Wednesday, May 29, 2024

VOTE TODAY and Get out the Vote; Fix Para Pay Town Hall, today. RSVP


Paras, did you vote in the para chapter election? Did you receive your ballot?


Fix Para Pay is running several para candidates against the Unity slate and its current leadership that have failed to deliver a living wage and better conditions for New York City paraprofessionals.

Fix Para Pay is committed to fighting, alongside with you, for a living wage, a fair contract and respect. Enough is enough!

Please get the word out to all other UFT paras in our schools that change is here. And that change begins with voting for the Fix Para Pay slate.

Ballots were mailed on or around May 9-10. Look for the envelope from the American Arbitration Association (AAA).

It’s important to note that the ballot will be from the AAA, not the UFT.

If voting in the UFT para election, please check the Fix Para Pay slate box to vote for the entire Fix Para Pay slate. We need you to only mark this box only. Voting for other individual candidates will affect the entire slate.

Once you’ve checked the Fix Para Slate box, put the front page of the ballot into the secure, Secret Ballot envelope, and put that into the mailing envelope addressed to AAA.

Ballots for the chapter election must be received at the AAA no later than June 13th, so please vote and send your ballot back as soon as you receive it.

A ballot from AAA will be mailed to your address currently on file with the UFT. If you do not receive a ballot in the mail by May 20, or you misplaced it, please call the American Arbitration Association (AAA) at 800-529-5218 to request a duplicate ballot.

Lastly, after you vote, please contact 5 other paras, or as many as you know, and tell them: Let’s fight together to FIX PARA PAY! Vote for the Fix Para Pay slate.


Fix Para Pay Election Virtual Town Hall: Today, Wednesday 5/29 at 6:30 PM

Our first few virtual town halls have been a huge success! Scores of paras and UFT members joined the meetings. And the energy has been exciting and palpable. NYC paras aren’t playing around. We are demanding a living wage, now!

Please attend today’s town hall and invite other paras to join this growing grassroots movement!




UFT Paras for A Fair Contract


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