You will never see Mulgrew doing this. This meeting is also open to any UFT member - but focus will be on retiree issues up front.
Listen to Amy on retirees:
Arthur is hosting and I am running shotgun backup.
Written and edited by Norm Scott: EDUCATE! ORGANIZE!! MOBILIZE!!! Three pillars of The Resistance – providing information on current ed issues, organizing activities around fighting for public education in NYC and beyond and exposing the motives behind the education deformers. We link up with bands of resisters. Nothing will change unless WE ALL GET INVOLVED IN THE STRUGGLE!
You will never see Mulgrew doing this. This meeting is also open to any UFT member - but focus will be on retiree issues up front.
Listen to Amy on retirees:
Arthur is hosting and I am running shotgun backup.
I kept getting asked the same question by some people who want to run on more than one slate. ABC has been open to anyone who wants to run for AFT/NYSUT Delegate on the ABC even if running on another slate. I don't get why there was ambivalence over that issue -- in fact I put that idea forth months ago to a leader of MORE as a way to run two slates against Unity and still win but there was little interest. But anyone who wants to take a shot at possibly winning as an AFT/NYSUT convention delegate and break the Unity monopoly, try to sign up to run with ABC and any other slate you are running on.
When I was asked I kept pointing to the years that New Action candidates were elected to the UFT Exec Bd by running on the Unity slate and their own slate. But for some reason, this history seems to have disappeared from the memory banks because members of their coalition are told they are not sure.
At Thursday's UFT Election Committee meeting it was reaffirmed that you can run on more than one slate and reap the total votes you get on all slates. Go to this link and fill it out. And if you do, email me to let me know as I have to send you a blank petition for you to sign and return to me.
Don't worry about getting the required 100 signatures as ABC has been and will be holding petition signing parties this week. Here is the Wednesday Brooklyn link: Friday Bayside link:
This is a classic save-now, pay-later scheme - Ever Upward Blog
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025
Pension stuff gives me a headache. My only interest in pensions is cashing the check but this seems to be a warning sign, especially that the governor and Mulgrew agree. We remember how Mulgrew and Adams agreed on taking away Medicare?
I didn't write the info below but received it in an email chain. There is a retired teacher chapter meeting on March 18 and a UFT DA in March 19 - expect some controversy at both on this issue.
Kathy Hochul is putting an addendum to a bill that would basically borrow money from the NYC civil servant pension funds (EXCEPT the police firefighters would be left alone). This measure acts almost like a home equity line of credit, taking from the pension with a pledge to repay it at a later time. By doing so, this stands to underfund the pension system and compromise its solvency. This could affect both future retirees and current ones who are already receiving their monthly allow and stand to have it lowered.The proposition to borrow from the funds is also likely driven by the presidents of DC37 and the UFT, Mike Mulgrew and Henry Garrido. Just as bad is the fact that this proposal was done through back end doors with no transparency and no informing of other smaller unions. Am I supposed to think that Mulgrew is looking for something to take because he's getting nervous about repaying this annual $600 million dollars back to the NYC? This is tied to the Medicare Advantage plan and using healthcare savings from retirees benefits (by diminishing them) to pay for raises of current active educators. If he can't get from one source, he might be brokering deals with the governor to get the money from another source. This is an election year for Mulgrew.Here is a copy of the bill:Here is an article about it:And Here is further information about it:an interview that unpacks and breaks down the mechanisms of this addendum by Hochul.It appears to me that the school system does not have to pay as much into the pension system as it has is obliged to, and that gap will be paid back at a later time and future year(s). The concern is that the mayor, city council, and union bosses will be out of office by then, and the newbie officials and younger teachers will have to inherit this dangerous risk. It is reprehensible that any union would cooperate with this. And it would not be surprising if Mulgrew and Garrido have lobbied for this. I also would not be shocked, even if speculative, if any of this has Randi's behind-the-scenes counsel on it, as she knows how these systems work and is a master at playing many ends against the middle.This is an interview that explains all as we know it now.Here is the interview:
Here is the Mcmahon article in full.
On the day she announced a half-baked plan to sort-of, kind-of undermine and stigmatize Mayor Eric Adams rather than either (a) remove him from office, or (b) leave him alone, Governor Kathy Hochul quietly did the mayor a big fiscal favor (at least in the short term, maybe). Then again, maybe the mayor isn’t the only beneficiary she has in mind.
Late Thursday, Hochul’s 30-day state budget bill amendments included a technically complicated piece of legislation designed to reduce city pension costs by $1.3 billion this fiscal year and next, and by another $9.6 billion over the following six years. The change would affect the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), which has $90 billion in assets and covers 350,000 active and retired employees; the New York City Teachers’ Retirement System (NYCTRS), which has $285 billion in assets covering 200,000 active and retired employees; and the much smaller Board of Education Retirement System (BERS), which has 58,000 active and retired members and $6.3 billion in assets.1
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As depicted below, total savings under this proposal are projected at $11 billion through fiscal 2032. But after that, it will be time for payback—a big payback. From fiscal 2033 through 2044, pension costs will rise nearly $18 billion higher than the levels that would be projected under current standards.2 In other words, this is a classic save-now, pay-later scheme.
In the past, statutory changes to city pension fund assumptions were introduced by the chairs of the relevant Assembly and Senate committees, passed with little or no debate, and were quickly signed into law. This kind of thing has never previously been embedded among a governor’s Article 7 budget bills, where it doesn’t belong.
Borrow now, pay later
The last time New York officials monkeyed with pension amortization to reduce short-term employer contributions was in 2010 via the Contribution Stabilization Program, which gave the state government and local municipalities the option of paying only a portion of their annual pension contributions to the Fund when due, spreading the rest over time with interest. Danny Hakim of The New York Times described it as “classic budgetary sleight-of-hand”—since employers would in effect be borrowing from the pension fund itself with a promise to repay the loan later. “Call it what you will,” said then-Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch, “it’s taking money from future budgets to help solve this year’s budget.” As it happened, the state lucked out: the risky “stabilization” program didn’t leave fiscal scars because the stock market strongly recovered in the years that followed.
The circumstances now are much different. Adams’ FY 2026 financial plan projects modest growth in pension costs, from $10 billion this year to $11.8 billion in fiscal 2028, thereafter dropping to $11.3 billion in fiscal 2029. All of this assumes, of course, that the fund hits its targeted 7 percent rate of return on investments. Meanwhile, as shown below, since the end of the Great Recession both NYCERS and NYCTRS have made progress toward fully funded status. Assuming the financial markets and economy don’t go into a prolonged slump, these pension funds are still several years away from getting back to 100 percent.
This gets back to the question of why. With key metrics headed (if slowly) in the right direction, why mess with pension financing now?
Look for the union label
Hochul’s amortization proposal is of strong interest to the two largest unions whose members belong to the pension funds in question—District Council 37 of AFSCME and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT). Indeed, it’s safe to assume nothing like this would see the light of day if Henry Garrido and Michael Mulgrew weren’t supporting it—assuming they aren’t, in fact, actively lobbying for it.
A few more pension basics: for purposes of calculating the annual contribution due from employers (i.e., taxpayers), pension liabilities (the total retirement payments promised to all employees vested in the system) are discounted at a rate matching the system’s expected annual return on its investments. A higher assumed investment return equates to a higher discount rate—and the higher the discount rate, the less the employer needs to contribute each year to cover newly accrued benefits for current employees.
In the 1990s, the discount rates of public pension funds across the country peaked at more than 8 percent, which proved to be excessively optimistic once the tech bubble burst in 2000, followed by the 2002 stock market downturn, and finally the financial crisis and Great Recession of 2007-09. (Private pension plans also invest in the volatile equities market, as well as other assets, but are required by federal law to calculate employer contributions based on lower (and hence more prudent) discount rates, benchmarked to Treasury bills and highly rated corporate bonds.)
In early 2013, the Legislature passed and then-Governor Cuomo signed a bill reducing the city pension funds’ assumed rate of return at 7 percent. With no further change to pension actuarial assumptions, this would have created a larger unfunded accrued liability, or UAL, which in turn would have required an immediate and sizable increase in taxpayer-funded employer pension contributions. To cushion the blow, the law (Ch. 3 of 2013) provided that the additional cost of the lower discount rate would be “amortized” over 22 fiscal years, based on the UAL as calculated in 2010. In each of those 22 years, employer contributions would include an extra amount representing 3 percent of the UAL. The amortization period is due to end in 2032.
The bill Hochul backs would extend this existing amortization period out to 2044 for the NYCERS, NYCTRS, and BERS. But why bother? What’s the pressing need here?
As noted above, in contrast to fiscal and economic conditions prevailing in the wake of the Great Recession, pension costs aren’t skyrocketing. Both NYCERS and TRS have come close to hitting their 7 percent targets over the last 10 years, most recently earning a 10 percent return in fiscal 2024. If the stock market continues to perform well, pension costs will continue to decline. Of course, there’s always a very real risk that the markets will tank, in which case costs will rise again. But even under that scenario, the scheduled end of the current UAL amortization period will provide some added relief in seven years. The proposed amortization extension would wipe that out.
If the Legislature approves Hochul’s proposal, the money saved by the city is most likely to be spent on salary increases. The DC 37 contract expires in November 2026, and the UFT contract a year after that; in the meantime, despite falling public school enrollment, the city must hire and pay thousands of additional teachers to comply with a class-size reduction mandate signed into law by Hochul in 2022.
So far, neither Hochul nor Adams has publicly explained or offered any justification for this maneuver. In the meantime, the late Dick Ravitch’s words bear repeating: “Call it what you will, it’s taking money from future budgets to help solve this year’s budget.” *
*After this was initially posted, Governor Hochul’s office released this concerning the pension proposal:
“At the request of New York City, this proposal is an extension of the timeframe to fully account for unfunded obligations within the New York City pension system which were first recognized in 2010. This proposal will have no impact on the State financial plan, fully supports the NYC pension system, and will mitigate volatility by extending the period of recognizing these costs.”
Pointedly excluded are the city’s separate Police Pension Fund and Fire Pension Fund.
These, it should be noted, are nominal values. On a net present value basis, assuming the pension funds achieve their 7 percent annual return target, the changes even out at $8.226 billion in savings in the first eight years, and $8.226 billion in costs over the last 12. That’s how the thing is justified in the actuarial universe. (Thanks to Mary Pat Campbell for the NPV calculation.)
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
Tonight, join Daniel Alicea and Amy Arundell, our UFT presidential candidate for A BETTER CONTRACT, on Talk Out School on WBAI 99.5 FM at 7 PM.
You can also listen to tonight’s show online at:
In this first segment, they discuss her decision to run for UFT president in the upcoming UFT election, emphasizing the need for a more member-driven approach and a unified city labor movement.
She also expresses her concerns about the union's current transactional and service model strategy, inability to deliver raises that outpace the cost of living and the current leadership's mishandling of healthcare and Welfare Fund.
Join us as Amy shares her evolution and journey to her decision to run against the 16-year incumbent, Michael Mulgrew, and his establishment Unity administrative caucus that has controlled the UFT for the last 60 years.
Tonight’s episode is part one of a multi-segment interview.
In the next segments, which will be available as a podcast later this week, Amy shares her thoughts and commitments to city retirees and traditional Medicare, ABC’s support for Intro 1096, the current plight of NYC paraprofessionals and their fight for a living wage, fixing Tier 6, the increased need for member voice in our political endorsements, the importance of placing members first above personal and partisan politics, and much more.
As you’ve probably heard by now, A Better Contract has finalized its officer and Executive Board slates. The last component we now need to fill is our slate of delegates for the AFT Convention and NYSUT Representative Assembly. We are asking for anyone interested to fill out the Google Form below.
Our national union, the American Federation of Teachers, meets once every two years, typically in July. The convention is always held in a different city and lasts a few days.
Our state union, New York State United Teachers, meets annually, typically in late April or early May. The convention is usually held in Albany, Rochester, or midtown Manhattan and also lasts a few days.
As a delegate, you will be assigned to a committee that discusses, amends, and approves resolutions to bring to the main convention floor. The resolutions are then discussed, amended, and voted up or down by the full body.
The UFT provides delegates with a generous stipend to cover expenses including travel, lodging, and meals. The conventions are a great opportunity to meet not only fellow UFT members but educators from all across NYS and the United States.
Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.
Disclaimer: This communication is from the “ A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT” slate. It is not from the official site of The United Federation of Teachers. The ABC site title describes a group of dues-paying UFT members organizing for a better contract with NYC and our union leadership. Information shared by us should not be considered officially from the UFT organization. It is from UFT members, just like you.
Has Amy been a caterpillar waiting to burst out into a butterfly who will reform the UFT and allow it to reach its potential?
Amy flanked by Steve Swieciki and Leah Lin, all tossed out of Unity. Steve and Lia are chapter leaders in a high school and elementary school respectively. Steve and Lia are running for VPs of their respective divisions. |
I ask people who question the Amy Arundell candidacy which candidate do they think is best equipped to run the UFT and even the anti-Amy people pause - and admit she knows the inside and out of the UFT machinery and would be in a position to handle it -- but also to know best what needs to remain in place and what needs reform. I'm not one of those people who want to toss the baby with the bathwater.
But then they ask - but what if she's new boss same as the old boss? What if she is gaslighting you all? Even her most ardent critics admit she is super smart. One told me she is smarter than all of us and she still holds the same ideas and would keep the Unity machine intact, only with her in charge.
Well I certainly have faced down with Amy over the years and she is a touch cookie to argue with. She is one tough cookie in many ways and after getting to know her a bit over the past few months I see she has leadership skills that have been thwarted inside the Unity machine. When we see so many in the union, even oppo people, be like marshmallows who complain about being harmed because someone spoke to them in a loud voice and who melt at the slightest heat, one refrain I hear is "What will they do if they have to negotiate a contract with the awful and often nasty people at the DOE?"
So I want feisty and even nasty - when its directed at the right places.
One tough cookie is fine for me.
But if Amy resists calls for change and turning the UFT into an organizing model union, my response is we first try to pressure her and if we see stalling, we kick her out.
And we have had no better chance of kicking out a union president we don't like than now due to the weakening of Unity caucus. I do not want to see any caucus be dominant again - even an oppo one. I like checks and balances. The ABC adcom is designed to have people on there who will never be a rubber stamp. The same with the ABC executive board slate. We have long and short time pains in the ass on there -- no rubber stamps with this crowd.
What worries me about caucuses choosing the candidates is that these are often loyalists who will be rubber stamps if they win.
If you examine the caucus led slates they are loaded with caucus loyalists. ABC is different. Many of us are just meeting each other -- it is an eclectic collection of people, some who have been in caucuses and either left or were purged for daring to disagree. Want to talk about new boss, same as the old boss? I've seen dangerous Unity-like tendencies including censorship and attempts to ice out those who don't go along with the majority.
Believe me, if Amy strays she will hear it from me and others. ABC is not a "loyal to Amy" group.
But it says something when you get attacks from both Unity and the other groups running against Unity. You must be doing something right. Not only Amy, but ABC has come under attack from all angles. Makes us feel good about our organizing efforts. And it is all about organizing. ABC did not go into this thinking, "Let's win and then organize."
No, ABC went into this to use the election process as an organizing tool -- one difference from the caucus models which use their caucuses to organize, which one would hope they are doing all the time instead of just for elections. The issue I have with that model is that it has not bore many results. Now you might say look at RA winning --- well they had a boost from Marianne. And the fix Para Pay victory was not from a caucus but independent actions, which is why FPP is with ABC. The caucus model means a steering committee choosing the candidates in closed meetings. While ABC has been also holding closed meetings, those meetings have opened up to new voices as they expressed interest.
Never, during all this time, did I imagine that I would be in this position: running for UFT President. The culture of the UFT has long been one where leadership handpicks their successors, deciding who they believe should be the next to carry the mantle, and for years, I played by those rules, trusting that this process served the best interests of our members and that the best, brightest, and most committed to our work as a union would rise to positions of leadership.
Times have changed, our school system has evolved, and our union must
evolve as well. More and more members are expressing deep
dissatisfaction with the direction of our union. Decisions are being
made that I can no longer stand behind. It has become increasingly
difficult to look my fellow members in the eye and tell them that what’s
happening is good for them because it isn’t. These decisions are not
the result of listening to members and then gathering our experts and
specialists and making decisions consistent with union values, and the
interests of the members and their students. More often than not, the
most important decisions are made by only a few, behind closed doors.
The recent election losses in the retiree and paraprofessional chapter elections were not a result of flashy slate names or strategic maneuvering, they were a direct response to the growing frustration among our members. The message is clear, the status quo is failing us.
Our union should be the beacon of fairness, inclusion, and strength. Instead, we have reached a point where sexism, harassment, and bullying have tainted our internal culture. Morale is at an all-time low. I’ve been around long enough to remember when we could come together, debate and discuss issues openly, and leave the room knowing we had made the best decision for our members and the union as a whole. Those spaces and that culture no longer exist under the current leadership. I’ve tried, others have tried but today, questioning decisions can end careers, and there are far too many examples of this reality. I refuse to silence my own principles and beliefs to campaign for anyone who perpetuates this type of leadership and these union values.
My candidacy is not about serving any particular caucus or ideology, it is about serving our members in the way they deserve and that furthers the cause of public education. Now that I have been ‘expelled’ from my former caucus, I stand as the only candidate who is beholden to no faction. My allegiance is to the educators, teachers, paraprofessionals, school-related professionals and retirees who make our union strong and to the students who we are all responsible for educating.
These values are not the only thing that make me the right person to serve as UFT president in this critical moment; I am qualified, experienced, and connected. I have served in a variety of roles, both as an educator in schools and as a union representative.
In my first year of teaching, I remember celebrating when the union negotiated that our lesson plans were no longer required to be collected. It changed my professional life. I was a chapter leader when the SBO process became a source of leverage for my chapter to have a voice in how our school was organized. I was a teacher center specialist in a school when the first 100 minutes were added to the school day and I was tasked with making those minutes as relevant and helpful to our school community as possible, despite our membership’s obvious unease with the additional time.
As a UFT staffer, I implemented the 2005 contract. I supported pedagogues in the ATR pool and advocated for them. I provided support to members in using the new transfer system. I educated people about the power of the SBO process and how to interpret school budgets. I helped hundreds of people with leaves and staffing issues. I am very proud of that work. I was part of the negotiating team on evaluation, and learned a lot about what members want and what others think is best for them. I tried to help members see the power in what we negotiated, and also acknowledged that what we negotiated did not achieve our goals. I was the union point person for the creation of teacher leader roles, and visited the many schools that implemented these roles. I was inspired to see what teachers can do when given the opportunity. I know many schools that have benefited from those roles.
Then, I became the Queens Borough Representative and learned how out of touch our central UFT representatives could be. Hundreds of people invited me into their lives and their schools, and we made amazing things happen. It was by far the role I loved the most and it allowed me to connect to members and students in deep, new, and meaningful ways.
I have a vision for our union. A union that is strategic about building power, that prioritizes members and their students above DOE management or city government desires. We build power by organizing and being connected to members above all else. That is why the leadership of ABC will fight tirelessly with our members for better working conditions, fair salary increases, and an end to the reckless practice of surrendering our healthcare benefits in exchange for inadequate compensation increases.
It’s time to reclaim our union. It’s time to have leadership that listens, respects, and truly advocates for its members, not one that demands blind loyalty and is deaf to their core needs. Together, we can restore integrity, transparency, and strength to the UFT. I ask for your support, not just for me, but for the future of our union and the dignity of its members and the future of the students we serve.
Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.
There were people who did not believe ABC could organize a slate for the election. Come to the Feb. 11 meet the candidates to find out.
Read the entire piece
Elementary school has been a relative strength for Unity Caucus in UFT elections. In 2022, UFC received about 33%, and that was its highest percentage in a long time and while the numbers didn't change for the oppo since 2016, Unity dropped by over 1000. ABC is trying a different approach for the elementary schools and trying to create a network in new outposts. An elementary committee has been formed and is holding an event. If you are in an elementary school or know someone register here:
A special shout out to our hardworking Elementary School educators!
You’re invited to our ES Organizing Zoom Call to join us in the fight for A BETTER CONTRACT. It will take place on Tuesday, February 4 at 7 PM, via Zoom.
To register use the QR code or go to:
We will discuss the critical issues in elementary schools today, including working conditions such as micromanagement, over-testing, the freedom to teach, scripted curriculum, being paid for our time and more!
With 2025 kicking into high gear, it’s time to get back to it! Our union proud, union strong, grassroots movement of working educators and retirees continues to grow and capture the imagination and heart of our beloved union.
Tell all of your colleagues, also. We hope to see you there!
My analysis from the 2022 elections is relevant:
we missed a big opportunity as Unity dropped under 5k and we didn't even match 2016. I thought UFC had more outreach in elementary but if we did the GOTV didn't work. I got indications early on with the lack of contention in UFC by the caucuses for Elem Ex bd positions that there was not a sense of winning and when we struggled with petitions early on in that division, I pretty much gave up on winning this division.
34K elem ballots were sent out -- a lot of places to mine in the future. The oppos has a lot of work to do in elementary school. My suggestion: Choose a few key districts where UFC people have decent elem numbers and expand their networks with a local outreach program. Otherwise 2025 will be the same.
So there is a need for a new strategy to tap into those 34k potential voters. I do not believe the oppo can win whether one or two slates without reaching deep into the elementary schools where the bulk of teachers are.
In this chart note the 20 year drop in Unity votes.
The dire need of paras who need a living wage is primal here. Then add working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet. We organize to see this concept of a plan come to fruition but can also recognize it’s a band aid over the hemorrhaging.Take the money and vote them out! -- Paras react to UFT/Unity 10K bonus plan
Expect this proposed concept of a plan to be the first motion in the February DA. Mulgrew will act like he’s looking around the room and magically call on John Kamps to motivate it...
Clearly, in response to the big Fix Para Pay win in the chapter election last June, fear has gripped Mulgrew and the Unity Caucus as they desperately try to move the 27K para unit away from voting for the ABC slate, aligned with the Fix Para Pay group, by offering a package of goodies to paras.
You see, elections do have consequences because we know from decades of history of Unity not fighting to fix para pay, we wouldn't otherwise be seeing this move. Will paras be fooled less than two years after the most recent contract neglected to fix para pay or even make an attempt to do so? The joke is the Unity criticism of the 3% pattern bargaining which they used to browbeat people into voting for the 2023 contract.
Of course some Unity trolls are on the attack, claiming the election had nothing to do with the UFT blitz of offering goodies. Sure.
While I have supported legal initiatives to improve conditions, the bottom line is that only the contract protects us. An example I often refer to was a city council law that reduced class size below the contract for grades 1-3 in the early 90s but was scrapped by Bloomberg. And the current class size state law which is not being enforced. At the time I railed against the reliance on city council as only temporary solutions. People will point to the contract not being enforced but when it comes to salary and class size, there is compliance.
Of course the 10k will not be pensionable as we've seen the UFT increasingly rely on non-pensionable bonuses as a way to buy votes.
Unity has shown a pattern since losing the retiree and para elections so badly by reversing themselves try to win back these units, both large blocks of UFT members whose votes will be crucial to Unity's winning the election this May.
One of the funniest things retirees received yesterday from Mulgrew was this missive:
We are increasing your optional rider reimbursement by $60 - but he leaves out that they raised the monthly charge for the optional rider by $30 which comes to $360 a year - so he thinks people are so stupid not to notice that he is giving back $60 while we pay $300 more?
Marie Waunsnock of Fix Para Pay in their press release exposes the Unity gameplan:
“This isn’t a victory—it’s a distraction,” said Marie Wausnock, UFT Paraprofessional Executive Board Member and founder of Fix Para Pay. “If the city has money now, why didn’t we get real raises in our contract? Why were paras shut out of negotiations? We won’t be silenced with one-time bonuses that do nothing for our future.”LODI - Line of Duty Injury protection is a prime aim of the paras.
The so-called solution:
• Is not guaranteed—the bill hasn’t been written, introduced, or passed.
• Was made without consulting elected para representatives.
• Fails to address ongoing issues like inadequate pensions, LODI access, and fair longevity pay.
“This is a pattern,” Wausnock added. “Mulgrew ignored retirees until they voted out his handpicked candidate. He ignored members struggling with healthcare costs until it became a liability. Now, he’s scrambling to buy para votes after years of neglect.”