Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WE WON! AGAIN! Came through as RTC Meeting Began, Mulgrew Refuses to Read my "Lies" - er - Leaflet Exposing Aetna

Michael Mulgrew can't handle the truth.

Today I head back to the city for the DA where I will give out the same leaflet I handed out yesterday based on the Wendell Potter article on Aetna/CVS plans to shun members they can't make enough money on

It got a good reception. 

But not from Mulgrew.

When I attempted to hand him some truths about the company he has been pushing as the greatest thing since pumpernickel he refused to take it saying "I don't want more of your lies." The bad news on Aetna exposes the misinformation coming out of Mulgrew. A guy got up at the meeting yesterday to point to how he found out something in Emblem that has saved him thousands of dollars. He didn't accuse them directly but before the meeting he told me he had tried to tell the UFT about what he found  - deaf ears. A woman pointed out that with MulgrewCare it would cost her $8000 more in drug costs. 

Mulgrew's reaction indicates his state of mind - as does the general Unity state of mind - desperate to hold onto power and threatened for the first time with 3 Consequential Elections. TRS is over - sort of. With so many violations of the law, there may be protests from both sides. The para and retiree chapter elections are on full bore.

Arthur update:

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I reported on the upcoming Retired Teacher Chapter meeting yesterday:

The big news as the meeting began was a major win (and loss for Unity leaders) on healthcare.

Just before the meeting began we heard about the win in court. Someone got up before Murphy started the meeting to announce the court win -- to some applause but not much, given the Unity crowd. I called out - "info you won't get from the leadership at this meeting." Boy, did the Unity gang look like they had egg on their faces.

As usual, the meeting was loaded with fluff. There were about 230 people who signed up in person -- though it looked like less had shown up --- still a heavy Unity crowd. And about 1200 on line. Murphy loaded the meeting with speakers, as usual, to avoid having to face the music on healthcare. LeRoy spoke and they had some City Council members do filler. They also gave out free Biden/Harris tee-shirts and I took one for my wife.

I had my hand up for much of the meeting but Murphy made sure to avoid me. Oh the look on his face when he looks my way. At one point a woman in the back row called out, "Why won't you call on him. He comes to every meeting and raises his hand." When Mulgrew talked about the reforms to Tier 6 I wanted to yell out "point of information" to ask why the UFT endorsed Micah Lasher the architect of the Bloomberg campaign for Tier 6. But I was being civil.
Murphy accidentally called on me once and then realized his mistake. I got two words out and he said, "What's the question?" And they want civility. 

At the end he said he would take a few for the Good and Welfare part of the meeting, where you can say anything you want. But not in Murphyville. He declared you can only announce an event. So I had my hand up to announce an event: right after the meeting I would be outside to read my leaflet out loud. But Murphy adjourned the meeting. It was 2:15 and the meeting was supposed to last until 3. Oh so much civility. 

Here are reports on the court case, which we note that in the court the UFT lawyer consulted with the city lawyers, so no matter what they say watch what they do. They oppose the court action.

Late breaking: The city will try a final appeal but they have to have the court say it is OK, which I feel they will do. And Mulgrew and the Unity gang will be along to pray we lose so they can institute they plan to offer us a pay for choice plan.

Free is better.


Today, the Appellate Division, First Department, of the NYS Supreme Court unanimously affirmed the retirees’ victory in the class action case of Bentkowski et al. v. City of New York.
This is the so-called nuclear option case dating from July 6, 2023, in which Judge Lyle Frank ruled that NYC municipal retirees are entitled to Medicare and supplemental medigap coverage, fully paid for by the City of New York. The full statement of the ruling can be read here.

What's Next?
Marianne Pizzitola, founder of the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees, the group that initiated the lawsuit, posted a Facebook interview with Jake Gardener, the lead attorney on the case. Asked what the City's next steps might be, Gardener speculated:
  • The City could seek permission to appeal to the Court of Appeals, which is the highest court in the state. But because the decision of the First Department was unanimous, very detailed (10 pages long as opposed to the more usual 1 or 2 pages), and thoroughly considered (over 2 months to make a decision as opposed to the more usual 2 or 3 weeks), he thought permission would likely be denied.
  • The City could ask permission to reargue the case before the First Department. This is a move that is only rarely taken, and seems unlikely given the weight of the court’s decision today.
Still to Come
Two other cases are still pending.
  • NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees v. Renee Campion: Judge Lyle Frank ruled that the City’s attempt to force retirees to pay for their own medigap coverage was a violation of NYC Administrative Code 12-126. This case is currently in the Court of Appeals.
  • Margaretann Bianculli et al v. City of New York Office of Labor Relations et al.: The City tried to levy a copay against retirees for each medical encounter. This case is currently before both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.
Now What?
On the Facebook video, Marianne, Gardener, and our other stalwart lawyer, Steve Cohen, emphasized that the real power behind all these cases is us. We the retirees have done our research, sent in affidavits, testified before City Council, turned up in court, turned out in the streets. We have donated out of our own pockets (and must continue to do so!). This fight is not just for ourselves alone, but for future City retirees – and for all those facing the financialized behemoth that is Health USA.

New York Appellate Division Affirms City Retirees’ Right to Promised Medicare Benefits

Today’s Ruling Bars City From Forcing Retirees off of Traditional Medicare

NEW YORK, May 21, 2024  — Today, the New York Appellate Division issued a unanimous decision holding that the City of New York cannot force its roughly 250,000 elderly and disabled retired municipal workers off of their longstanding Medicare insurance and onto an inferior type of insurance called “Medicare Advantage.”  Unlike Medicare—a public program that has protected City retirees for the past 57 years—the City’s proposed new Medicare Advantage plan was a private, for-profit endeavor that would have limited retirees’ access to medical providers, prevented retirees from receiving care prescribed by their doctors, and exposed retirees to increased healthcare costs.

The Court confirmed what retirees have been arguing for months: that they are entitled to the healthcare they were promised for over 50 years.  These retirees built their lives around this healthcare promise.  As the Court ruled today, denying retirees this healthcare would imperil their lives and violate the law.

The decision is available here.

Jake Gardener, a partner at Walden Macht & Haran LLP, counsel to the retirees, says, “We are grateful to the Court for recognizing the healthcare rights of retired City workers.  Because of the Court’s thoughtful, well-reasoned decision, hundreds of thousands of senior citizens and disabled first responders will be able to receive the medical care they desperately need.”

Marianne Pizzitola, President of the New York City Organization of Public Service Retirees, one of the lead plaintiffs, states, “Retired City workers dedicated, and in many cases risked, their lives for the City for relatively low pay.  In return, they were promised certain basic healthcare benefits when they retired.  The City’s attempt to break that 57-year promise is shameful and, as the Court ruled today, unlawful.”   

Steve Cohen, a partner at Pollock Cohen LLP, also counsel to the retirees, says, “The City owes these retirees a debt of gratitude for their service.  Instead, it has been trying to deny them the healthcare they were always promised.  Fortunately, retirees fought back and they won.”


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Is Unity suppressing retiree vote, Today - Retired Chapter Meeting, Unity Exec Bd REJECTS Call to oppose Tier 6 Architect

Unity plays hardball and the oppo tries plays by marquess of queensberry rules. -- James Eterno
Point of order, Mr. Murphy. Where is the Motion period for today's meeting, as required by Roberts Rules? In fact there has been no motion periods at any meeting this year.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Oh, I'd love to make that motion today, but have been overruled by my colleagues and I'm a team player. But James' point about how the oppo tries to play nice is more pertinent than ever. And how about the Unity crowd claiming to oppose Tier 6 while endorsing an architect? Makes one want to be uncivil.

RA and Unity are in GOTV faze - contacting all UFT retirees to make sure they get their ballot and vote -- which requires actually going to a mail box. I will speculate on the outcome in a day or so. Unity is focused on getting out their vote while the main threat to them comes from those who usually don't vote. So why not make it harder for them?
Ok, I've got to catch the ferry to the city for the May retiree chapter teacher meeting where we can hear Tom Murphy and maybe Mulgrew and even today possibly Randi pontificate on every issue but healthcare. With the chapter election on, expect lots of gaslighting. I'd love to be positively uncivil.
I didn't make it to the UFT  Exec Bd last night to see the predicted outcome of our reso calling for the DA to vote on the Tier 6 champion, Micah Lasher endorsement, as I reported yesterday:
at the NYSUT assembly, every delegate we send is a member of Unity Caucus. There is no proportional representation, certainly no independents, and all positions are elected at large (high school members don’t even get to elect their reps, or I’d be at the RA too). In other words, Lasher, with his history of anti-UFT activities, only got an endorsement because every NYC teacher in the room was a member of Unity. Your average non-Unity teacher would not have voted yes to Lasher. Good luck fighting for Tier 6 if we’re sitting there deciding to send our COPE dollars to elect one of its architects. We must reform the endorsement process, as, again, I argue here.
Nick points to the perils of winner take all, as is the retired chapter election. I wouldn't want our side to have total control either. But at least if we win, our 300 DA candidates have a variety of views and no caucus discipline. Since UFC got about one third of the total vote, in a proportional system we would have had over 200 NYSUT and AFT delegates, a better mix for the benefit of the UFT. But Unity doesn't care about the betterment of the UFT.

Unity actually had the nerve to claim Lasher has reformed and now supports public schools. Which is why the charter and Bloomberg crowd are pouring in money. Sometimes I smack my head when I hear Trumpies repeat FOX mantras. Unity is actually worse.

Is it time to be uncivil?
Unity has been attacking Retiree Advocate for being uncivil, which I find funny since I fight in the RA organizing group to be more uncivil and am in the minority. My colleagues seem to go out of the way to be civil, which is maddening to me. Like they worry about Unity heckling while I say fuck Unity. To me the Unity campaign to keep the oppo under control works, as my pals are convinced that making too much noise will cause us to lose votes. I say, the people objecting are Unity and we can be tame pussycats (which we are) and they won't vote for us. I think the oppo tails the anger of many in the rank and file who want to see more fire from the oppo. When New Action was on the UFT Ex Bd 25 years ago I was often disturbed at the way they responded - or didn't respond - to Unity attacks.

The late, great James Eterno, who when in New Action was the most aggressive, used to repeat endlessly -- Unity plays hardball and the oppo tries to play by marquess of queensberry rules.
I'm particularly pissed at the actions of the Unity controlled election committee which denied us other than 1 rep while they pack the meetings with 4 Unity. The latest is that at the June 14th vote count we will not be able to observe directly but through a barrier. Until recent elections we had full access. That is not observing. I also object to the delays - we pay AAA a fortune and they can't run more scanners, which break down constantly and delay the vote. In elections in years past we had faster results. I intend to make some noise at the count. I don't trust Unity and I don't trust the cozy relationship to the AAA. LeRoy Barr, the head of Unity Caucus, consults with them and claims he is representing the UFT, not Unity. Sure.

J'Accuse: Unity/AAA Delayed ballots suppress the vote
So we were told that ballots were to go out on May 10 but no one we know received their ballot until at least a week later and many haven't gotten it yet. Then when asked, AAA reported "on or about May 10." Really?

I asked a former colleague who is a snowbird and up in Boston now and he hasn't gotten his ballot and probably never will unless he contacts AAA and gets them to send to his summer home. I expect we will have loads of people who ask the AAA for replacements and they do la, di, da and it takes a week to get one and another week for it to get back to AAA? If I were on the election committee I'd demand they extend the deadline for ballots received to a few extra days to make up for the delayed mailing. 
But of course that will be rejected, as Unity is all about vote suppression. They are the Republican Party of the UFT.

Now we know by their actions, that Unity is nervous, as Jonathan chronicled: The UFT Retiree Election and “Unusual Activity”.

At today's meeting Retiree Advocate will be handing out our standard leaflet, but I am handing out a supplemental leaflet based on reporting by Wendell Potter damning Aetna/CVS and the impact on Mulgrewcare. Read the entire article here. I modified it for today's meeting.

Educators of NYC comments on the Unity spin on Lasher last night:

Once again @UFTUnity has been loose with the facts. Yesterday, they voted down a UFT exec board resolution that would bring the @nysut endorsement of @MicahLasher to a more direct vote by @UFT delegates. (The UFT has endorsed him via proxy essentially thru a NYSUT vote.) One argument that Unity apparatchiks made is that he is ANTI-CHARTER schools, now. This simply isn’t true. His politically expedient change of tone is not a change of heart. While he no longer heads the charter school PAC, StudentsFirst NY, nothing in his career or his current positions as a candidate for state office in the last 8 years indicates this. While he has called for more *accountability of charters*, such as special education and other areas, you won’t find a SINGLE instance where he says he is against charter schools. Because he isn’t. Lest we forget during his most recent 3 year stint as director of policy for @GovKathyHochul, we see her administration called for lifting the state cap entirely last year and when rebuffed by the state legislature, Hochul worked out a deal to bring back 22 zombie charters statewide — 14 in NYC. Hochul is pro-charter. And you bet your bottom dollar — so is Lasher. The donor money he’s beginning to compile in his run for AD 69 is starting to have privateer Bloomberg fingerprints all over it, too. Lots of former Bloomberg administration folks, and most prominently, Emma Bloomberg and her husband, Jeremiah Kittredge, who used to run the maligned charter lobby operation, Families for Excellent Schools, before it was caught up in scandal. 



Monday, May 20, 2024

Another Unity/UFT Sellout - Backs Micah Lasher, Bloomberg pro Tier 6, Charter School, Student First Acolyte - for State Assembly

Mayor Bloomberg Announces Director Of State Legislative Affairs Micah C. Lasher Will Leave City Government:  Lasher has been a member of the Bloomberg Administration since January 2009, beginning as Executive Director of External Affairs at the Department of Education. He has helped lead the City’s efforts in Albany on many major issues, including reauthorizing mayoral control of the schools, lifting the cap on charter schools, a new pension tier for City employees - April 4, 2012...

Lasher in his unsuccessful 2016 campaign for State Senate and his present campaign for State Assembly received significant funding from individuals closely associated with the charter school movement and/or hostile to teachers and their unions.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The UFT/Unity gang seems to love the good old days of the Bloomberg era of closing down public schools and expanding charters. And remember how Micah Lasher gets credit for helping bring us Tier 6, which the UFT claims it opposes - NOW - but not very much in 2012.
There is no end to the perfidy from our erstwhile leaders, but this endorsement takes us beyond the pale, bringing back memories of the awful dozen years of the Bloomberg assault on public education, led by Micah Lasher in the latter Bloomberg years, who then became head of the despicable Student First, an organization that pushed to end tenure and to replace public schools with as many non-union charters as they can manufacture. Lasher proudly helped lead the parade. 
I maintain that by their actions, our UFT leadership is fundamentally anti-union. The Lasher endorsement is further proof. But just as bad is the process to avoid putting the Lasher endorsement in front of the DA by claiming NYSUT endorsed and the UFT is following, a bag of worms - not to insult worms. 
At tonight's UFT Exec Bd meeting, a reso calling for the endorsement to be voted on by the Exec Bd and DA will be made. Watch the Unity hacks scramble to avoid going on the official record as they hide behind NYSUT.
Last night I was on a zoom with a much better alternate candidate, Eli Northrup, super impressive who supports the issues we care about. Northrup has criticized Lasher for his charter school support and also for his role in making Tier 6 a reality. Northrup wants to ensure public schools remain truly public and accountable, prioritizing adequate tools and support for teachers and students, including mental health resources in schools, protect and expand pre-K and 3-K programs, expand paid family leave, and move toward a vision for universal childcare. Northrup was a United Auto Workers member as a Bronx public advocate.
I believe the UFT should endorse Northrup, not a fringe candidate with no chance of winning – he comes backed by significant endorsers, Here a few:

“The Jewish Vote is proud to endorse Eli Northrup for state Assembly.


Here is his website:


Resolution to Consider the UFT’s Endorsement for the 69th Assembly District

Whereas the UFT and NYSUT have apparently endorsed the candidacy of Micah Lasher in the 69th Assembly District, as evidenced by campaign literature and flyers mailed to members with the UFT logo on it;

Whereas, in the case of the UFT, this endorsement was made without any discussion or vote by the Executive Board or the Delegate Assembly;

And whereas the endorsement of Lasher is problematic for the following reasons:

  • Lasher is the former head of Student First New York, the leading advocacy group promoting the expansion of charter schools in New York;

  • Lasher served as Director of Policy for Governor Hochul during a period where her office proposed the expansion of charter schools in New York State;

  • Lasher, as chief lobbyist for Mayor Bloomberg, actively promoted policies that were anti-teacher and anti-union;

  • Lasher in his unsuccessful 2016 campaign for State Senate and his present campaign for State Assembly has received significant funding from individuals closely associated with the charter school movement and/or hostile to teachers and their unions;

  • Lasher was a major force in lobbying for Tier 6

And whereas the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly are entitled to vote on UFT endorsements;

Be it Resolved: the Executive Board shall vote on the issue of the 69th Assembly endorsement and forward its recommendation to the Delegate Assembly for its consideration.

Signed by:

Ronnie Almone

Nick Bacon

Ed Calamia

Alex Jallot

Ibeth Mejia

Ilona Nanay

Luli Rodriguez

Mike Schirtzer 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

TRS Election Was Consequential - Results Are Out - Ben Gets Over a Third With a Minimal Campaign While Unity Went All Out

Massive Unity failure in GOTV
....Unity also has the school by school data and can tell which of their district reps and chapter leaders actually did the work. The outcomes were so poor for the Unity GOTV effort I bet the leadership is plenty pissed at their own people. Don't be shocked to see some heads roll.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The shock and awe of only the second ever TRS election for UFT trustee (the last one was over 30 years ago) to the UFT/Unity cult and to the DOE is still reverberating on multiple levels. The DOE clearly violated the law with its electronic voting plan and the turnout was very poor. I'm trying to get totals but roughly Ben got over a third despite a heavy Unity campaign for his opponent. The Unity failure may be the major takeaway from this election. No wonder they were so perturbed at being forced to run an unexpected campaign. They knew they were not prepared. And very upset that this is an election controlled by the DOE, not them. Which leads us to this:
The late breaking news is that UFT legal eagle, Rude Beth Norton, has contacted Ben and Daniel Alicea (the alternate) about joining a union complaint about the election.
An interesting development, given Unity won by two thirds.
Why protest an election they won? Lots of speculation, including the low turnout as a condemnation of the Unity machine which went all out. Do they want a redo?
I wouldn't be shocked to see the UFT use this election as a way to try to change the law in ways to tip future elections in their favor --  like maybe "offer" to take the running of the election off the hands of the DOE. Make sure electronic voting is NOT on the table. And how do they argue that in next year's UFT election they should continue to use the massively expensive paper ballots? And how about letting retirees vote in a TRS election?
Despite the Unity win, I'm not betting on there being joy at 52 Mudville today. Some oppo are already talking about doing it again next year.

Ben did quite well given limited resources and campaign

The most unique data we have is the DOE giving us 18 pages listing all schools and how they voted. (I will publish at some point). This is something I've been asking the UFT to do for years in the general election and they refuse but I bet they get that data from the AAA anyway and don't share it. The reason is I wanted to see how our own people did in getting out the vote. This time we can see how the GOTV worked in every school. Now many had zero votes or so few the data is meaningless. I'm betting that where Ben did well it was tied to schools that did petitions for him and it means some person in the building did the work. 
I give Ben Morgenroth top credit for the organizing he did and his extensive contacts in enough schools to give him a credible outcome. We all learned a lot about organizing on short notice and I hope we see a campaign every year for the TRS position - they are rotated in 3 year terms and one Unity pension rep must run every year. 

Also expect this election to help form a base for next year's general UFT election, along with the work being done in the para and retiree chapter elections, plus all the school based chapter elections which will lead to new leadership in many schools.

This is worth repeating:
Massive Unity failure in GOTV
On the reverse side, Unity also has the data and can tell which of their district reps and chapter leaders actually did the work. The outcomes were so poor for the Unity GOTV effort I bet the leadership is plenty pissed at their own people. Don't be shocked to see some heads roll. 
We are looking at the data for certain districts with big mouth DRs who attack the oppo -- so far it is not looking good for them.

I always argue with my oppo friends - any progress we make is not due to the organizing we do but in the failures of the organizing of Unity and the increasing level of incompetence at the top. They are the gift that keeps giving. 
Oh, if the oppo ever did really get organized.
The campaign TRS campaign has brought crucial issues to the attention of many UFTers, like:
  • Tier 6 - Accelerating the campaign for changes
  • Reduction of interest from 8.25 to 7% for UFTers only: Randi's 2009 folly cost me $22,000 this year.
  • The rubber stamp role Unity reps must play due to dictates of the UFT/Unity leadership.
  • The value in having at least one non-Unity choice to push back on important issues, like the fees paid, especially to private equity.
  • The learning experience an ad hoc group of people who organized this campaign outside the usual caucus structure gained. 
When I got my last TDA statement I calculated that Randi's move to 7% cost me $22,000 last year. Randi will be at the retiree meeting next Tuesday and I'm tempted to hold up a big check for her to sign for 22k.
I'm still concerned about the state of the opposition and if there will be an organized opposition capable of challenging Unity seriously next year. (More than one slate running against Unity will be a disaster). UFC has not really operated other than some people working together on the Ex bd.  It is impossible to calculate the impact of the loss of James Eterno and the work he was doing on the ICE blog. Last night at the RA webinar (attended by almost 150 people) one person gave James a shout out.
Ad Hoc Campaign
That the idea to run in the TRS election, find a candidate, and create and execute a campaign came from a small group chat one evening and not from the active UFT opposition caucuses (though members of some caucuses were involved). 
The process has broader consequences for the way the usual suspects in the UFT opposition have functioned. As a member of that chat, I was impressed by the open method of dialogue and the free back and forth that took place over the next few weeks. 

After my experience of being part of the founding of 3 oppo caucuses over the past 50 years, I realize that the processes and rules inside of caucuses, with some rigidity, can temper a free flow of ideas. No caucus I know could have responded as quickly and effectively.
These informal chats also led to last year's health care petition campaign, the para election slate and other initiatives. Some had objected that the people involved weren't going through a UFC multi caucus process where each caucus could veto an action or delay by saying they had to go back to their caucus steering committee. That process is like death by a thousand cuts. I know, people charge that process is democratic and having small groups decide to take an action is undemocratic. Guilty. I'm too old to wait for messy democracy to unfold. But the process is actually democratic in the sense if the idea is good people will sign on and if not it will bomb. 
So far the process of open dialogue in small groups of compatible people seems to have worked out. When challenged, my response it "Build it and they will come." So far we have seen the caucuses see the value of the idea and join in supporting it without going through a cumbersome process like we had two years ago with UFC.

I can't tell what the future will bring, but the relative success of the TRS dissident election is a hopeful sign.

Below are commentary from Arthur, always valuable.

Monday, May 13, 2024

UFT Para Chapter Election: Fix Para Pay Town Hall Tonight 6:30-7:30

The para chapter election has not been getting the same play at the retiree election but even having an election in the para chapter is significant. Unity has engaged in some dirty tricks, including buying off the Fix Para Pay slate's candidate for chapter leader with a union job.
See Marianne's interview with two of the candidates last Friday.


And this is happening tonight:

Fix Para Pay Town Hall TONIGHT 6:30 - 7:30pm

You can read more about the slate at their website and sign up to attend tonight's workshop here.

Ballots have been mailed to UFT paraprofessionals' home addresses. When you receive your ballot, don't wait! Mark and X in the "FIX PARA PAY" box and mail your ballot back ASAP. All ballots must be received by Thursday, June 13th. 

If you're an in-service teacher, talk to the paraprofessionals at your school! These elections tend to be low-turnout affairs and UFT leadership is not exactly energetic when it comes to getting out the vote.

Hundreds of TRS members with no ballots and the Alchemer survey company - TRS Election Issues -- Will There Be A Protest?

How and why is the UFT leadership sitting idly by on this matter and waiting for election results that we knowingly know is unlawful and that further  limits access to our democratic participation.
Monday, May 13, 2024

If you didn't get an electronic ballot in the TRS election, here is a possible explanation. As of this morning there are no results yet. I will post some comments later on why this election is consequential -- hint -- we can have one every year.

Daniel, who is running as the alternate, does some digging in the email he sent to:

Hundreds of TRS members with no ballots and the Alchemer survey company

"Beth A. Norton" <>, "" <>, LeRoy Barr <>,
Michael Mulgrew <>, Tom Brown <>, Victoria Lee <>


The NYC DOE just ran the TRS Pension Board election using their go-to third party email survey platform — Alchemer. They have been using this vendor for years for their internal survey needs. And with interactions with families. 

We are hearing that one big reason some TRS members did not receive their electronic ballots during the last 2 days is because if someone unsubscribed from a previous Alchemer/SGizmo campaign then they would not have been able to vote electronically using this platform, unless notified to resubscribe. 

This was never clearly communicated to members, beforehand.

Once unsubscribed from the Alchemer system, the person will not receive any more future email campaigns. It’s part of their federally compliant policy. Common with most similar big box platforms. 

As you can see, in the attached screenshots, there is an unsubscribe option at the footer of Alchemer survey emails generated for various DOE offices. 

This isn’t a way to conduct serious electronic elections. For example, with AAA, when they conduct digital elections, members of the given organization, like PSC-CUNY, get a paper ballot with a unique access code/electronic token that they can then go online with to cast their secure vote.

This trustee election affects the pensions of over 100k city employees and over 100 billion dollars in pension funds. Hundreds, if not thousands, of TRS contributors have been disenfranchised from this process. And city admin code 13-507 was not followed throughout its administration.

This latest development only strengthens legal arguments for this entire election to be re-run. 

How and why is the UFT leadership sitting idly by on this matter and waiting for election results that we knowingly know is unlawful and that further  limits access to our democratic participation.

This is a serious ethical and legal matter before you. We expect our union leadership to have been more vocal about what transpired in the last two days. And we’ve heard nothing.

We need to know that those we entrust to protect and defend our rights are doing just that.


In union solidarity,
Dan Alicea


Saturday, May 11, 2024

UPDATED - Monday, May 13, 8PM - Zoom With Retiree Advocate - Rally to Get Out the Vote, Video - How to Vote, My Letter to Local Paper

 Nick at NAC:

UFT Retirees – Vote Retiree Advocate (RA) in the RTC Election


Bennett and Jonathon with Marianne Friday night.

RA Ad in The Indypendent



Saturday, May 11, 2024

Ballots for the RTC election are out - look for the envelope from the AAA and vote Retiree Advocate. Go through any old organization sheets you have from your school and contact retirees to look for the ballot and vote Retiree Advocate.

I believe we should be getting reports from the AAA on how many ballots are coming in every day. I never get a clear answer -- does the AAA scan the envelopes received  as they come in or do they wait until June 14 to do it. I've noticed big delays in getting the count started and it makes sense to me to scan as they come in. We should be privy to that info.

JOIN US FOR The Get Out the Vote Zoom
Monday 5/13 8PM Register at:
RA will be holding a zoom rally Monday, May 13 at 8PM to share ideas on how to reach out to get out the vote. This will be a celebration to kick off the GOTV campaign.
Or use the link below.

Videos on the way to vote and send in your ballot 



We make a point that picking out people on the 600 name booklet is waste because the slate votes are what gets reported. Three years ago there were a few hundred people who split the ballot and they get counted last. So what if an individual gets a few more or less votes? Just tear off the front page and mail that and leave the booklet behind.

Bobby Greenberg and Marianne:


One thing not mentioned in the video --- there is some way to id you on the outer envelope so AAA knows you voted. I believe a bar code - a signature is not required - the envelopes are run through a machine, then opened and the secret ballot envelope removed which protects your privacy.

Letters to local papers

One idea has been to write to your local papers. I did to the two in Rockaway and this was published in The Wave:

Dear Editor:

Retired UFT members will have the opportunity to take control of their UFT Retired Teacher Chapter in a consequential election that may well determine the future of their healthcare and that of city retirees from other unions (ballots are sent out by the American Arbitration Association on May10 and must be returned by June 14th). UFT retirees will be able to vote out the Unity Caucus/UFT leaders, who have allied with Mayor Adams and private health insurance companies in proposing drastic healthcare changes and replace them with leadership from Retiree Advocate that will truly act in their best interests.  

Many Medicare eligible NYC retirees live in the Rockaway community. They devoted years of service to NYC working as EMTs, Police Officers, Fire Department Personnel, Sanitation Carriers, Nurses, and Educators, often accepting smaller paychecks than private sector jobs offer due to the promise of continued, excellent health benefits upon retirement.

However, retirees have been in the fight of their lives for the past three years after learning that NYC, along with the Municipal Labor Committee, and its current controlling bosses, (Michael Mulgrew from the UFT, Henry Garrido of DC 37, and Harry Nespoli of the Sanitation Union), were about to change their fully subsidized healthcare, which for most of them is traditional Medicare plus supplemental GHI-Senior Care, to an inferior Medicare Advantage Plan, without their knowledge or support.

These private plans often diminish healthcare through networks, prior authorizations, denials, and delays at a time in one’s life when more and better healthcare is needed. Three successful lawsuits by the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees (, led by the dynamic former EMC Marianne Pizzitola, are being appealed by the City of NY and so the fight against this healthcare conversion continues.

Many NYC City Council members, including Joann Ariola and fellow Republican City Council members, have given full-blown support to the retirees. In a twist of the political world, they have been joined by members of the most progressive wing of the Democratic Party, a rare right/left combination on an issue that has united retirees.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew and UFT RTC Chapter Chair Tom Murphy have led the assault on Medicare protections. All City workers will eventually be impacted by these threatened changes, and the UFT under Unity Caucus has had the most influence due to its massive membership. UFT retirees are urged to check the box for the entire Retiree Advocate slate when they receive their ballot.

Norm Scott

Retired Elementary School Teacher, UFT Member Since 1967
Member/Candidate of Retiree Advocate/UFT for Retiree Chapter Executive Board


RA Ad in current edition of The Chief:


ATT: Retiree and In-Service UFT Teachers and Those Who KNOW Some!!

ATT: Retiree and In-Service UFT Teachers and Those Who KNOW Some!!

Do you know that the UFT Retired Teachers Chapter and other elections are almost here?  Ballots being MAILED to homes starting around May 10!
Do you care about preserving your healthcare and maintaining access to straight Medicare and NOT some unknown and unknowable "Advantage"-type plan?!

You will have the opportunity to VOTE OUT the Unity Leadership in the upcoming Retired Teacher Chapter election and replace them with leadership that will truly act in our best interests. Voting for Retiree Advocate/UFT is a vote against healthcare changes for retirees! Vote out Unity and tell friends and relatives to do the same.

IN-SERVICE Teachers: While you can NOT vote in the Retiree Chapter, understand that you WILL one day join us and therefore have a chance to use your active vote in your own elections against the leadership that allowed Tier 6 and is weakening your own health care right now!!


We must vote out the Unity Caucus leadership that is willing to change, without our consent, the excellent healthcare we were promised when we retired.

Put a check mark in the box next to Retiree Advocate/UFT on the ballot to vote the entire slate and mail it back using the stamped, self-addressed envelope. Ballots must be received no later than June 13th. If you vote for individual candidates, it will be a wasted vote!

If you care about preserving your healthcare, you must vote the Retiree Advocate slate when you get your ballot in the mail this May.  Please see our website for more info!


RA Facebook
If you are on facebook (don't worry if not) there are good conversations about reaching retirees happening in our Facebook group (private) - join here:

See Jonathan:

UFT Retiree Election – You Can Make a Difference