PS 8X is joining Stronger Together---the forms, checks and the below cover letter was mailed to ST Caucus... Roseanne McCoshWhat can you say about Roseanne, a former chapter leader and Unity Caucus member, and her colleagues? This is organizing 1.1 -- even the leading activists I know haven't been able to accomplish this - or even try.
Where will the ST dues money go? To support delegates' attendance at the AFT 2016 convention in Minneappolis and the NYSUT RA Assembly in New York City in 2017, when the next NYSUT election will be held (many poor locals cannot afford to cover the costs for their delegates).If even a fifth of the schools in NYC did what PS 8 is doing, Unity would be toast. There is something blowing in the wind as some chapter leader elections returns where Unity people who defended the contract last year have lost to MORE or independent candidates.
Here is the letter sent from PS 8 in da Bronx.
May 21, 2015
Dear ST Caucus Leaders:
Enclosed you will find sixty-one membership forms and checks from teachers who work at PS 8 in the Bronx. We are still collecting forms and money and will hopefully have some more to send as we continue to reach out to the staff in our school. Some teachers contributed more than the $10 membership fee. Use the money as you see fit.
We are all members of the United Federation of Teachers and NYSUT. We thank you for your earnest support and your willingness to stand up for NY teachers despite the fact that Unity-Caucus-controlled NYSUT and UFT leadership are working against you.
We are not blind to the failures of our union leadership. Nor are we blind to the fact that they willingly fail us in order to serve their self-interests.
We serve no masters but we will support any caucus or group within our union(s) who are like minded.
We are independent thinkers whose allegiance is to truth, fairness and transparency. We believe we do not have to hide behind children while fighting for our dignity.
We reject the premise that the best interests of teachers are diametrically opposed to the best interests of the children we teach. We believe it is time to demand the respect we deserve and to challenge those who attack us with their lies, manipulation and obfuscation as well as challenge those within our own union(s) who have allowed for these continued attacks on their watch. We appreciate that a group of unsung heroes has our back, and we sincerely thank you for it.
Yours in solidarity,
Roseanne McCosh – PS 8 UFT Delegate and NYSUT Member
Cynthia Pacelli – UFT Chapter Leader and NYSUT Member
Lori Matta – UFT Delegate and NYSUT Member
Cc: Michael Mulgrew – UFT President
Karen Magee – NYSUT President