Showing posts with label Unity Caucus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity Caucus. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ABC, To me, Seems Like One Two Three, Join ABC Member Assembly, Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

Amongst all the furor over the two slate situation and the angst it seems to engender, I keep wondering why I find the endeavor with ABC so energizing. Here's one reason:

You're invited: Join our UFT Member Assembly via Zoom on Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

We will speak about the erosion of our healthcare benefits and what we need to do to stop it.

300 registered so far. Join the crowd.

The turnouts for ABC have been excellent due to networking ability to extend its reach, an original intent of coming together in the first place: To attempt to reach deep into the schools to break the 80% non-voting active members (39% of retirees vote). 
I'm not opposed to caucuses but for this election especially I feel their model of organizing will not win. I've said it time and again - the ability of the current caucuses to reach deeper than the surface into schools has not been successful as reflected in the most recent UFT election two years ago and the fact that over decades they have shown little growth, massive turnover and some shrinkage. New Action is 30 years old with roots back to the 60s and MORE, the hot new thing when it went public 13 years ago after over a year and a half of behind closed doors negotiations, are stagnant.
When people ask how is ABC different from other groups running --- look at the outcomes so far in terms of attracting attention and supporters because ABC was free of restraints to act and did not get bogged down in caucus negotiations fed through a narrow group of steering committee members who are a gate though which decisions are made.

Look, since my diagnosis, I no longer am looking at living to 125. So I don't have time to watch the slow drip of caucus negotiations. When ABC began to meet in earnest in August with members of all caucuses in the room, I wanted the campaign to start in September but caucus issues kept delaying us until early November when the caucuses exited ABC and what was left of ABC said: Enough - and came out of the box publicly in mid-November, declaring it was running, while the caucuses spent the next 6 weeks deliberating in secret and made their first public announcement as the XMAS vacation was about to start.
This is the basis of my analysis as to why a caucus dominated election will not win. What has been accomplished since New Action left their 10 year alliance with Unity in 2016 when they joined with MORE to win the 7 hs exec bd seats, and again with UFC in 2022 -- the holy grail of oppo election politics -- winning 7 out of 100 exec bd seats? That is no longer good enough.

Don't get me wrong. I was an avid participator over decades as a member of MORE and before that ICE in elections from 2004-2022. I just don't want to do that again.

Now, with the big retiree and para wins in the chapter elections, everyone's hopes for a big win have been raised. I think a win would only be possible by building new alliances and not just count on those results to carry the day.

A key to this election would be to reach out to the 80% of in service teachers who rarely vote and the current caucuses with actives in previous elections did not have enough outreach into enough schools to beat Unity. Of course everyone was thinking of the ace in the hole -- the retiree vote. But with Tier 6 being such a catastrophe for over half the working UFT members, there are issues beyond health care, though for both retirees and actives, healthcare is still a top level concern. 

Which reminds me: ABC is doing a healthcare zoom tonight.

You're invited: Join our UFT Member Assembly via Zoom on Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

We will speak about the erosion of our healthcare benefits and what we need to do to stop it.

Hey folks! Last month, we covered the ABCs of PAY. This month, our focus is on HEALTHCARE.

Whether you're a UFT Retiree or an In-Service member, our premium-free healthcare is at risk, while our existing coverage continues to erode and we pay more and more out-of-pocket.

Let’s come together to discuss the current threats and challenges facing our union, and talk about what we need to do to protect and expand our premium-free healthcare for the future.

Tuesday, January 14th at 7 PM.

Register here:

Join us! Let’s work towards A BETTER CONTRACT that protects and improves our healthcare. Everyone is welcome.

Register for Member Assembly

Run With ABC in the 2025 UFT Geneal Election – Slate Signups Still Open!

We want you (yes, YOU!) to join us in the upcoming UFT General Election.

We're inviting all UFT members, no matter your political views or caucus affiliation, to be part of ABC’s non-partisan grassroots movement. We’re all about demanding A Better Contract — both with the City of New York and our union leadership.

We're looking for candidates for UFT officer positions, Executive Board, NYSUT Representatives, and AFT Delegates. Read the UFT 2025 election notice to learn more about these positions and qualifications.

Do you want to read our platform, first? Click here.

Our officer and executive board spots are 90% filled with some of these positions still available. Still, we most definitely want to run a full slate, so sign up today.

Head over to to sign up, and we'll be in touch soon with more details.

Sign up for the ABC Slate

Thanks so much. We’re looking forward to connecting with you soon and getting back to work on transforming our UFT.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Stay updated with us at:

To run on the ABC slate for the 2025 election, go to:

To join our organizing work groups, go to:

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site:

And follow us at:

Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.



Saturday, December 14, 2024

'A Better Contract' Pushes Forward for a Member-Led UFT

I admit that at times I've been a skeptic, but when almost 300 registered and 230 showed -wow! And what an interesting presentation and discussion. People seem to think this is all about the upcoming UFT election. The next contract is where a battle will take place. This is not only about the election, but about organizing the unorganized. Sign up for something.

This is basic organizing 101.

'A Better Contract' Pushes Forward for a Member-Led UFT

ABC continues to set the pace for the 2025 UFT Election race and transformative changes. ABC champions a better contract with the City of New York and a better social contract with union leadership.



Happy Weekend, UFT!

Thank you to all who attended The ABCs of Pay — Let’s Talk About Pay UFT Member Assembly this past Tuesday. Your time, insights, questions and thoughtful contributions made the discussion both engaging and productive. Together, we’re building the foundation for a union that puts members’ priorities like pay, dignity, and working conditions first.

As we discussed during the meeting, improving pay and working conditions requires collective action and a bold strategy that reflects the needs of our members.

Our union president, Michael Mulgrew, recently acknowledged the challenges of pay equity, citing pattern bargaining as a barrier to addressing inequitable pay disparities for paraprofessionals.

While pattern bargaining has been a defining strategy under the current leadership, it is not the only approach to fix para pay and secure a living wage.

A more creative and assertive bargaining strategy, along with an action-ready membership, can challenge the status quo, ensuring that all members receive the compensation and respect they deserve. This reinforces the importance for new union leadership that listens to members and explores all options to secure a fair contract.

Our discussion on Tuesday showed that simply by coming together, we are already making an impact. The issues we raised are now being addressed. This demonstrates the power of collective action and the effectiveness of amplifying our voices.

We’re excited to keep this momentum going!

Here’s how you can stay involved:

Join us at upcoming UFT Member Assemblies: Mark your calendar for January 7, 2025. RSVP, here.

Join a Working Group: We currently have working groups centered around: Organizing, High School, Elementary, District 75, Paras, and social media. Some will be meeting next week, already! See the dates and times, below.

To get started, go to:

Spread the Word: Encourage your colleagues to join our movement and attend the next meeting. Check out our LinkTree for ways to share our message.

Join our Slate of Candidates: Want to join this historic movement for member-led transformative change? We are actively seeking prospective candidates to run for UFT executive board, AFT and NYSUT delegate positions. To connect with us, go to:

Here are our upcoming ABC Working Group meetings:

ALL District 75 UFT Members and All UFT Paraprofessionals Citywide

Tue, 12/17 at 7 PM

Register here

High School Division

Wed, 12/18 at 7 PM

Register here

Organizing Committee

Wed, 12/18 at 7 PM

Register here

** We are scheduling meetings for retirees, elementary and middle school and other functional titles, very shortly. We will keep you updated.

ABC (A Better Contract) is dedicated to building a union where every member feels valued, heard, and empowered. We are union proud and union strong. We are non-partisan and we are not affiliated with the establishment union caucuses that are often too self-agendized.

With your support we can continue to challenge the status quo, win the upcoming 2025 Union leadership election, and bring about the change we need.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Finally, please take a moment to check out our landing page to see how you can get involved:

Stay updated with us at:

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site:

And follow us at:

In solidarity,

Katie Anskat, Queens Metropolitan HS Delegate

Paul Egan, PS/MS 194 Chapter Leader

Arthur Goldstein, Vice Chair of Retiree Teachers Chapter (RTC)

Chad Hamilton, P.S. K231 Chapter Leader

Steve Swieciki, Lehman High School Chapter Leader

Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.






Thursday, November 28, 2024

UFT Election Committee Sets Election Dates, Drops Non-Profit AAA for Wall St. Holding Company, Queens HS Dist Rep blog - LOL

Did a desperate Unity leadership hire a fly by night Wall St Holding company to run the UFT election?
See The Wire for a more comprehensive look.
NEW DATA: Friday Nov. 29:

Does it surprise you that the UFT/Unity leadership, tied to the corporate/donor class controlled Democratic Party, a leadership that tried to shift us from non-profit Medicare to corporate controlled MedAdv, would go the same route for an inexperienced, in debt, for profit for this crucial UFT election? And the data of every UFT member will be in the hands of this company. 
Who do you trust to help Unity cheat? The longstanding, respected non-profit American Arbitration Association or a Wall Street holding company.... Comment 
What - me worry?

Unity blamed AAA for sending out the Unity retiree flyer instead of the Unity para flyer with the Para ballot. Fix Para Pay ended up with 75% of the vote. It couldn't be due to the poor para pay that they won. Unity blames the AAA for sending out the wrong flyer when the story is the Unity hierarchy made the mistake in giving the AAA the wrong flyer. This is a pretty flimsy excuse but we sat there and were helpless to oppose or knew what questions to ask. Someone should go to the next UFT Exec Bd meeting and raise questions.
UFT Election committee did not review the RFPs but were told by the Election Committee Chair that a selection had already been made. It will be rubber stamped at next UFT exec board meeting. This process might cause problems. GES was used by a DC 37 local to run a controversial rerun election … there was a complaint that they were not legally hired. The complaint was dismissed because the arbitrator said that the RFPs were brought to the election committee and exec board.

In our case, the RFPs were NOT brought to the election committee or the exec bd.

Thanks to Daniel Alicea for the in-depth research. See his tweet down below.


The other story is Unity opposes electronic voting because they don't want more people to vote -- you know, the 80% of in-service people who don't vote. They are viewed as a threat. In the past Unity could rely on the 40% return of retirees. Now what? I pointed this out at the meeting - since Unity can no longer rely on retiree votes their best chance in the election is to increase in-service. Did I detect a note of panic on some faces?
Happy Thanksgiving - November 28, 2024
I attended the UFT Election meeting Tuesday along with 6 other oppo reps and and double the gaggle of Unity reps, all on the clock 'till 6. They made sure the meeting ended by 5:30 despite my best attempts. I rate the snacks, other than the fruit cups, as low-grade. How about a sandwich?
We raised a number of issues at the meeting but first here is the skinny on the dates, all to be ratified at the next UFT Exec Bd meeting.
  • Ballots mailed May 1, 2025, counted May 29.
  • Petitions available at the Feb.12 DA and must be returned by Monday, March 17 - wait, isn't that St. Patrick's Day? I hope the returnees don't make a pit stop on the way in with petitions. They added a requirement that every candidate must sign their name to every petition their name is on.
Boy am I glad I won't be involved with petitions this year. In 2021 I devoted almost 2 months of my life to the petition campaign. My basement was covered with petitions folders. This year I'm doing jigsaw puzzles in the basement.

The BIG News: AAA out, GES in to manage election
The big news is that the UFT is dropping the AAA and using a new vendor, GES - Global Election Services. That should be a fun experiment. They used a mistake by AAA in not sending out election materials for a para candidate as the reason and inside baseball people said the error was due to a higher up in the Unity chain. A flimsy reason and a suspect replacement? Why am I not confident? Imagine the oppo wins and Unity calls for another election due to "irregularities"?
Does this change meet the sniff test? 
See below for some GES history, only 9 years old. AAA is tied to hundreds of certified arbitrators…GES has far from a similar record. 
Does it surprise you that the corporate tinged tied to donor class of the Dem party would shift to a Wall St controlled company?
The shift to GES slipped by us as we had no real information, not that we could have stopped it. If we came up with all this data below at the meeting, every Unity clone would have voted us down. 
Candidate debate, protections for those stuffing mail boxes
At the meeting John Lawhead repping Solidarity,  raised the idea of a candidate debate and referred to the debates Randi held in 1999 and 2001 elections, where she did not fare very well. Maybe why they canceled them.
Bobby Greenberg (RA rep) pushed for increased protection for those who stuff mailboxes, not only from principals but from chapter leaders. Stuffing boxes is another chore I won't be doing this time because I believe it does little good in getting out the vote - though I did get sucked into doing it last time. Bobby also wants the oppo reps to have the same access as LeRoy who double dips as UFT and Unity when he talked to AAA in past elections without us being there.

Christina Gavin (EONYC Rep), who filed a 70 page complaint last time, pushed on the idea of UFT officials using time on clock to engage in campaigning. 

I revisited the push I made 3 years ago for school data on turnout rates, pointing to the low turnout deserts and how the union would benefit from this info - last time Unity turned that down but did go for district results (UFT Election 2022 Results - Districts).

I pushed hard for an electronic voting option but naturally there are loads of roadblocks. This time they came up with the constitution wrinkle - some language in the constitution that says you have to use written ballots. Christina Gavin pointed out that written can also mean electronic.

Anyway, I pointed out the low vote totals for previous elections and handed out the ugly story on a chart. Like less than 20% of actives voted while 40% of retirees votes. After all the reasons we couldn't do electronic voting were pointed out I said I had raised this same reso 3 years ago and they promised to look into the issue but did nothing so we are back to ground zero.
I also pointed out that in previous elections the leadership could count on the retiree vote to carry them through, now with that vote in potential jeopardy, the leadership should want very much to increase in-service vote for their own protection. But don't expect any creative ideas to come from the moribund leadership. They looked like turtles turned on their backs. 

The best they could come up with was Queens District Rep James Vasquez with a reso to form a task force to "study" the issue. He also placed blame on the oppo people over the past 3 years for not bringing up the issue during that time. Duhhhh, James -- we know you guys never want electronic voting and you will forget all about your task force.

But Vasquez did not lose the opportunity to put out a dumb blog post attacking the opposition and blaming them for his own party's failures. That attack can be termed, "I'm scared shit we will lose and I will have to go back to the classroom and teach a full load instead of my one or two periods a day - and lose my second pension." 

Arthur will address the story on Friday and I will chip in a separate post in case Arthur misses something.

But here are a few comments on the Vasquez post from the RA listserve:
Ill-informed. The NLRB doesn’t even oversee UFT.
Hohohohohohoho! This is too rich for words!
Among the gems: 
"Back in 2021, members of the MORE, ICE, New Action, Solidarity and Retiree Advocate caucuses proposed and voted for a motion for the Election Committee to add the word "electronic" to the election notice....These caucuses decided to take no action on this issue whatsoever over the past three years. This pattern of inaction has become all too familiar. These groups prioritize their political gain over the well-being" of UFT members

The caucuses were supposed to take action?  I thought resolutions passed at the Delegate Assembly were instructions for the UFT leadership to take action! If this comment on their part were not so stupid, it would be pathetic. Ok, so it's both.  What actually galls me is that Unity in their broadside below is trying to get out from under the pressure that is building currently and historically underway to move to a more modern and more easily accessible voting system being proposed by opposition groups.

They acknowledge that it was already proposed in 2021 and they didn't do a thing about it. Now they are suddenly waking up, in light of their defeat in the Retiree election, and realizing that they need to actually do something about demands they thought previously they could discount and ignore. And they blame the very groups that brought this matter up for their inaction!

 So after 3 years of inertia , they now insist that decisions about the feasibility of such a system are still years away. What happened to the 3 years they decided to waste? 

And Unity still has the chutzpah to declare, essentially, "Well, let's not be hasty!"Retired Sheila
James Vasquez calls us irresponsible for asking for electronic voting. He certainly didn't  say that to our faces at the Election meeting.
Background on GES

John S. Matthews
Chairman of GES from its inception in 2015, where he has supervised the development of elections software and hardware applications covering registration, tabulation and reporting.

John S.
is currently the Chairman, CEO, CFO & Controller at Global Arena Holding, Inc. since 2016. He is also the Chairman at Global Election Services, Inc. since 2015, the Director at GAHI Acquisition Corp. since 2015, and the Director at Tidewater Energy Group, Inc. since 2019. In the past, Mr. Matthews served as the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Weatherly Securities Corp. from 1996 to 2000. He was also the Chief Executive Officer & Director at China Stationery & Office Supply, Inc. from 2010 to 2011, the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Global Arena Capital Corp. from 2007 to 2014, the Chairman at JSM Capital Holding Corp. in 2003, the Chairman at Ehrenkranz King Nussbaum from 2001 to 2003, and the President at Clark Dodge & Co., Inc. in 2006.
Parent company is partially owned by Bacardi:
What’s the biggest election GES has handled … even if mail-in ballots?
Lots of chatter in this forum about him being a scammer:
From SEC filing about the parent company:
The Company has generated recurring losses from operations and cash flow deficits from its operations since inception and has had to continually borrow to continue operating. In addition, certain of the Company’s debt is in default as of December 31, 2022. These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The continued operations of the Company are dependent upon its ability to raise additional capital, obtain additional financing and/or acquire or develop a business that generates sufficient positive cash flows from operations. The Company continues to raise funds from the issuance of additional convertible promissory note. Management is hopeful that with their ability to raise additional funds that the Company should be able to continue as a going concern.

A holding company:

Do you trust your data with this guy:

Read through to the end for Daniel's tweets for more.

EONYC Tweet on GES:

Emerging Election Scandal —  
This past Tuesday @UFTUnity used its outsized power on the @UFT election committee to say that they were changing vendors for the monitoring and election balloting of the UFT’s 2025 citywide election.  This came as a surprise to many union insiders as for years non-profit arbitration stalwart @ADRorg AAA has monitored their elections as they for most of the major NYC unions. 
They announced that a 9 year old Wall Street holding company, General Election Services, Inc would now be in charge of the mail in balloting process for the UFT’s  nearly 200k members. There was talk that @UFTUnity was upset with AAA for allegedly messing up the para chapter election when a Unity caucus retiree flyer was sent out with the mail-in ballots, instead of their Unity para flyer. 
Fix Para Pay, the opponent caucus’ flyer was mailed out and we all know that FPP trounced Unity garnering 75% of the vote. They announced that a 9 year old Wall Street holding company, General Election Services, Inc would now be in charge of the mail in balloting process for the UFT’s  nearly 200k members. 
There was talk at the Tuesday election committee meeting that @UFTUnity was upset with AAA for allegedly messing up the para chapter election when a Unity caucus retiree flyer was sent out with the mail-in ballots, instead of their Unity para flyer. 
Fix Para Pay, the opponent caucus’ flyer was mailed out and we all know that FPP trounced Unity garnering 75% of the vote. It’s unclear if the snafu was AAA’s or a mistake by the Unity caucus leader and UFT secretary, LeRoy Barr
So who is General Election Services and their chairman, John S. Matthews? … take a look at their shady website, first.  Then their parent company’s, Global Arena Holding Inc, SEC history. Deep dive incoming---

General Election Services has limited experience in running mostly paper ballot elections for organizations, owned by Global Arena Holding, Inc. It claims 40 years “combined experience” in elections, the truth it’s been around since 2015...  

The GES chairman is John S Matthews, who has a controlling interest in several other companies, including its parent company, Global Arena Holding Inc. GES and Global Arena board of shareholders includes Barcadi owner, Facundo Bacardi and former NBA player, Kiki VanDeWeghe. Matthews has been fined and suspended from in the past for his past business dealings: “John S. Matthews of New York, New York, the former owner of Global Arena Capital Corporation, was fined $25,000 and suspended for six months from association with any Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) member after consenting to findings that he engaged in unauthorized private securities transactions.” And the 2022 SEC filing for the parent company and related holdings sounds an alarm about the viability of this entire enterprise: The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which contemplates the continuation of the Company as a going concern. The Company has generated recurring losses from operations and cash flow deficits from its operations since inception and has had to continually borrow to continue operating. In addition, certain of the Company’s debt is in default as of December 31, 2022. These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The continued operations of the Company are dependent upon its ability to raise additional capital, obtain additional financing and/or acquire or develop a business that generates sufficient positive cash flows from operations. The Company continues to raise funds from the issuance of additional convertible promissory note. Management is hopeful that with their ability to raise additional funds that the Company should be able to continue as a going concern.”

GES’ claim to fame is handling the logistics 2020 North Dakota democratic primary election in which on 14k North Dakotans voted. It’s unclear if GES has ever handled a union election for over 200k members with its hundreds of candidates, like the
Who should UFT members trust more to handle a fair and honest election…? 1. AAA — The not-for-profit American Arbitration Association® (AAA®)-International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (ICDR®) who is the largest private global provider of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services in the world. Whose arbitrators and reputation are legal experts. 2. A fly by night Wall Street holding company that is in default for debt? wants us to trust them to entrust GES and Global Arena. Bizarre.