Monday, May 20, 2024

Another Unity/UFT Sellout - Backs Micah Lasher, Bloomberg pro Tier 6, Charter School, Student First Acolyte - for State Assembly

Mayor Bloomberg Announces Director Of State Legislative Affairs Micah C. Lasher Will Leave City Government:  Lasher has been a member of the Bloomberg Administration since January 2009, beginning as Executive Director of External Affairs at the Department of Education. He has helped lead the City’s efforts in Albany on many major issues, including reauthorizing mayoral control of the schools, lifting the cap on charter schools, a new pension tier for City employees - April 4, 2012...

Lasher in his unsuccessful 2016 campaign for State Senate and his present campaign for State Assembly received significant funding from individuals closely associated with the charter school movement and/or hostile to teachers and their unions.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The UFT/Unity gang seems to love the good old days of the Bloomberg era of closing down public schools and expanding charters. And remember how Micah Lasher gets credit for helping bring us Tier 6, which the UFT claims it opposes - NOW - but not very much in 2012.
There is no end to the perfidy from our erstwhile leaders, but this endorsement takes us beyond the pale, bringing back memories of the awful dozen years of the Bloomberg assault on public education, led by Micah Lasher in the latter Bloomberg years, who then became head of the despicable Student First, an organization that pushed to end tenure and to replace public schools with as many non-union charters as they can manufacture. Lasher proudly helped lead the parade. 
I maintain that by their actions, our UFT leadership is fundamentally anti-union. The Lasher endorsement is further proof. But just as bad is the process to avoid putting the Lasher endorsement in front of the DA by claiming NYSUT endorsed and the UFT is following, a bag of worms - not to insult worms. 
At tonight's UFT Exec Bd meeting, a reso calling for the endorsement to be voted on by the Exec Bd and DA will be made. Watch the Unity hacks scramble to avoid going on the official record as they hide behind NYSUT.
Last night I was on a zoom with a much better alternate candidate, Eli Northrup, super impressive who supports the issues we care about. Northrup has criticized Lasher for his charter school support and also for his role in making Tier 6 a reality. Northrup wants to ensure public schools remain truly public and accountable, prioritizing adequate tools and support for teachers and students, including mental health resources in schools, protect and expand pre-K and 3-K programs, expand paid family leave, and move toward a vision for universal childcare. Northrup was a United Auto Workers member as a Bronx public advocate.
I believe the UFT should endorse Northrup, not a fringe candidate with no chance of winning – he comes backed by significant endorsers, Here a few:

“The Jewish Vote is proud to endorse Eli Northrup for state Assembly.


Here is his website:


Resolution to Consider the UFT’s Endorsement for the 69th Assembly District

Whereas the UFT and NYSUT have apparently endorsed the candidacy of Micah Lasher in the 69th Assembly District, as evidenced by campaign literature and flyers mailed to members with the UFT logo on it;

Whereas, in the case of the UFT, this endorsement was made without any discussion or vote by the Executive Board or the Delegate Assembly;

And whereas the endorsement of Lasher is problematic for the following reasons:

  • Lasher is the former head of Student First New York, the leading advocacy group promoting the expansion of charter schools in New York;

  • Lasher served as Director of Policy for Governor Hochul during a period where her office proposed the expansion of charter schools in New York State;

  • Lasher, as chief lobbyist for Mayor Bloomberg, actively promoted policies that were anti-teacher and anti-union;

  • Lasher in his unsuccessful 2016 campaign for State Senate and his present campaign for State Assembly has received significant funding from individuals closely associated with the charter school movement and/or hostile to teachers and their unions;

  • Lasher was a major force in lobbying for Tier 6

And whereas the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly are entitled to vote on UFT endorsements;

Be it Resolved: the Executive Board shall vote on the issue of the 69th Assembly endorsement and forward its recommendation to the Delegate Assembly for its consideration.

Signed by:

Ronnie Almone

Nick Bacon

Ed Calamia

Alex Jallot

Ibeth Mejia

Ilona Nanay

Luli Rodriguez

Mike Schirtzer 

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