Monday, May 13, 2024

UFT Para Chapter Election: Fix Para Pay Town Hall Tonight 6:30-7:30

The para chapter election has not been getting the same play at the retiree election but even having an election in the para chapter is significant. Unity has engaged in some dirty tricks, including buying off the Fix Para Pay slate's candidate for chapter leader with a union job.
See Marianne's interview with two of the candidates last Friday.


And this is happening tonight:

Fix Para Pay Town Hall TONIGHT 6:30 - 7:30pm

You can read more about the slate at their website and sign up to attend tonight's workshop here.

Ballots have been mailed to UFT paraprofessionals' home addresses. When you receive your ballot, don't wait! Mark and X in the "FIX PARA PAY" box and mail your ballot back ASAP. All ballots must be received by Thursday, June 13th. 

If you're an in-service teacher, talk to the paraprofessionals at your school! These elections tend to be low-turnout affairs and UFT leadership is not exactly energetic when it comes to getting out the vote.

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