Showing posts with label Andy Pallotta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Pallotta. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2019

NYState Opt Out Leader Jeanette Deuterman Castigates Mulgrew and UFT - and NYSUT Leaders for "Unforgiveable Betrayal"

Our hope was that Andy Pallotta would in fact come to realize that not supporting a student protection opt out bill would be a PR nightmare and he would instead lead with his moral compass rather than what he was told to do, regardless of the consequences from UFT. We had been conversing with NYSUT’s VP, who assured us on several occasions that NYSUT was is full support of the bill and NYSUT’s “lobbyists have been lobbying in support of this bill”. ... Jeanette Deuterman
NYSUT has made a big showy campaign of “Correct the Tests!”, and collecting testing horror stories. Yet, when the opportunity arose that would eliminate the source of many of those stories and protect children in EVERY corner of NYS, they instead chose to sabotage our kids... Jeanette Deuterman
Watch what they (UFT/NYSUT/AFT) do, not what they say -- an aging but still wise sage
I told Jeanette at the Skinny Awards dinner that I found it hard to believe Andy Pallotta would ever go against the Unity Caucus machine. And so it was. Ultimately they side with the enemy - Cuomo, state ed dept, DOE. Fact is high stakes testing has been used against teachers so often and also entire schools. The ATR pool is an outcome.

Jeanette Deuterman on the fate of Robert Jackson’s opt out bill. The UFT's support of high stakes testing and undermining of opt out smacks of their being in bed with the deformers as opt-out has been the major weapon forcing changes.
An Unforgivable Betrayal

6 years. 6 years I, we, have been working alongside teachers and union leaders to try to make a difference for NYS children caught in the middle of politics, greed, and power struggles. Every year, I personally spend the two months leading up to the tests reading through hundreds of horror stories sent to me by desperate parents trying to do what should be a simple action: opt out of state assessments. For some of us, opting out is as simple as receiving notification by our school districts that we have this right, filling out a simple form, turning it in, and protecting our children from multiple hours and weeks of meaningless testing. For many parents, this process begins with schools telling them they in fact do not have this right. They are told if they opt out they will be held back, will fail, won’t get into middle school, high school, or even college. They are threatened with CPS and calls to immigration. During testing their opt out children are harassed, reprimanded and bullied by administrators trying to set an example. They are excluded from pizza parties, candy gifts, and school carnivals. The adults in these situations completely lose their moral compass, and the children become the targets. It is sad and unconscionable. And more importantly, completely preventable.

This year we had a breakthrough that could have ended these grueling months of horror stories and interventions. We had a Senator willing to step up, and we had a bill. This was the bill we had dreamed about. One that would make it illegal to treat kids in this manner. This bill didn’t address the larger challenge of over-testing, the chronic problems with the curriculum, or the eroding data privacy. But IT WOULD HAVE PROTECTED CHILDREN. So simple, yet so profound.

Months ago began the hard work of drafting the bill, finding just the right sponsors, and getting the word out that this was the bill that hundreds of thousands of parents wanted our elected officials to pass. Senator Jackson and his team worked tirelessly to get this right. NYSAPE put out an action alert calling on parents and teachers to send letters to legislators telling them to support the bill and sign on. As momentum was growing, the political games began.

Let me be clear. I’m rank and file all the way. I’m the daughter of a NYSUT unionist and the sister of two more. I have made lifelong friends with local union leaders and members across the state. NYSUT members make up half of my organization and sit on my steering committees. It is because of these teachers that the absolute duplicity of their union makes me speak so loudly against it right now. They deserve a union that represents them and their children. They deserve one that will operate with democratic transparency. We all deserve that.

It’s no secret that I am not a Michael Mulgrew fan. I have witnessed the complete and utter lack of democracy that is the current teacher’s union. The union is run by voting. The majority wins. But what looks democratic on the surface hides the ugly truth. The UFT (city caucus run by Mulgrew) has the votes to control the union. The RA (where voting takes place) is held in places that many members of smaller locals can not afford to get to or are willing to travel to. The UFT delegates ALWAYS show up. There are caucuses within the UFT, such as MORE, desperately trying to make a difference and change the leadership, but even that is a battle that may never be won. I attended an RA once, to witness first hand the block voting, noise signals, and complete domination by the UFT/Mulgrew. It was heartbreaking. My only face to face meeting with Mulgrew ended with him refusing to back down on keeping testing as the major piece of the evaluation system because he believed, taking it out of the hands of administrators, even if it placed it on the backs of kids, was preferable. I had heard very early on with this student protection bill that Mulgrew, who very publicly, and very often, has spoken out against opting out, would not allow this bill to pass. 

Our hope was that Andy Pallotta would in fact come to realize that not supporting a student protection opt out bill would be a PR nightmare and he would instead lead with his moral compass rather than what he was told to do, regardless of the consequences from UFT. We had been conversing with NYSUT’s VP, who assured us on several occasions that NYSUT was is full support of the bill and NYSUT’s “lobbyists have been lobbying in support of this bill”. For what it is worth, I absolutely believe she PERSONALLY was behind us and this bill. But as we know, that makes no difference in the larger picture of roles within the organization. This “support” was contrary to what we were hearing from legislators. In fact, they weren’t hearing ANYTHING from NYSUT about the bill, and most believed NYSUT was NOT supporting the bill. We kept asking, and asking for this support in writing FOR MONTHS. Not once were we told that support was contingent on an amendment. Funny thing is, the bill sponsors, who would be the ones to make changes and amendments, weren’t told that either. This wasn’t the first time either. A few years ago we worked with Todd Kaminsky on reversing some of the most damaging aspects of the Education Transformation Act. Those bills were also killed, mostly in part because NYSUT made it clear to legislators that they would not support. Mulgrew’s insistence on keeping testing in the evaluation matrix was again the reasoning.

The night before the last day of session this week we had a miracle. The Senate passed the bill, and we heard word that the Governor would sign if it passed the Assembly. The kids in NY were about to have their win! Here’s the way it works at the end of session - if bills make it to the last day and are ready for a floor vote, they can pass. If a person or organization wants to kill a bill, but they don’t want to take the fall for killing it, they propose amendments on the last day. It happens ALL THE TIME. And that’s exactly what happened here. NYSUT realized this thing could pass. This is the only part I will guess at - Mulgrew must have made some calls to the Assembly and NYSUT, throwing his weight around. What we know for a fact: Suddenly Benedetto, who had to be the one to bring it to a floor vote, indicated he would ONLY do so if NYSUT put their verbal support in writing. This is cowardly and a huge red flag of just how little the voices of constituents matter. Benedetto should lose his Assembly seat for that. NYSUT now had a problem. They had been called out as the last remaining factor for months and years of work that culminated in this bill getting passed. I’ll admit, the amendment was a genius idea. The language of the amendment protected schools against a threat that the Regents already eliminated when they removed the Title I funding ties to participation in our NYS ESSA plan. It wasn’t an amendment that made sense, as there is currently no law or regulation at the state or federal level that puts Title I money in jeopardy, nor does NYS have ANY jurisdiction over federal Title I money, but man that sounds plausible!! And it makes them look like they’re the only ones who thought enough about children in poverty!! Win win! Best yet, it can’t be done because it’s too late AND it’s not based in any current law or regulation issue!! And added plus is that everyday parents and teachers don’t know enough about ESSA and Title I to challenge them. I have already seen local members believe the justification of killing this exceptional and desperately needed law, defending the action.

NYSUT has made a big showy campaign of “Correct the Tests!”, and collecting testing horror stories. Yet, when the opportunity arose that would eliminate the source of many of those stories and protect children in EVERY corner of NYS, they instead chose to sabotage our kids. This is unforgivable. I will personally be sending Andy Pallotta, Jolene DiBrango, and Michael Mulgrew each and every heartbreaking story that comes to my inbox, so they can see first hand what they have supported and encouraged by killing this bill. I encourage all of you to do the same. The stories are listed on the Long Island Opt Out and NYSAPE websites. Pick a few out and send them along. Maybe it will have an impact, maybe it won’t.

Rank and file will still be my friends, my colleagues, and my family. Perhaps we can still make important changes in spite of the obstacles that NYSUT leadership places in our way. Onward.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sellout Fever: Newly Elected Revile - er - Revise NYSUT Officers Get Special Pension Deal From Cuomo, Klein and Skelos

NYSUT is proud to announce the first pension enhancement since 2000. After a long string of pension setbacks our legislative office has finally “turned the tide” and won a remarkable benefit for some of our most needy members....
Despite overseeing the creation of Tier V and Tier VI NYSUT First VP Andy Pallotta was undaunted and insisted we take this fight on. When asked why he was so slow to put out a statement (it was signed by the Governor into law July, 22) regarding this huge victory he humbly pointed out that he has been remarkably busy working with Senators, Klein and Skelos on their endorsements....
                           (Satirical) press release....
NYSUT Sellout Fever not yet under control
Sellout Fever, running rampant through the "new" NYSUT leadership, is turning into a worse epidemic than Ebola. A team from NIH wearing hazmat suits has been called to Albany.

NYSUT officers got their pals, Klein and Skelos, to pass this law giving them leaves of absences at full pay, all of it pensionable, and get Cuomo to sign it at the speed of light - for the NY State legislature.

  1. INTRODUCEDJun 9, 2014
  2. PASSED ASSEMBLYJun 19, 2014
  3. PASSED SENATEJun 20, 2014
  4. SIGNED INTO LAWJul 22, 2014

A 10019

AN ACT to amend chapter 675 of the laws of 1984 relating to providing fringe benefits for certain employees of school districts and boards of cooperative educational services, in relation to leaves of absence...
Oh, who may these "certain employees" be?
The salary paid shall be the salary the employee would have earned and received had THE EMPLOYEE remained in service in the position

A. 10019 2

1 which THE EMPLOYEE held as a full time employee at the time
2 THE EMPLOYEE was first elected as an elective officer, prior to the granting of the leave of absence based on the salary schedule in effect for the negotiating unit during each year of the leave of absence.
This act shall take effect immediately.
Why the newly elected NYSUT officers - of course, this is a priority matter. They will now get their full salary they from their old local (with pension credits) while they are state officers in NYSUT - the union reimburses their locals, but may not be asked too if the NYSUT state leadership sells out at a fast enough clip.

The law can be read in full here - -- if you have the stomach.

The NYSUT leaders also failed to announce this news at recent state meetings, and given passing any legislation at all would call for a victory party, there are some thoughts Karen Magee, Andy Palotta, and gang were pulling a coverup.


Some anonymous oppositionists in NYSUT took umbrage and wrote this satirical press release with this intro:
The REVIVE team has actually had some success they just have not been transparent about it. They managed to get a pension enhancement bill signed into law on July 22. The quotes and press release above are fake, but the law is real.
Press Release Press Release Press Release Press Release
August 20, 2014,

Albany, NY: NYSUT is proud to announce the first pension enhancement since 2000. After a long string of pension setbacks our legislative office has finally “turned the tide” and won a remarkable benefit for some of our most needy members.

Despite overseeing the creation of Tier V and Tier VI NYSUT First VP Andy Pallotta was undaunted and insisted we take this fight on. When asked why he was so slow to put out a statement (it was signed by the Governor into law July, 22) regarding this huge victory he humbly pointed out that he has been remarkably busy working with Senators, Klein and Skelos on their endorsements. He additionally wanted to credit the NYSUT legislative team and all of the new Officers for how quickly they were able to get this done.

When asked for a comment NYSUT President, Karen Magee said “This is what we campaigned on. We took a tough stand with the Governor and we demanded he do the right thing for these NYSUT members. That strategy really paid off here.” The new law allows, up to four, members of NYSUT who are on leave from their teaching positions and are elected Officers of NYSUT to continue to accrue time in the NYSTRS, if NYSUT reimburses the district for the Officer’s salary. Since NYSUT has it’s own pension plan for Officers this amounts to a legislative fix to allow for “double dipping”. When asked to comment President Magee said “ As a trustee to the NYSTRS I have witnessed the benefit of great pensions. If you can gain time in two systems simultaneously, all the better”.

If you are wondering if this new pension enhancement will help you in retirement, call the NYSTRS and see if you have the following name;

Karen Magee

Paul Percorale

Martin Messner
Some serious follow-up questions with my comments in [].

-What did Jeff Klein receive to get this into the senate? [UFT Endorsement].

-What did Dean Skelos receive to get his members to vote for it? [I can't imagine - a pony?]

-What did Andrew Cuomo get to sign it? [NYSUT neutrality].

-As a matter of principle shouldn't the officers of NYSUT refuse a pension deal until the Tier v and vi members are taken care of?

-Shouldn't a NYSUT officer resign their teaching position to gain independence from their home district? They need to serve all locals equally, we should not have to check and see that their district did not get more aid in order to keep the board and Superintendent willing to extend the leave. When you are a statewide officer you cannot have two masters!

-Who authorized the legislative department to push for this (It was not done at the RA or Bd of Directors Meetings)?

-Who wrote the legislation?

-Does NYC have comparable legislation in their retirement system?

-If this is good policy why doesn't it apply to the employee's retirement system, if an SRP became an officer shouldn't they be allowed to benefit?
Some more commentary from the ether:

Much was made last year by the REVIVE campaign that NYSUT needed to make itself much more grass roots oriented and reflective of the needs of the rank and file teachers.

The REVIVE slate campaigned on:
  • opposition to the common core
  • opposition to Cuomo
  • the need for greater transparency in the union.

The last month has shown just how disingenuous those arguments were. We now see that the new slate of officers are running NYSUT in a way that many feared. Rather than a revival this was the old guard (Randi and Unity Leadership) reclaiming control of the union's power to do it's unique bidding, membership be damned.

At the AFT convention we saw how Karen Magee when given a chance to oppose the common core, instead fought passionately to defend it. Including a nonsensical claim that without the common core we would have no standards at all. This absurdity flies in the face of the history that New York has had in developing standards.

The next campaign promise was to oppose Cuomo, instead all they have produced is tough talk about Cuomo when talking to NYSUT members but when it comes to actually opposing Cuomo there is silence. Twice in the last month we could have endorsed a candidate, Zephyr Teachout, that will stand against testing abuse and for school funding fairness. The REVIVE team marginalized the voice of teachers by remaining silent.

The reasonable question would be, Why? After so many legislative and policy failures at the hands of Andrew Cuomo, why wouldn't NYSUT take a proactive stand like our brothers and sisters in PEF.

Friday, January 31, 2014

NYSUT Rift Update: The Fat Lady Hasn't Sung as Hobart and Cortese Endorse Iannuzzi Slate

Rumore is making a gambit that Mulgrew would defend his local better than Iannuzzi? Who is he kidding? ... Comment on ed notes
Our pals at Port Jefferson Station have posted this. For NYC people Hobart and Cortese may not mean much but they have been heavy hitters in NYSUT. I've never supported them but their support for Dick carries some weight. Below that is a comment on Ed Notes, followed by emails from Mike Lillis, President of Lakeland Federation of Teachers with some heavy criticism of Andy. This battle ain't going away too soon.

I think a question to explore very soon is WHY? And how  this battle affects Randi and the AFT given the dominance of NYSUT in that organization. Some people are even whispering that this is a Mulgrew power play against Randi. Hard to believe but anything is possible.

Hobart and Cortese Endorse Iannuzzi, Neira, Donahue, Cutler

January 31, 2014
NYSUT Leaders and Members:
We are proud to serve as the Honorary Reelection Committee and to endorse the reelection of Dick Iannuzzi for President, Maria Neira and Kathleen Donahue for Vice President and Lee Cutler for Secretary-Treasurer of NYSUT!
We have been involved in framing the NYSUT mission and vision from its inception.  Along with many great unionists from across New York, we’ve watched our union grow and evolve in ways that place NYSUT at the forefront of the teacher union movement — in fact of the entire labor movement.  Dick and his team have a vision that is inclusive of every constituency group and local regardless of region or size.  They have made leaders feel and know that they are part of a union that cares about and advocates for every member.  They understand that leadership is about making the tough choices in tough times to save our members’ jobs, and about recalibrating our budgetary priorities and restructuring our organization to better meet our members’ needs.  They know that leadership is about leading and taking responsibility for decisions, not finger-pointing or scapegoating colleagues when times are hard.
Like each of us, the STRONGER TOGETHER team understands that a union best serves its members with a long-range strategy and vision that supports real change, but not change for the sake of change.
The future of NYSUT depends on a team whose vision looks toward the future with new ideas that engage a collective voice, and not one that seeks to look backwards and fails to recognize the value of every member.  Dick, Maria, Kathleen and Lee have the vision and experience to lean into the future on your behalf, and that’s why we are proud to actively provide our support.
In solidarity,
Thomas Y. Hobart, Jr.
President Emeritus
Antonia Cortese
Former  NYSUT First Vice President
Hobart/Cortese Endorsement Letter

Geo Karo has left a new comment on your post "Is Iannuzzi Toast?":
Important coverage here.
Opponents of Cuomo and King's corporate deformist policies that have ravaged teachers' working conditions and children's learning conditions should do all they can to build support among the remaining out of NYC and out of Buffalo teacher union locals.
And Rumore is making a gambit that Mulgrew would defend his local better than Iannuzzi? Who is he kidding? Mulgrew and his proxy Pallotta paid $10,000 for a table at Cuomo's (reelection) birthday party. What Kool-Aid is Rumore drinking? Has he forgotten that Mulgrew's beneficiary --Cuomo-- has threatened to take over the Buffalo School District, screaming that the BTF's APPR MOU is illegal?
Thankfully, Buffalo is not the only big non-NYC block of votes. Syracuse's union president Kevin Ahern was an early supporter of Iannuzzi's move vs. King. Think of all those YouTube videos of teacher union members across the state, railing against Common Core & King's tour. Like Ahern, we could expect that they will more likely side with Iannuzzi over Michael "put up a lame response to deform" Mulgrew.
This is a classic Which Side are You On struggle. Mulgrew is unapologetic re the most repressive APPR in NYS, Mulgrew defended CCSS on principle throughout 2013. Can NYS teachers afford to let Mulgrew's sham unionism seize tighter control of NYSUT?
Andy Pallotta/Mulgrew may win in a runaway but they have created longer lasting problems of divisions at the state level that won't go away soon. Will a serious opposition caucus to state Unity emerge? Even people who vote for Mulgrew will soon come to see that things will go backward.

Aside from the email below from Lakeland Fed of Teachers President Mike Lillis regarding the threat to the NYSUT legal department once Mulgrew gets his hands on it with total control, I've heard similar thoughts from people inside the legal dept -- that whatever support they give teachers currently will not be as strong. And I know that there are people who have said they wouldn't use their NYSUT lawyers but I've also heard some good things. Remember - UFT has no legal dept for teachers - only NYSUT lawyers.

I thought you might find this helpful.  For anyone who believes that Andy is somehow being held back by Dick, this article in Capital New York would be illuminating.  Since Andy got to Albany, the only meaningful means we have had to address our members concerns is the legal dept (APPR lawsuit, Tax Cap lawsuit).  Thankfully the legal dept is controlled by Dick, because if Andy controlled that as well our members would have no reason to hope for improvement.  Andy has mastered the Art of talking about hard work and doing nothing,except working behind the scenes for the last year and a half to  orchestrate a coup.
Here is his email to the Pallotta:
Michael Lillis

to apallotta, rianuzzi, mneira, dianuzzi, kdonahue, Lee

I am compelled to write to you regarding the recent article in Capital NY concerning the I.D.C. and their efficacy. After reading and agreeing with everything that Dick had said about the I.D.C. and the dysfunction that they have created in the Senate, I was shocked to read that rather than let Senator Klein answer directly for the lack of movement regarding our agenda items concerning testing, women's rights, and farm workers, you decided to intervene and allow Senator Klein to save face by not having to provide a rationale for why he is obstructing our agenda.  To see so many of our legislative agenda items either stalled or rejected by our "friends," it is high time that we more clearly and publicly delineate our agenda items as Dick has just done.  

We are at a crucial moment and we need the legislature to perceive us as unified and moving in a single direction with clear expectations for the Legislators behavior.  Significant work has been done to lay a foundation to turn back the tide of the education reform agenda forced upon us by the Governor, the Legislature and the Regents.  Within the next couple of months there will have been close to two dozen public hearings hosted by Regents and Legislators alike and they will hear a consistent message about SED overreach and incompetence.  For you to have so visibly sent out a mixed message about what we want is amateur and does not serve my members.   As evidence of how this undermines our agenda on educational issues I found the article in Capital NY through a link on  Clearly organizational dissonance undermines our effectiveness and will be exploited by people who want to marginalize us. 

We, the rank and file teachers in NYS, are at the breaking point over these curricula and testing issues.  We need action and the current structure of the Senate has proven itself to only enable inaction and an opportunity to blame others for why individual Legislators are not taking tough stands. Dick is absolutely correct to point out that it would be better if the Senate was completely controlled by either the Republicans or the Democrats, because then when teachers and parents go to vote, we will know who to blame.  

The next few months is going to provide us a unique and powerful opportunity to act quickly to get legislative action to slow down and reverse this poorly conceived education reform agenda.  If we squander this opportunity through our own legislative dissonance the membership will be justified in wondering, "how could such a once powerful organization have been marginalized so quickly"?  Nothing will marginalize us more effectively than sending a mixed message to legislators about what we demand.

Thank you,
Mike Lillis
President Lakeland Federation of Teachers

Friday, January 24, 2014

NYC Teachers at PS 8X Jump Into NYSUT Fray

It is time for NYSUT’s locals to unite against the useless behemoth of a local called the UFT and take steps to protect the hardworking teachers of NYS... A group of teachers at PS 8 in the Bronx.
I spoke with Andy this past summer and expressed my frustration with the lack of leadership on tackling Albany and the DOE head on. Andy's a peacemaker.  I'm a fighter... Roseanne McCosh, former chapter leader, PS 8X. 
Roseanne McCosh has been using the info we have been publishing here on the NYSUT story to share with her colleagues at PS 8X. She has been an Ed Notes reader and supporter since she was a chapter leader for many years. She also supported ICE. I'm not sure if I have even met her -- though I do think remember her from the DAs. She told me her school basically supported MORE in the election.

She took this action on her own without prompting -- true rank and file activism. How I wish there were thousands more like Roseanne. If there were we would have a very different union. As she writes below:
On a personal level I have a lot of good things to say about Andy. But this UFT/NYSUT situation ain't personal--- it's business, and I completely disagree with Andy on how vehemently we should be fighting those looking to eliminate teachers' unions and wreak havoc on the day to day conditions under which we must try to teach.
If you are so inclined, write your own school version or just use her template as a way to inform your staff as to what is going on and send a copy to me. One commenter asked for a pdf.

I have written a letter to Iannuzzi that some teachers from my school have agreed to sign.  I will see if I can get more signatures next week.  Thus far the teachers below have agreed to my including their name on the Iannuzzi letter and submitting it you you (I described you as a blogger who is keeping us informed on the issue).  You have permission from those below to post this letter with our names if you want to.  ... Roseanne
Dear Mr. Iannuzzi,

As  UFT members we would relish the stranglehold the UFT has on NYSUT if UFT leadership was looking out for the best interests of its active teaching force.  But the sad fact is that they are not.  We have been attacked and abused for far too long by the NYC DOE and those attacks now come from Albany (Governor Cuomo) and Washington DC (Duncan et al).  

Now that the abuse is spreading to local unions, teachers in smaller school districts are starting to wake up and pay attention and make demands on their locals.  The influence that the UFT has on the decisions of NYSUT must be countered. Andrew Cuomo is not a friend to teachers.  Andrew Cuomo isn’t even close to being fair to teachers.  If Michael Mulgrew wants to support Andrew Cuomo, he should do so by writing a personal check.  We are certainly not the only UFT members who feel abandoned by the UFT.  It is time for NYSUT’s locals to unite against the useless behemoth of a local called the UFT and take steps to protect the hardworking teachers of NYS. 

Roseanne McCosh, UFT and NYSUT member
Theresa Miller, UFT and NYSUT member
Lori Matta, UFT and NYSUT member
Michele Bombace, UFT and NYSUT member
Cynthia Pacelli, UFT and NYSUT member
Kristin King, UFT and NYSUT member

Roseanne also sent along this background info in Andy Pallotta whom she likes personally.

I worked with Andy Pallotta when we were both Dist 10 chapter leaders and I continued as chapter leader while he was the Dist 10 rep. I am no longer chapter leader but I was replaced by someone strong and on the right side of the issues.  
On a personal level I have a lot of good things to say about Andy. But this UFT/NYSUT situation ain't personal--- it's business, and I completely disagree with Andy on how vehemently we should be fighting those looking to eliminate teachers' unions and wreak havoc on the day to day conditions under which we must try to teach.  I spoke with Andy this past summer and expressed my frustration with the lack of leadership on tackling Albany and the DOE head on.  Andy's a peacemaker.  I'm a fighter.  We disagree on tactics.  He had a VP from the UFT call me (For the life of me I can't remember her damn name)  and I was given lip service that the UFT was on top of this whole eval system.  I knew I was being placated and ended the conversation noting that time would tell how ahead of all of these issues the UFT would be in the months to come.

More NYSUT Internals: Valley Central TA President Supports Iannuzzi

Capital Tonight reports that an NYSUT analysis shows 69% of school districts will be receiving less aid in Cuomo's proposed budget than they got in 2009.... Reality-Based Educator
One hundred and seven (107), approximately 25% of teaching staff positions, have been cut in the past 5 years and it is Governor Cuomo who is primarily responsible for establishing, promoting or continuing the policies that have caused this student neglect..... there is no one I have met in this world that I respect and admire more than Dick Iannuzzi. I often tell my friends and colleagues that I long for a leader that does not have a price-tag on his/her advocacy—one that will do the right thing every time simply because it is the right thing to do. Dick models these criteria wonderfully. He is a leader that I would follow into hell to do battle for what is right because he has proven himself to have a strong moral compass and an effective work ethic in the most difficult political climate that NYS education has ever faced.... Tim Brown, President, Central Valley TA.
I never thought much about NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi, assuming he was a made front man pushed by the local NYC Unity Caucus machine (reminder: there is also a NY state Unity Caucus that does not seem as tightly locked down given the emerging criticisms from the inside.)

But over the last year I began to notice some surprising divergences from the Mulgrew/Randi line on evaluations, common core, NY State Ed, and most importantly, Cuomo. I assumed that given the enormous criticism directed at Iannuzzi from people upset with his agreeing to so much bad stuff, that people were going to either sit out the battle with Andy Pallotta or hold their noses and vote for Dick. But Tim Brown's email certainly has caught my attention. I wonder how many other locals out there are feeling the same and whether they have the ability to cobble together a broad based caucus on the state level. MORE I believe would be ready to assist in any way possible despite out limited resources.

Note this point by RBE at Perdido Street School:
Capital Tonight reports that an NYSUT analysis shows 69% of school districts will be receiving less aid in Cuomo's proposed budget than they got in 2009.
Then  RBE goes on to talk about all the bullshit testing, common core, eval mandates eating up school budgets. Will those districts begin to revolt over a Cuomo endorsement or will Mulgrew be able to keep them in line?

Thus, this fascinating email sent to me by Valley Central TA President Tim Brown with copies of emails he sent to Andy Pallotta months ago - who from what I hear was raised up from District 10 (Bronx) Rep to NYSUT VP and from reports, seems to have gone way beyond the Peter Principle -- now to be renamed the "Andy Principle."

If all this is new to you here are some catch-up pieces in reverse order of publication.
To: Norm Scott
From: Tim Brown, Valley Central TA President

I followed the link to your blog from the “Revive NYSUT Slate Lies” Facebook page and read the letters you posted from some local presidents. Following are two emails I sent to Andy Pallotta, one in October and the other in December, to share my disillusionment with Andy’s support of the IDC (Independent Democratic Caucus) and Governor Cuomo via the “Birthday Bash.” 

It was not my intent to share these emails outside my local union family, but recent events have changed my attitude regarding this. You are welcome to use them in any way you choose and I am certainly not concerned about my name being attached to them. I have the utmost respect for Dick, Maria, Lee and Kathleen. In fact, there is no one I have met in this world that I respect and admire more than Dick Iannuzzi. I often tell my friends and colleagues that I long for a leader that does not have a price-tag on his/her advocacy—one that will do the right thing every time simply because it is the right thing to do. Dick models these criteria wonderfully. He is a leader that I would follow into hell to do battle for what is right because he has proven himself to have a strong moral compass and an effective work ethic in the most difficult political climate that NYS education has ever faced. 

It is sad to note that difficult political times also provide opportunities, on an organizational level, for institutionally ambitious members to attack their own leaders for the purpose of advancing their own career/positions. This type of motivation does not fit the moral or practical parameters of leadership for which I am looking. I am willing to stand up and defend what I know to be correct and desirable and Dick, Maria, Lee and Kathleen are definitely the correct team to be leading NYSUT during this crisis. They have been effective and their motivation is selfless as opposed to ambitiously selfish and opportunistic.


PS: Feel free to call me. My local's website is

October Email to Pallotta Regarding IDC
>>> "T Brown"  10/29/2013 2:59 PM >>>

To: Andy Pallotta, NYSUT Executive Vice-President
From: Timothy Brown, Valley Central Teachers’ Association President

It is with great frustration that I write regarding the recent article published by Jessica Bakeman titled “NYSUT head says I.D.C. alliance ‘didn’t work,’ gets corrected.” I fail to understand how our head of legislation can fail to see how the I.D.C has been a major obstacle to productive teacher political action? In sharing this article with some of my executive council I received nothing but gasps of shock and dismay that you would publicly defend elected officials that have consistently voted against NYSUT supported legislative issues while publicly siding against your own president who was/is willing to take a stand against these democrats who are in the pockets of senate republicans.

Even if you disagree with your president, although I fail to see how any logical person could in this case, your public statements are damaging and show a lack of concern for NYSUT membership as a whole. I note that the article indicates that I.D.C. members Jeff Klein and Eric Soufer asked you to “clarify” NYSUT’s position. Perhaps it would have been better to have the individual involved, President Richard Iannuzzi, clarify his own words.

The truth and reality for those of us who have had to live with the devastating impact of the I.D.C.’s resistance to our political concerns is a lack of funding that has caused my district to lose approximately 25% of its teaching staff. Valley Central has lost $24 million due to gap elimination. This resulted in the loss of music, art and library at the elementary level and a regression from full to half-day kindergarten. What have these I.D.C. vultures such as David Carlucci gained from their anti-NYSUT voting record? They have gained the loyalty of republicans who have promised no serious republican challenge to I.D.C. members. Now there’s ethics we can all trust… Those of us who are suffering from the I.D.C.’s voting record know the score.

Andy, I hope you will seriously reconsider your support of I.D.C members.

Tim Brown

December Email to Pallotta Regarding Cuomo Birthday
>>> "T Brown" 12/15/2013 9:01 PM >>>

To: Andrew Pallota, NYSUT Executive Vice-President
From: Tim Brown, Valley Central TA President
CC: NYSUT Officers
Re: Governor Cuomo Birthday Celebration

I write to you with serious concerns regarding the monetary support being offered to Governor Andrew Cuomo, perceived by many public school teachers as the number one enemy of public schools and teacher unions. Governor Cuomo’s two percent tax cap combined with his continued use of the Gap Elimination Adjustment has devastated many New York State schools. My school, Valley Central, has lost $24 million due to GEA resulting in the loss of elementary library, music and art, as well as a reduction from full to half day kindergarten. One hundred and seven (107), approximately 25% of teaching staff positions, have been cut in the past 5 years and it is Governor Cuomo who is primarily responsible for establishing, promoting or continuing the policies that have caused this student neglect.

Yet, despite all of this, NYSUT chose to attend a birthday party celebration for a governor that misleads the public by “decrying the influence of money in politics” while simultaneously organizing a birthday bash that, according to bothLittleSis Blog and The Post Standard at, cost $50,000 per table for the privilege of seeing Billy Joel while adding “to Cuomo’s $28 million campaign chest.” Did NYSUT purchase a table? How much money did we add to Andrew Cuomo’s political war chest?

Several years ago I was part of a Committee of 100 delegation that helped to change an entrenched NYSUT practice that unfairly favored incumbents. It was also decided that candidates must clearly earn our endorsement and, as a result, many elected officials lost our support following the short-sighted and politically motivated Tax-Cap and Tiers V and VI votes in Albany.

I refuse to believe that NYSUT would even entertain discussions regarding an endorsement of Governor Cuomo. Nevertheless, NYSUT is essentially providing a de facto endorsement of Governor Andrew Cuomo by providing him with what I assume is a sinful amount of our VOTE-COPE contributions. I have been successful in my local VOTE-COPE campaign, but it has been necessary to constantly remind my members that NYSUT did not endorse Andrew Cuomo in the last election.

Members have shared articles and photographs from Cuomo’s Birthday Bash Fundraiser placing me in the position of trying to defend NYSUT to my members. According to one of my executive council members, one Facebook photo included a NYSUT ED Director boasting that she had attended this birthday bash. I can only assume that this posting was an implicit endorsement of our Governor. Should I assume that this member was in attendance on our VOTE-COPE dime, so to speak? If so, I find this to be a serious breach of trust. My members and I expect complete transparency with regard to VOTE-COPE expenditures and NYSUT endorsements.

A response would be appreciated.
Tim doesn't report if he received a response from Andy. Most people report they don't receive responses from Mulgrew (as opposed to Randi who would respond to you if you sneezed) so maybe something was added to the water at the UFT since she left.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Duking it Out in NYSUT - At the Top

On Saturday evening PJSTA (Port Jefferson Station) President Beth Dimino delivered the following message to the members of the PJSTA… For the record, the PJSTA will NOT endorse a slate of NYSUT Officers, led by Andy Pallotta, that endorse and use our vote cope money to pad Cuomo’s war chest! The PJSTA is leading the charge against this heinous act and will support individuals that oppose Pallotta and Cuomo!.. Beth Dimino, President PJSTA, More on Andy Pallotta
Someone asked me what is the relevance of the battle at the top in NYSUT we have been reporting about for the rank and file teachers in NYC and the state and for MORE as a caucus? Basically not much because this struggle does not involve the rank and file.

Bogs addressing the NYSUT issue:
Perdido: More on The UFT/Mulgrew Machinations In The NYSUT

 NYC Educator
On Reviving NYSUT
My posts:

The internal NYSUT election takes place every 3 years at the NYSUT convention which revolves every year to a different location but the UFT leadership makes sure is at the local NY Hilton in election years (2014) so they can make sure all 800 Unity slugs get a free room and meal money at our expense and even a day or 2 off from school. Only delegates elected in their locals throughout the state get to vote and that vote will take place on Saturday, April 5. In the UFT winner-take-all version of democracy MORE gets NO delegates - and Unity even shuts out their buddies in New Action from that gravy train.

The statewide Unity Caucus will meet Friday evening, April 4, to endorse the Unity slate and that outcome is pretty clear -- it will be for the Andy Pallotta slate and not include the Iannuzzi crew which will be left to run on an ad hoc slate of sorts. Call it Un-Unity.

Remember-- this is all about who controls the COPE money going to politicians and Dick put a freeze on how much Andy can spend - mostly on the other Andy. And of course it also seems to be about the Cuomo endorsement -- Mikey and Randi want that little stool at the table -- and all they will get is the kind of stool a dog leaves on the street.

Let's do some analysis for a bit starting with exactly what kinds of local unions are we talking about. Most locals are very small with a few hundred teachers -- think of each town un Long Island and upstate as a separate local.

Then there is the big enchilada - the UFT with at least a third of the NYSUT membership and through that alone it pretty much decides things. Even if there was a coalition forming to fight it there would be enough fear -- think of the Christie story -- to keep even unhappy locals from venturing too far -- except for some very brave small union leaders -- apparently like Beth Dimino of PJSTA. There are others like her I imagine but I'm waiting to hear where they are coming from. Even if they all banded together they would still not have enough delegates to put up their own challenge.

Then come the smaller big cities --- Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers, which if in revolt with the more active smaller locals could create a bit of a stir. I think for instance it Phil Rumore of Buffalo put himself out there as a third choice there might be some shaking of the tree even if the result will be the same. But from what I hear there are no signs yet from the other bigger cities of any action.

And then there is also PSC - Professional Staff Congress -- a nice chunk of more left-leaning people at the city university - CUNY. No idea where they are coming from yet.

Here's the problem. While Iannuzzi has made some movements lately -- probably in response to the attack on him -- many in the state had him lumped with Mulgrew and Andy Pallotta until this all broke. Left with a poor set of choices what do people do? They begin to look at Iannuzzi as the lesser of two evils.

Oh, and then where is Randi on all this? I believe Iannuzzi does not become president of NYSUT without her OK. But we hear she is siding with the Mulgrew camp on this -- just a rumor.

Where all this intrigue has a possible impact is at the AFT Convention in LA this July where we will see more anti-Randi and anti UFT dominance emerge. NYSUT was always a solid block for them in the past but this time we may see some of this fracture play out on the national stage where Chicago will be sending a strong contingent pushing for some pretty heavy hitting resolutions. The battles between Unity and CORE will play out in committee rooms not in the national elections since I can't see Karen Lewis running against Randi. So what we will probably see is a leftish fringe group that will garner almost no support from even others on the left.

Unless... a real anti-Randi broad-based national coalition begins to form that can challenge the national version of Unity, the Progressive Caucus - which anyone can join for 25 bucks -- and I do every time just to be in the same room and laugh at the Unity slugs playing their usual roles.

Given that a batch of us met in Chicago this past summer with well over a hundred people from various social-justice oriented caucuses around the nation, there is a nascent movement forming and Randi is trying to get as far out ahead of it as she can -- thus her recent VAMping.

While MORE has a hell of a lot on its plate just trying to organize here in NYC and a long way to go - and I as a senior adviser keep stressing that -- not to stray too far into every single issue that comes up locally, nationally and internationally, we do think it important that we put some resources into helping build the national movement and if there is a state movement building, help support that too, but never losing site of the prime directive --- build strong school and district level MORE offshoots to challenge Unity at its core while also building the chapter leader and delegate MORE support network to begin to play a bigger role at the DA.

It seems that one of the major MORE strategies will be lots of local happy hours. Urp!

I still have to write about my tough last 2 weeks of time spent dealing with the health care system after I took a bad fall on my back and also have been helping a friend out who has cancer.

But I do want to say that shlepping to a vibrant MORE meeting Saturday with well over 60 people - and so many of them young - and new - certainly perked me up. So much so that today I shlepped out again to go to a joint MORE/Change the Stakes phone banking and button making party at Rosie's place for our big Feb. 1 event which I will tell you about soon. Again, a mixture of people in their 20s, 30s, and me.

Oh, and I also have to tell you that I was asked by the Rockaway Theatre Company to be part of the ensemble (chorus) in How to Succeed in Business.... where I actually sort of dance and pretend to sing and where one of my jobs is to ogle the young and very pretty fellow chorus gals playing the secretaries, who range in age from 15 to 29. Nice work for an almost 69 year old fossil. Bad back, hell. I'd crawl to do some serious ogling.