  • Reduction of interest from 8.25 to 7% for UFTers only: Randi's 2009 folly cost me $22,000 this year.
  • The rubber stamp role Unity reps must play due to dictates of the UFT/Unity leadership.
  • The value in having at least one non-Unity choice to push back on important issues, like the fees paid, especially to private equity.
  • The learning experience an ad hoc group of people who organized this campaign outside the usual caucus structure gained. 
When I got my last TDA statement I calculated that Randi's move to 7% cost me $22,000 last year. Randi will be at the retiree meeting next Tuesday and I'm tempted to hold up a big check for her to sign for 22k.
I'm still concerned about the state of the opposition and if there will be an organized opposition capable of challenging Unity seriously next year. (More than one slate running against Unity will be a disaster). UFC has not really operated other than some people working together on the Ex bd.  It is impossible to calculate the impact of the loss of James Eterno and the work he was doing on the ICE blog. Last night at the RA webinar (attended by almost 150 people) one person gave James a shout out.
Ad Hoc Campaign
That the idea to run in the TRS election, find a candidate, and create and execute a campaign came from a small group chat one evening and not from the active UFT opposition caucuses (though members of some caucuses were involved). 
The process has broader consequences for the way the usual suspects in the UFT opposition have functioned. As a member of that chat, I was impressed by the open method of dialogue and the free back and forth that took place over the next few weeks. 

After my experience of being part of the founding of 3 oppo caucuses over the past 50 years, I realize that the processes and rules inside of caucuses, with some rigidity, can temper a free flow of ideas. No caucus I know could have responded as quickly and effectively.
These informal chats also led to last year's health care petition campaign, the para election slate and other initiatives. Some had objected that the people involved weren't going through a UFC multi caucus process where each caucus could veto an action or delay by saying they had to go back to their caucus steering committee. That process is like death by a thousand cuts. I know, people charge that process is democratic and having small groups decide to take an action is undemocratic. Guilty. I'm too old to wait for messy democracy to unfold. But the process is actually democratic in the sense if the idea is good people will sign on and if not it will bomb. 
So far the process of open dialogue in small groups of compatible people seems to have worked out. When challenged, my response it "Build it and they will come." So far we have seen the caucuses see the value of the idea and join in supporting it without going through a cumbersome process like we had two years ago with UFC.

I can't tell what the future will bring, but the relative success of the TRS dissident election is a hopeful sign.

Below are commentary from Arthur, always valuable.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Hundreds of TRS members with no ballots and the Alchemer survey company - TRS Election Issues -- Will There Be A Protest?

How and why is the UFT leadership sitting idly by on this matter and waiting for election results that we knowingly know is unlawful and that further  limits access to our democratic participation.
Monday, May 13, 2024

If you didn't get an electronic ballot in the TRS election, here is a possible explanation. As of this morning there are no results yet. I will post some comments later on why this election is consequential -- hint -- we can have one every year.

Daniel, who is running as the alternate, does some digging in the email he sent to:

Hundreds of TRS members with no ballots and the Alchemer survey company

"Beth A. Norton" <>, "" <>, LeRoy Barr <>,
Michael Mulgrew <>, Tom Brown <>, Victoria Lee <>


The NYC DOE just ran the TRS Pension Board election using their go-to third party email survey platform — Alchemer. They have been using this vendor for years for their internal survey needs. And with interactions with families. 

We are hearing that one big reason some TRS members did not receive their electronic ballots during the last 2 days is because if someone unsubscribed from a previous Alchemer/SGizmo campaign then they would not have been able to vote electronically using this platform, unless notified to resubscribe. 

This was never clearly communicated to members, beforehand.

Once unsubscribed from the Alchemer system, the person will not receive any more future email campaigns. It’s part of their federally compliant policy. Common with most similar big box platforms. 

As you can see, in the attached screenshots, there is an unsubscribe option at the footer of Alchemer survey emails generated for various DOE offices. 

This isn’t a way to conduct serious electronic elections. For example, with AAA, when they conduct digital elections, members of the given organization, like PSC-CUNY, get a paper ballot with a unique access code/electronic token that they can then go online with to cast their secure vote.

This trustee election affects the pensions of over 100k city employees and over 100 billion dollars in pension funds. Hundreds, if not thousands, of TRS contributors have been disenfranchised from this process. And city admin code 13-507 was not followed throughout its administration.

This latest development only strengthens legal arguments for this entire election to be re-run. 

How and why is the UFT leadership sitting idly by on this matter and waiting for election results that we knowingly know is unlawful and that further  limits access to our democratic participation.

This is a serious ethical and legal matter before you. We expect our union leadership to have been more vocal about what transpired in the last two days. And we’ve heard nothing.

We need to know that those we entrust to protect and defend our rights are doing just that.


In union solidarity,
Dan Alicea


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

TRS Election Issues as Both Campaigns File Protests, A Conversation with Ben Morgenroth: NYC TRS Trustee Candidate

The trustee election is by law supposed to take place tomorrow, May 8, in the schools. It seems to have been postponed to May 9. I pointed out over a month ago that the DOE is not competent enough to run this election. They announced they would do it electronically, which is not what the law says even though that would be the right way to do it. 

I posted details on The Wire - see below. And Nick has the latest from last night's ex bd meeting: What’s going on with the TRS Election? – UFT Executive Board Minutes – 5/6/2024 

The trustee election, for which NAC’s own Ben Morgenroth is running a spirited campaign, is being formally contested by the UFT, as the DOE apparently is not following the letter of the election law. As far as I can tell, Ben’s campaign is more negatively affected by this than Unity’s candidate, since the UFT has directly emailed members with her name (but not Ben’s), whereas the DOE has NOT notified members the two are running – part of the law. (That means UFT members, as well as other TRS members, don’t know that Ben is running – at least UFT members know his opponent is). Edit: Check your DOE emails – while late, at least THAT problem has been addressed – again, not in the correct time frame though. There are some other questions—the election will be digital, something I support in theory, but it’s apparently an alleged violation of the law. I digress. Vote for Ben this week, as the election is apparently happening despite the contesting. It will likely be online, so check your DOE emails and let us know if you face problems voting.

Check out Daniel's interview with Ben:

A Conversation with Ben Morgenroth: NYC TRS Trustee Candidate

Episode Summary
Daniel interviewed Ben Morgenroth, candidate for the upcoming TRS Pension Board election. He is an AP Calculus math teacher at Brooklyn High School, CUNY adjunct, and a former investment fund risk analyst. They discussed the TRS election scheduled to be conducted electronically by NYC schools, on May 8th — and now, according to a recent DOE memo, also on May 9th. They discussed the controversy over how the DOE intends to conduct the election seemingly in violation of Admin code 13-507.

We shared a startling update about the ongoing Illuminated privacy breach of student and teacher data. Also, we aired an excerpt of Chancellor David Banks’ press conference this week where he previewed his upcoming congressional testimony dealing with hate in our schools.

Call to Action: Contact DOE Chancellor and his liaison about failures in rolling out TRS trustee election process

Most teachers and school principals STILL don’t know there is an important TRS trustee election on Wednesday — and, now, also held on Thursday according to DOE ‘hidden’ memo.

There is supposed to be an election in schools this Wednesday for the TRS pension board election. The big problem is that an overwhelming amount of teachers and principals/school administrators have received little to no notification about the election process that the DOE is proposing.

There was a backdated memo released on the DOE backend web pages that reportedly some superintendents received on Thursday morning. And the DOE posted a blurb about their proposed process on its back room intranet, called InfoHub, seemingly late Friday, after most teachers went home for the day. Yet, again, to this date teachers and other TRS members will tell you that no direct email or notification has come from the DOE or their principals about the election, the candidates or its process.

The matter is further complicated since the DOE’s proposed process for this week’s election contradicts the process outlined in the law that spells out what the process must look like.

Call to Action

🚨 Most of the active teachers have little to no details about the election process for this Wednesday’s election for teacher-member for our TRS pension board.

We need to email the chancellor and his liason about this!

Here are their emails:

Rodi Katherine -

DOE Chancellor David C. Banks-

CUNY Chancellor Felix V. Matos -


Michael Mulgrew, UFT President -

Beth Norton, UFT legal counsel -

Elizabeth Vladek, DOE legal counsel -

Jumaane Williams, NYC Public Advocate -

Find a sample email template you can tweak to email them.



My name is (name) and I am working at (your school). I have been working for the NYCPS since ….

I’d like to know how TRS members will be able to have their voices heard in the first election in over thirty years for TRS teacher member trustee. I understand the vote has been extended to May 9th. Who is responsible for making sure that all members of TRS get an opportunity to vote? Why are so many of us not aware of this election and its details? Why are so many principals and administrators also unaware of the details and their roles in conducting this process?

Lastly, will the proposed election process comply with the law — namely city Admin code 13-507?

Our pensions are an important conversation for all of us. This election should provide spaces for this discussion. Also, it’s important that the process is done properly or it can adversely affect the taxpayers as well.

Please let us know as soon as possible.


Below, find the DOE memo that has not been effectively communicated to the voting TRS members. Adding to the chaos, the UFT leadership sent out an email, yesterday, sharing election process details that don’t exactly align with the DOE’s proposed plans. It’s leading to more confusion and questions.

There are reports that the UFT and the Ben Morgenroth campaign have brought the issue to the DOE and, separately, have filed formal complaints.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

No Mike (Mulgrew) , the judge DIDN’T say that - Marianne explodes the choice myth and more in 4 videos

The judge didn't stop you from offering choice-- you did. You had the MLC taking an amicus on the side of the city against the retirees -- the UFT lawyer consulting with city lawyers.
Thursday, May 2

Here is a follow-up to my recent post on the RTC April 16 meeting: 

This is Marianne's 4th video exploding the distortions and lies he told at a Florida meeting. We need a constant repetition and exposure of the details of the misinformation.

Here are the other 3:


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Friday Night Video Update - Marianne interviews RA Candidates Fischer, Brandman, Greenberg

Excellent video, Marianne. It's good to see and hear the Retiree Advocate position. Personally, I was pleased to see that Bennett, Bobby, and Gloria are middle of the road people, not extremist and dug in to tear up everything that has been accomplished over the decades. Nor do they appear to be authoritarian 'my way or the highway' types. What we don't need is a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" scenario at this stage of the game. I'm all in on wanting to get rid of Murphy and restoring some sanity back into the RTC ballgame. Thank you for all you do.... comment

This comment nailed what the RA campaign is all about. Empowering retirees to take control of their own chapter and possibly change the UFT forever. Unity still has a big block of loyal followers who when told to jump, they try, but usually get as far as up on their toes. Maybe we see some slippage of their core vote but I don't expect all that much. Thus we need to make up the difference from the 40 thousand retirees who didn't vote last time.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Retiree Advocate (RA) Shows Some Muscle at UFT Retiree Meeting: Mulgrew, Tier 6, Paras and Happy Retirees

UFT's Tom Brown kept declaring how happy UFT retirees are. I maintain it is Retiree Advocate retirees who are the happiest because we know we are figthing the machine that wants to change our healthcare and enjoying the battle. To me, the Unity crowd does not look all that happy. Maybe a bit depressed over the possibility RA can win the chapter election and their gigs at the UFT.

Check out the updated Retiree Advocate web site:

Saturday, April 20
Being ordered around by a 70 something and an 18 year old.
I'm taking a few minutes off from my wife ordering me around to prep for the 30 people coming for Passover on Monday night. The young cousins bring pot and that's the only time each year I take a few puffs. I start the seder stoned and then tune out. 
I'm also on 4 days of video duty (Thursday, Friday, Saturday night and Sunday matinee) at the Rockaway Theatre Company for these final weekend of the spectacular Urinetown 
which  saw for the 5th time last night - with two more to go.
I'm not a spectator for this weekend as I get to follow directions from an 18 year old college freshman film student who is one impressive young lady. I love learning from teenagers. And by the way, let me say that media has been trashing today's youngsters while the theater loving teens and young 20s I meet and work with are amazing. (Our stage manager is 21 and our sound guy about the same age.) My message to parents: Get your depressed child into a theater program.
Last Tuesday, the morning of the Retiree chapter meeting, I posited: Expect The Usual Fiasco, but I actually had fun - before and after the meeting. During, not so much. This post is about the before and after and a bit about during. I'll post the Mulgrew part later, but if you can't wait, here is Arthur's meeting report from remote.
A bit over 200 were there in person --- a usual crew of Unity loyalists who shun us when we try to hand them a leaflet, but it seems about half the people are not. There were over 4k on line. There was some noise when people pushed back against Mulgrew. It resonates with the online crowd to hear some pushback.  
Our Retiree Advocate crew showed up before the meeting to hand out our main leaflet - check it out here - along with RA buttons and did so with verve and enthusiasm. Bennett was called upon to ask Mulgrew a question and a few other voices were raised, but let me not get ahead of myself. I view these meetings as organizing efforts to grow the retiree oppo base and we inch forward.

 Many people put on our buttons and signed up for our emails. We always meet some new people at these meetings
and we find very receptive people. 
We also handed out the notice we were having a meetup after the meeting at a local bar, where we ended up with almost 20 people. Only a little over 200 attended the in person, so that is not too shabby - and others told us they would have come but had some priors. Over the past year at the RCT meetings we have added people and lots were wearing our buttons. Some joined us at White Horse Tavern afterward for food and refreshments. Unfortunately I was due for a blood test for my newly discovered diabetes the next morning and had to avoid the beer.
Here's our chapter leader candidate Bennett Fischer saying a few words. I can't say enough about how capable Bennett is in almost any arena he takes on. I have enormous confidence in him -- but also our 10 officer and 15 chapter exec bd (I am the only one I have no confidence in) candidates. Plus the other 275 delegate assembly candidates who we are having a zoom with tomorrow night. If we win, it will be a new chapter in the history of the UFT.
The biggest Unity crew I've ever seen at an RA meeting also handed out a leaflet. I felt bad for them having to hand out a leaflet on how great a leader Tom Murphy is and they looked depressed doing so. 
Our organizing efforts have forced Unity to put out their own leaflet where found out for sure Tom Murphy is really running, and they actually had 5 people distributing, including former HSVP John Soldini and retired para rep Shelvy Young Abrams. But RA has about a dozen doing the work, a sign that if we win we will have an activist chapter driven by members.
Unity Caucus with Murphy leaflet.



The leaflet was LOL at points -- word was out that there were some people contending to replace him but he threw a bit of a fit and Mulgrew supported him. It's the king who decided in monarchies. Murphy's 75K retiree consultant  NYSUT gig might be threatened.
 Arthur has a few words on the Murphy leaflet:
The notion that Murphy is an independent thinker is absurd on its face. Clearly, the Unity notion of serving the union means fawning over Michael Mulgrew and stroking his fragile ego. (In fairness, Murphy is quite good at that.)...Murphy is a “guardian of civility.” Let’s first address the fact that it’s not true at all. Murphy shows blatant contempt for opinions that vary from Michael Mulgrew’s. He refuses to let passionate members speak at meetings. Then he marvels that members shout at him. (Why do people raise their voices when Tom doesn’t allow them to speak? Go figure. It’s a great mystery.)

The Tom Murphy/ UFT Unity Campaign: Hubris, Insinuation, Misdirection and Lies

Murphy is running a platform of civility -- don't dare call out during our meetings and if you have a postage sized sign he will be uncivil. Remember this?

Paras on agenda

Retired Para Chapter chair Shelvy Young Abrams is being handed a big role in the Unity RTC unit -- to try to organize and mobilize the 7k para retirees into a force of resistance to the growing influence of Retiree Advocate and she has a chance since few retired paras have gravitated to the opposition. The whys are worth examining -- maybe at an ICE meeting.

Tier 6 -Suddenly (I'm Tier 1 - I say, Smirking)

Aside from the Mulgrew appearance, which I will address in the follow-up to this report, we heard from UFT Treasurer and TRS pension rep Tom Brown, always an entertaining speaker, listed decades of UFT/Unity achievements and continuously pointed out how UFT retirees are the happiest people in the world. I almost broke out into song:
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer againHappy days are here again
Brown was followed by current Unity TRS candidate Christina McGrath - Unity has had to put out leaflets for her to counter our campaign for Ben Morgenroth. Before Ben was a candidate, he was pushing the UFT to do more to change Tier 6 --- and he has made Tier 6 reform a major part of his campaign. So of course Unity, which has done barely anything on Tier 6 for a dozen years, suddenly wakes up and McGrath was chosen to make a presentation on the changes they are asking for. 
RA's Bobby Greenberg asked a seemingly innocent question. I'll paraphrase:
It's nice to hear how many great things we've done over the decades. Congratulations. So if we've done so well, and everyone should be in Tier 1 but we'll take Tier 4. How did we go from Tier 1 to Tier 6? Or even Tier 4 to Tier 6? 
How uncivil of Bobby to dare bring up such a major failure of COPE and UFT Leadership which sat on its hands in 2012 when Tier 6 was foisted on us. Leadership realized that Ben and New Action had seized on the fact that 55% of UFT members are Tier 6 and that is a major campaign issue Unity is trying to get out from under. Ooopsie.
  •   fumfering" --> "A Yiddish word meaning to "mumble", most often used to mean to be evasive; can also mean to putter aimlessly or to waste time."
I won't even waste your time with their lame response.

The Unity crowd was not only caught flat-footed in 2012 but actually told their people it wasn't all that bad. Now that 55% of UFT members are in Tier 6, and people like Ben Morgenroth are raising it time and again, they see the political danger, so they are putting on a campaign to make people believe they are fighting for them.

Daniel, in a brilliant feat of investigative reporting, lays waste to them with this post on The Wire. Here is a segment.

Mulgrew, and his Unity Political Machine, did nothing to STOP Tier 6.

They rolled over when it was proposed in 2011. And when finally enacted in 2012. Now, we are left to pick up the pieces. Struggling to glue back and fix the damage they allowed to happen.

... we are in the struggle of our lives to try to FIX Tier 6 because more than 10 years ago he did nothing to STOP TIER 6.

Lost in Mulgrew’s trademark verbal acrobatics and rhetoric about trying to FIX Tier 6, along with his snail’s pace, piecemeal lobbying campaign, is the fact that he dropped the ball. We’re here because he failed to organize us to use our collective union power to STOP the agenda to deplete our pension benefits. 

We were NOT caught off guard. Bloomberg and Cuomo telegraphed their Tier 6 intentions. It wasn’t a surprise. It was a long time coming

For the ten months before its passage in April of 2012, there were no organized UFT rallies. No large scale, coordinated lobbying campaign coming out of 52 Broadway. Not even a single UFT resolution was passed against it by the executive board or delegate assembly during the year before Tier 6 was enacted. Next to nothing in Mulgrew’s web communiques to members before — and only after the legislature passed the new pension reform.

There was no major UFT-centered action, mobilization or pushback whatsoever to STOP TIER 6 — which still threatens the financial futures of a generation of educators today and has led to a mass exodus within our profession. 

You’ll find little to nothing in the mainstream press archives containing any public remarks by Mulgrew against Tier 6 prior to its passage. No prominent mentions about it on our union website during this time. He skirted his fiduciary duties and let Dick Ianuzzi and Anthony Pallotta of NYSUT be the primary mouthpieces to speak out against the proposal while the UFT communicated little about a ‘Stop Tier 6’ fight. All while it posed an existential threat to our UFT union family

In fact, in early 2012, when Mulgrew shared his annual January testimony to Albany’s legislature about the proposed budget, Mulgrew only dedicated a small fraction of his time to say he only had “strong reservations” about the “idea that we need a new pension tier.“ 

Strong reservations about the idea? That’s it? 

That’s it. Mulgrew shrugged.

Unity insiders have confided, in hindsight, that they believed Mulgrew when he told them behind closed doors that the defined pension benefits were in jeopardy. They say there was a sense of inevitability about the looming draconian changes and so they maintained a business as usual posture.

Perhaps Mulgrew miscalculated that if Albany gave Bloomberg what he wanted, Bloomberg would finally negotiate contracts with the city’s unions once again? If so, the gamble failed miserably as Bloomberg left office while the city’s labor contracts, including ours, remained expired.

Even in more recent years, we’ve heard folks like UFT treasurer and TRS teacher-member Trustee, Tom Brown, continue to downplay the severity of the Tier 6 giveback, as evident in a 2022 executive board meeting where “Brown and other Unity-elected members made the argument that Tier 6 was essentially fine, better than what (the mostly non-unionized) rest of the country has, and that improvements are being made anyways.”

Brown went on to falsely claim that “Tier 6ers don’t have ‘less net compensation’ than Tier 4ers.”

After Tier 6 passed in April of 2012, Mulgrew, to his credit, refused to receive an award with Bloomberg and Cuomo at a SOMOS gala, shortly after. Something about the optics of attending a party and being really mad.

Daniel follows in the footsteps of the great James Eterno, who in March 2012 nailed the Unity leadership on Tier 6 with this post on ICE:

 James pretty much said what Daniel says a dozen years later:
No spin from NYSUT or Leo Casey or President Mulgrew on the legislation to stick anyone hired in April or thereafter with a Tier VI pension...No spin from NYSUT or Leo Casey or President Mulgrew on the legislation to stick anyone hired in April or thereafter with a Tier VI pension...What about those COPE contributions?  We don't seem to have much influence with the legislature these days.

For those yet to be hired, the legislature and governor wiped away virtually all of the pension gains we made over the last thirty years.  A new teacher or new state employee will have to work until they are sixty three to receive a full pension which will only be 55% of final average salary according to what I read.  Final average salary has been increased from the average of the last five years of employment instead of three.

I remember when I started working and all of the people who were on Tier I told those of us who were on Tier IV how horrible our pension was.  Now we will have to face the Tier VI people and tell them they are in it for the real long haul if they want to make teaching a career. It is the same for other civil servants across New York State.
It struck me that in 2012 James talks about those who were about to be hired. Now over half are in Tier 6 and have been hired since then - think of the massive turnover in a dozen years.

I'll get to the follow-up on the Mulgrew part of the meeting, the following day's DA whee Unity rejected reform of the dental plan.

Great news for the next RTC meeting on May 21: Randi will be there. Oh, the joy!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Time to End it and Adams' incompetence may be a magic bullet: Mayor attacks on NYSED Mayoral control report

“Research indicates that there is no conclusive relationship between school governance structures and student achievement,” the report reads. It added that there was no substantial evidence that mayoral control reduces educational inequities.
Join #TalkOutofSchool, Sun 4/14 at 7 PM on

99.5 FM. I chat w/ Kaliris Salas-Ramirez & Leonie Haimson abt the newly released NYSED report on mayoral control of . We discuss findings, recommendations & impact.
Tuesday, April 10

Even before Bloomberg did his hostile takeover of the NYC school system in 2002, I was taking positions opposing it and the UFT support and lack of opposition to the coming disaster. I knew about mayoral control from George Schmidt in Chicago and kept warning Randi and the UFT repeatedly in Ed Notes. When we founded ICE in late 2003, opposition to mayoral control was one of the unifying points. No other opposition caucus took a position as I remember. It was about that time when I met Leonie Haimson from Class Size Matters who also took a position against MC and has continued to do so since then. Here is her recent post on her listserve.

Adams and other mayors love MC because it gives them a massive field for patronage. You know in the good old days of so-called community control there was also plenty of patronage but at the local level. Often people in the community. I'd still take that over handing control of an entire school system to any one person. As for the UFT, they want some tweaking, though the Adams admin level of control has even pushed Mulgrew to take a stronger stance. Here are Leonie's comments.

Mayor attacks on NYSED Mayoral control report

News links:

He attacked CUNY School of Law’s involvement in the report and hinted that he believed the school was biased against him. He referenced an episode last year when CUNY Law graduates turned their backs on him while he delivered a commencement speech. He also said the education department made a mistake by not delving more deeply into school governance models and student achievement data.

But the report did in fact compare models of school governance.

“Research indicates that there is no conclusive relationship between school governance structures and student achievement,” the report reads. It added that there was no substantial evidence that mayoral control reduces educational inequities.,


continued on CUNY: "You know, 'let's turn our backs on Eric Adams. Let's talk about how great or how bad America is.' And the keynote speaker was from Yemen, when she would not even be on the stage and speak in the country. I'm not comfortable with that.”

He had already criticized the report last week before it had been released on the same grounds:

See also:

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Sign Paras for Fair Contract Petition, UFT/Unity on Para Fair Wage Reso: Paras Make Enough Compared to Others

I'm still recovering from yesterday's Retired teacher chapter meeting and will report on it when I fully recover. Most of the meeting was about how after 50 years, Unity is paying attention to paras with a big election coming up. The Unity machine put on a full court press on how much they care about para retirees and set up a special support unit with a hot line, patting themselves on the back after ignoring para retirees for 50 years. I wonder if that hotline goes through the outsourced Salesforce crap that UFT members calling the UFT have to face?
Former UFT Spec Ed VP Carmen Alvarez led the band yesterday. It was she who had begged at a Jan. 2023 city council hearing to allow her to keep her Medicare by offering the choice to spend almost $200 a month extra for the same Senior Plan we get for free. I confronted her at that hearing, saying, "What about para retirees who could not afford to pay and would have to stick with the MedAdv?

The best line of the day: 

  • UFT TRS member and Treasurer Tom Brown talking about tweaking Tier 6: At least they enjoy a death benefit. 
  • Arthur Goldstein calls out: NO ONE ENJOYS A DEATH BENEFIT.

Now you have an idea how the day went.

So this will focus on some para issues but first go straight to this link and sign the petition to

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I'm ready to head down to the DA to get signatures for Ben Morgenroth in the TRS election. I can't believe how well this campaign is going - I get the mail returns. I'm just catching up on the para news from Monday's night's exec Bd meeting - I thought I heard para reps saying that our paras do so well compared to others down south and upstate NY. She didn't mention some big wins for paras in other cities that make Unity efforts look puny.

Check out Nick's Notes:

I posted on Monday morning an analysis of how Unity views total control of the para chapter as a crucial element in maintaining their over 60 year control of the UFT. Worries about the outcome of the Retiree chapter election after alienating so many members of the Medicare issue is a factor in solidifying para support.

One recent Unity tactic is to offer paras a fire sale on joining Unity plus lots of free food and drink events - 

Just as the Monday eve Exec Bd meeting got started I posted this reso calling for a fair wage for paras.

A "no-brainer," as Nick Bacon said in his intro last night. Some of us had speculated on how Unity would react, from outright opposition to tabling. They came up with amending by removing the last resolve, the only portion with some teeth.

Resolved; that the UFT develop a comprehensive bargaining plan, with a clear timeline and objectives, for achieving a living wage for paraprofessionals, including equitable longevity raises, injury paid leave parity, and chapter 683 and ESY (Extended School Year) pay parity, ensuring they are compensated fairly for their crucial role in education.

Call to Action: Fix Para Pay, Now! Sign the petition.

It’s time to fight for a living wage, a fair contract, and respect for NYC paraprofessionals. - By Migda Rodriguez, Marie Wausnock and Daniel Alicea

Monday, March 18, 2024

Unity Changes Rules for Para Election without the consent of the para chapter, EXBD AND DA, UFT Paras for A Fair Contract

I've always believed that the chapter elections every three years are more important than the regular UFT elections (next one is spring 2025). These chapter elections in the schools and in the functionals are about to heat up.

A group of paras are getting together to run in the election under the banner of UFT Paras for A Fair Contract.

I reported on Thursday (Mar. 14) about picking up petitions for the retiree chapter election:

Retired Teacher Chapter Election - Opening Day for Petitions - And Retiree Advocate will be signing for the 300 candidates on the slate

The para election petitions were out on the counter. The para chapter has 28k members and is second to the retiree chapter 70K member and crucial for Unity to maintain control of the UFT. With the possibility of the control of RCT slipping, tightening up the para chapter is major for them. If they lose control there, the end for Unity would be on the horizon. The opposition has not done a good job in reaching out to paras. Hopefully that is changing. But Unity, while showing incompetence in servicing the members, is very competent in finding ways to keep control. And they changed an important rule in the para chapter after facing a dissident group a year ago in a special election, the first time that has happened.

Below, note the change in the para chapter election rules between 2023 and this year by the addition of slate voting to the chapter with at least 7 required to be a slate. Until now, only the retiree chapter had slate voting. All other functional chapters do not have slate voting. Not the secretaries or the social workers, for instance. 

This is a naked attempt to keep total control of the para chapter after Unity lost 2 out of 5 seats in last year's special election. The dissident group actually recruited 7 candidates but Unity gave one a job and "talked" another into not running. Thus the new requirement of having to run 7 people to be listed as a slate on the ballot is significant.

Unity worries about delegate assembly are a factor in the decision as there are about 300 delegate positions at stake and by forcing people to run on a slate it prevents any oppo para voices from becoming delegates. Also worries that in case Retiree Advocate should win their election, they would elect 300 delegates.

There are rumors floating around that Unity may try to separate out para retirees from the Retirees and form a separate chapter. 

Note that paras do not make a living wage in the UFT. Look for my follow-up post later tonight on some questions at tonight's Ex Bd on this issue.

This move reinforces the dictum that Unity operates under a prime directive: Hold on to total power at all costs. Servicing the members is not a factor.

 EONYC posted:

The @UFT para chapter constitution reads: 

ARTICLE IX. Nominations and Elections Nominations and elections of all officers, other Executive Board members and representatives shall be held in accordance with the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order, except as otherwise specifically provided by this constitution or under its bylaws. 

This election change was made without the consent of the para chapter, EXBD AND DA. 

 It is illegal. Educators of NYC@educatorsofnyc Mar 14 @UFTUnity patronage entourage continue to make up rules as they go — a la carte. After, losing 2 para seats in last year’s para chapter election… they simply changed decades of rules for this upcoming chapter election.









To get the full story, we need to go back a year ago when 2 paras not approved by Unity got elected in a special election. Now facing the full-scale election this spring, Unity has created a barrier by forcing slate voting in a para election for the first time.

We learned that when the names of people running a year ago, some in Unity, were revealed, Unity gave one of them a full-time job and forced another to withdraw, thus leaving the group with 5 instead of 7 people running.

NOTE: The new rules chose the "arbitrary" number of 7 to constitute being listed as a slate on the ballot.

In some of his final posts on the ICE blog, in April 2023 James Eterno reported on a special para election:

Unity Caucus, the UFT's ruling political party for over sixty years, is facing a challenge in the interim Paraprofessional Chapter Election from people who appear to be independent but also had some Unity supporters. 


 And he also posted this on April 15, 2023


I also reported on the election on the same day:

Maria a para running posted this:

This is from Marie Para showing Unity cheating at an official UFT event. The video is on Facebook.

Spotlight on Truth 

You can’t say you didn’t….cause ‘ya did!! Lets look at the video tape!

Let’s pay attention to the rules of the UFT.  Let’s be clear on a few things….the UFT is our union, Unity is a caucus within the union.  Just as there other caucus’, such as MORE, ICE and SOLIDARITY.  Unity has been the controlling caucus within the union.  Whenever there is a function that the UFT pays for, NO caucus can campaign at these events.  If they did allow this, all candidates should be given the same space, time, and expense of campaigning on the UFT’s dime…or should that be on YOUR UNION DUES.

Now let’s pay attention to the timeline.  January 26, 2023 the UFT held the BRONX SRP at 4PM at the Bronx Borough Office….(this was a UFT paid event), yet the Unity Candidates were there campaigning BEFORE THE OFFICIAL ELECTION PROCESS WAS ANNOUNCED. 

The nomination petitions weren’t even ready until February 16, 2023.  There was no official announcement of when this special election was going to be… why were the Unity Candidates already being introduced as candidates and what position they were running for? And how did only Unity know about the election ahead of the official announcement?  And again, no caucus is allowed to campaign at UFT paid events!!!

This is obviously and attempt to gain an unfair advantage over other candidates.  If Unity has no regard to adhere to the rules and regulations in this election process, which would ensure a fair and transparent election, what can you expect from them if elected?

Ultimately, you want leaders that know and respect the rules and regulations governing this election process.

Unity played it very cagey with the results of the election.

Ed Notes May 30, 2023

UFT Election Officials Refuse to Reveal Para Election Numbers

Rumors that oppo in para election won two out of 5 positions up for grabs. The para chapter is the second largest (28k)after retirees in the UFT. Try to imagine how a general election (in 2025) would look of both of these chapters were close. Unity will pull out all stops, especially in the 2024 chapter elections. Watch those numbers (if they are honest) for signs of breakage in the Unity front.

When people used to claim Unity cheats in elections I always responded they don't have to steal an election - until elections get close and contentious. Then it's Katy bar the door. I firmly believe that if UFC ever won, Unity would pull a Trump and refuse to leave. 

There's a breaking story on the recent UFT para chapter election to replace leaders who have retired or left for the next year until the regular 2024 chapter elections with hints of Unity playing games and a refusal by UFT election officials to release voting counts. Educators of NYC has the preliminary story

The dissidents actually did win 2 seats and that set off shock waves in Unity, which has exerted dictatorial control over the chapter since its inception. How these 2 have been treated since that election is a story in itself -- see how the OT/PT chapter leaders were treated when they won - the attacks on them escalated until Unity regained control of the chapter.

Unity: Caucus of Knifing Membership in the Back - A parody of the Unity Caucus blog