Friday, October 15, 2010

Do Teacher Unions Have the Cooties? - Julie Cavanagh at the Huffington Post

A Real Reformer has a few things to say

If not for NYC teachers like Julie Cavanagh I would most likely be out grazing in the pasture of early bird specials and daytime bus trips to Atlantic City.

Having met Julie only 15 months ago through her work with Concerned Advocates for Public Education (CAPE) in Red Hook, I have to say that I have been more than impressed - impressed at the idea that a teacher just a shade over 30 with a decade of experience is out there with a whole bunch of other same gen Real Reformers doing what so many older teachers who I hear putting down the younger gen of colleagues do not believe is possible – mounting a defense of teacher unions from the perspective of a teacher in the trenches. And with a social justice twist.

One thing I have come to know. My usual habits of meandering around issues at tasks and at meetings and losing focus is not something to be tolerated. The constant refrains: "Is that the most productive use of your time?" and "Stop interrupting people." Nice to be lectured to by someone over half your age. But I am definitely more productive – when prodded. Fear does work.

Julie has helped CAPE organize a wonderful crew of teachers aligned with parents in the Red Hook community to fight off the invasions of the PAVE charter school clones. CAPE's work has impressed the activist education community throughout NYC with its passionate defense and pride in their public school. Many consider their school and community one of the most successful examples of a truly organized teacher/parent advocacy group. The 50 page "Advocacy Toolkit" that emerged from their own experience was produced to assist other schools facing charter co-locations had people dropping their jaws in awe. Check out the index:
1. Educating and Advertising…
· Create a press release
· Create a blog
· Contact the media
· Create a newsletter
· Advocacy Resources
2. Organizing…
· Create an advocacy group
· Community Organizing
3. Mobilizing...
· Create a petition
· Create a form letter
· Contact Policymakers
· Community Mobilizing
4. Information to share
(I can send you a copy if interested.)
Julie and some other CAPEers have jumped into the work of GEM. In a relatively short time, Julie has emerged as a prominent voice for the classroom teacher in the NYC ed real reform community: a major force behind the rally at Bloomberg's house in January (she co-signed the court papers along with Seung Ok) and the film we are working on to respond to WfS ( An organizer for the rally in front of the movie theater on Sept. 24, she even wrote the words for the song "Will the Real Reformers Please Stand Up!" A passionate advocate for many of the push button issues so many of us care about, she provides real leadership, which has so often been absent. Julie's appearance on Fox and Friends on Sept. 26 gave her an opportunity to defend teachers and tenure in the very brief time she had ("Without tenure I wouldn't be sitting here....tenure allows teachers to advocate with parents for children.")

My proudest moment: introducing Julie to Leonie Haimson.
This dynamic duo should make the ed deformers very scared indeed.

When we add some of the great people in the NY Collection of Radical Educators (NYCORE), Teachers Unite and other activists in Grassroots Education Movement (GEM), there is some hope for a movement to emerge from the new generation of teachers (please, please so I can be put out to pasture).

The common theme: Will the Real Reformers Please Stand Up!

Going national
Recently, Julie began a column at the Huffington Post. Look for it weekly.

Her first post: Do Teacher Unions Have the Cooties?

Each week it is my hope to bring to you a teacher's perspective, highlighting the latest issues in educational policy with anecdotes from the everyday classroom. Please join me, in the comments section, by sharing your personal stories that bring to life the unintended, or perhaps intended, consequences of education policy and reform.

We all remember "the cooties", and we expect this kind of behavior and name calling from young children. Millions of parents and teachers hide their laughter (at least I do) when the subject is perennially breached. As we engaged in a brief discussion of "the cooties" and treating each other nicely, I couldn't help but think of the national dialogue about teachers and their unions right now, and the very clear message that teacher unions "have the cooties". The assault on teacher unions has reached a fever pitch. The conversation surrounding education policy, and millions in taxpayer dollars in the form of Race to the Top, is focused not only on attacking our unions, but weakening them, if not dismantling them altogether.

I am interested in reform. However, I seek real reform. Attacking teachers and their unions will not result in real reform. Let's turn our sights not on those "wealthy middle class teachers, with their cushy jobs, who retire on pensions that are a fraction of their salary," instead, we should focus on our policy makers and the corporate interests that drive their decision making. Let's stop playing schoolyard games with teachers and their unions and get real. Teachers and their unions do not have 'the cooties', we simply have and want to keep what all workers in this country should have: fair wages, health care, protections from arbitrary firing, safe working conditions, and a reasonable pension so we can live and retire at a fair wage and age.

Our children deserve real reform right now! Write to your policy makers and demand:
- Smaller class sizes
- Public Schools that are Community Centers and Serve ALL Children
- More Teaching -- Less Testing
- Parent and Teacher Empowerment and Leadership
- Equitable funding for ALL schools
- Anti-Racist Education Policies
- Culturally Relevant Curriculum
- Expanded Pre Kindergarten and Early Intervention Programs
Read the full piece at:

Arthur Goldstein too
Speaking of Huffington, another great teacher activist leader - but a bit closer to my generation - is Arthur Goldstein, chapter leader at Francis Lewis HS, also has his first post up and running - a love letter to Bill Gates at the Huffington Post and a letter in the Daily News today (scroll down to see it).

Here's an excerpt from: Garrulous Mr. Gates
It's been a busy year for Bill Gates. He's been spreading his gospel far and wide. He spent 2 million dollars promoting Waiting for Superman, yet its alleged villainess, AFT President Randi Weingarten and company chose Gates to address her convention, an unlikely choice, to say the least. I'm not an education expert like Gates, so I'll comment only on a TED talk he gave last year. My experience is limited to teaching 25 years in New York City.  Still, even a layperson such as myself has to wonder where the influential Gates gets his information:
After burn
Check out the post below this for upcoming Teacher Unite events this week, starting with Lois Weiner tomorrow.

A new union movement starts Saturday, Oct. 16


Saturday, October 16
Rank and File Leadership Program
Community Resource Exchange, 42 Broadway, 20th Floor

Facilitator: Dr. Lois Weiner, Professor of Education, New Jersey City University
Pushing back on testing, merit pay, charter schools, and de-professionalization of teaching: How can we use teacher unions?

We will share strategies with participants for leading reading groups with colleagues about these issues. Participants will be provided with reading materials to distribute and action steps for organizing teachers in their school building.

Think teachers and families are getting pushed aside in decisions about schools?

Do you want to do more than just attend meetings about education?

We are seeking leaders for two projects:

1) Rank and File Leaders will build a new movement within the UFT for educational and social justice.

2) Right to the City Schools Leaders will build a grassroots campaign that demands real power for teachers, students and parents in our school system.

Monthly sessions for each project will provide information and leadership education.
Each session is free for Teachers Unite members and $5-$10 (sliding scale) for non-members.
Space is limited! Register at


Saturday, October 16
Rank and File Leadership Program
Community Resource Exchange, 42 Broadway, 20th Floor

Facilitator: Dr. Lois Weiner, Professor of Education, New Jersey City University
Pushing back on testing, merit pay, charter schools, and de-professionalization of teaching: How can we use teacher unions?

We will share strategies with participants for leading reading groups with colleagues about these issues. Participants will be provided with reading materials to distribute and action steps for organizing teachers in their school building.

Tuesday, October 19
Right to the City Schools Leadership Program
Urban Justice Center, 123 William St.

Guest speaker: Leonie Haimson

How has mayoral control impacted your classroom? What does school governance model have to do with the overemphasis on testing and lack of attention to class size?

Participants in this session will help shape the survey that they will use in the research project that gives voice to teachers, parents and students and their experiences under mayoral control of schools. We will review the goals of this research project and the plan for the year in making it happen.

Learn more at:


Think Teachers Unite is doing great work? We need your support! Please visit to become a member or to make a donation.

Do Teachers Need Tenure?

Perdido Street School on the NY Post article:

This Is Why We Need Tenure

Next time Oprah, Arianna Huffington or some other ed deformer says getting rid of tenure is the most important "reform" needed to improve public education, refer them to this case:
A judge tore into city investigators Thursday for a shoddy probe that cost a teacher his job at a Manhattan school for kids with emotional and legal problems.

The decision means Charles Bryant can reclaim his teaching license and possibly get his job back at Public School 35M.

One of my former colleagues in elem school had a child, a second grader I believe, who ran out of class 2 times one day. The child was supposed to not be in the room but with a counselor during that time. The teacher called the father and told him to come up during the class. When the child ran a third time the teacher stopped her (think of consequences if she runs into the street) and sat her in her seat. In doing so her finger caught the collar and a button was ripped off. At least that is what is alleged.

The principal, a Lead Acad grad, was known for putting people in the rubber room. She hated this teacher because the year before she had run for chapter leader against the princ favored candidate and lost by only 1 vote - a real vote of no confidence to the principal.

The principal called up the child’s mother and incited her to call the cops and charged the teacher with assault. 5 cops came and arrested the teacher and took her out in handcuffs in front of the entire community. The teacher had taught in the school for 22 years with no marks on her record. Even the cops were sympathetic and one went back and investigated. I called him and he told me it was clearly a case incited by the principal.

The teacher and parent and child were in the police station until 1 in the morning as the cops tried to convince the parent to drop charges. The teachers was so hot about it all she refused to apologize. The cops released her but the arrest is on record.

She went to the rubber room. For 3 years. She hired a lawyer who I thought was awful.

One of the reasons she hired a private lawyer was that the week after the incident I went to people in the UFT and pleaded with them to get to the cops and get them on record. They told me that was the teacher’s responsibility. “But she is in the rubber room all day,” I said. It was clear that they were more afraid of being charged with protecting a teacher who may be found guilty of abusing a child even in such an obviously rigged situation. She just didn't trust the UFT.

I was at some sessions of her 3020a hearing. She was shell shocked from what has been happening to her and that made her ineffective in her own defense. The DOE showed pictures the principal took of the child’s shoulder which was supposedly scratched. We all looked at them with disbelief. You couldn’t see anything. The photos were taken about 2 hours after the incident. I saw the parent and child testify. It was all about the parent’s pride - she also hated the principal but wouldn’t back down. (The child had been moved to special ed not long after the incident.)

The hearing officer of course never talked to the arresting police. The result: teacher suspended without pay for a year. That means that after a year she will be allowed to teach. They clearly just did this to force her out.

Do teachers need tenure? She has tenure and only that gave her a salary for the 3 years. By the way - the delay was not due to her. I was supposed to attend these hearings on more days but they kept postponing and changing dates.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Role Rheeversal

Last Update: Oct. 14, 11pm

I haven't seen Waiting for Superman yet because I don't want to give them my 9 bucks (senior citizen, ya know).

If you read my post yesterday (O Canada, So Inglorious and Untrue), it seems the movie is not doing as well as expected. I expect Broad/Gates/Murdoch to buy air time on every TV station in the world to show the movie in an endless loop for weeks at a time. Or have 10 billion dvds made and give them away in cereal boxes. Or have one mailed to every person in the world - and even to some of those new planets they are discovering. You wouldn't want any sign of life to miss the message that tenure has to end for anyone to learn anything in school.

If you find grammar or speling mistakes, that must be my problem - I was taught by tenured teachers.

When I get to see WfS for free, Michelle Rhee going down in flames will make the movie so delicious. As will the NY Times piece yesterday on Geoffrey Canada.

Inundated with Rhee speculation all over the place, we decided to do a small compilation from scattered sources.

Rethinking Schools

The Proving Grounds: School “Rheeform” in Washington, D.C.

Fall 2010
By Leigh Dingerson
Washington, D.C., is leading the transformation of urban public education across the country—at least according to Time magazine, which featured D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee on its cover, wearing black and holding a broom. Or perhaps you read it in Newsweek or heard it from Oprah, who named Rhee to her “power list” of “remarkable visionaries.”

GFBrandenburg's Blog
Rhee’s presence was extremely divisive here in DC, largely along class and racial lines. Many wealthy whites thought she was wonderful, because they thought she was ‘reforming’ a corrupt, incompetent, black-run and black-staffed school system, and because they saw her replacing black veteran teachers, staff members, and administrators with brand-new, young white and Asian replacements. (I am not exaggerating.)
 More at Rhee’s Legacy and the Future of Education in DCPS

Leonie Haimson on Rhee's performance compared to predecessors:

Pre-Rhee and Post-Rhee

For those of you who believe that Michelle Rhee’s resignation today will hurt the achievement gains experienced by the DC school system; take a look at these charts with DC NAEP scores from 2003-2009.

Read Leonie's entire post at:

Candi is aways Dandy when it comes to Rhee

Breaking News!

Featuring Candi Peterson, blogger in residence and candidate for WTU General Vice President
The Washington Post reports that Chancellor Michelle Rhee will announce on Wednesday that she is resigning at the end of October. Deputy Chancellor Kaya Henderson will serve as the interim Chancellor. What do you think led to Rhee's abrupt resignation?

Valerie Strauss (MUST READ EVERY DAY) at The Answer Sheet

Rhee’s big legacy: Being a whirlwind

She came in like a whirlwind, kicking up dust wherever she went, and now, Michelle Rhee, all-powerful chancellor of D.C. public schools, is leaving after three years, securing her place in the history of D.C. public education as, well, mostly a whirlwind.

Larry Cuban, the Stanford University educator and former superintendent, had it right when he predicted on this blog last month that Rhee would wind up being no more than a footnote in a doctoral dissertation, just like Hugh Scott, the first African American superintendent in Washington D.C., who served in the early 1970s.
Continue reading this post »

Posted at 1:41 PM ET, 10/14/2010

Michelle Rhee's greatest hits

D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee gave us many reasons to remember her when she is gone.
There's the schools she closed. The teachers she fired. The contract she signed with the Washington Teachers Union. Her frequent use of the word “crap.”
Here’s some quintessential statements that Rhee made as chancellor. Thanks for many of these to my colleague, Bill Turque, who often stood alone in his strong coverage of Rhee’s tenure.
I think my favorite is the one about taping students' mouths shut.
Let me know what I’ve missed.
Continue reading this post »

Gary Imhoff in themail:

October 13, 2010

Severance Pay

Dear Payers:

Michelle Rhee resigned today. See her resignation letter at This, of course, leaves us with the top question on our minds: how much are the taxpayers on the hook for; how much do we have to pay her to go away? Bill Turque, the Post education reporter, says he’s trying to find out. Is there anything we can learn from her contract, Not much.

Rhee was hired on July 3, 2007, at an annual salary of $275,000 a year. She was guaranteed an annual cost-of-living raise, so her salary is now considerably higher than that. Paragraph 6 of her contract says that, “should you choose to terminate your appointment for a good cause, you shall receive a severance payment of up to 12 weeks of your base salary, plus any accrued leave, as well as an additional 12 weeks of administrative pay.” That’s about a half-year’s salary, give or take. So has she terminated her appointment “for a good cause”? Does her not wanting to work with Gray count as a good cause? If Peter Nickles really wanted to protect the taxpayers from being fleeced — which is the excuse he uses for fighting so hard to deny equitable settlements to DC citizens who have been mistreated by the city — he would argue that her contract doesn’t call for her to be paid any severance allowance, and he would fight hard against paying her an extra dime. But Rhee is part of the Fenty team; Fenty will determine what she gets paid in severance; and Nickles will rubber-stamp whatever Fenty wants, even above the contractual ceiling.

Gary Imhoff

More from Gary, though I don't necessarily agree about Baltimore since Alonso is from the Kloth of Klein -and Randi is working with him - which we know means teachers will get screwed - and I'm betting kids will too. But on the other hand, Baltimore doesn't have mayoral control - yet.

NEW FEATURE- I'm inserting a jump break for the first time to cut down on the length of this post - so click to read on.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

O Canada, So Inglorious and Untrue

Hey, I get to sing the Canadian national anthem at hockey games when a Canadian team is in town. Now it has new meaning.

How interesting that the two big heroes in Waiting for Superman - Michelle Rhee and Geoffrey Canada - have had their reps seriously tarnished since the release of the film. Rhee of course was the iceberg hitting the bad ship Fenty, as she proved she could take down entire political careers with a single bound. Superwoman indeed.

What is there to say about a guy who distorts - and I'll even go so far as to say lies - about the reasons for the claimed success of his school? Nothing is more revealing that Geoffrey Canada has a political and not an educational agenda than this statement: Successful charters have demonstrated that a longer school day and year, increased accountability and a reliance on data to drive instruction can help children who have fallen behind."

So, O Canada, who makes outrageous claims the Harlem Children's Zone "success" is due to his ability to fire any teacher he wants when in fact the major success is his concept of cradle to college services to the kids - health, social work, etc. And those low class sizes? And that second teacher in the room? Fagetaboutit.

We should all be celebrating the concept of increased services to the kids and Canada himself for having raised money to be able to do it. But when he then goes and negates that achievement - fagetabouthim.

Now that his test scores are not what they should be considering creaming and services, the edubusiness crowd is raising doubts. We shouldn't be cheering that these services would are questioned because of questionable test scores. But bottom liners are bottom liners. It's like saying if you don't get a month of cloudy days and no sun tan to show for it you might as well turn off the sun.

Canada is being hoisted on his own petard.

I'm not sad for him. Instead of making the case that all students should receive these services and fighting for them, he joined in the attack on public schools, their teachers and their unions, claiming it wasn't the fact that he had so much money at his disposal but because there was no union in his schools.

The NY Times' Sharon Otterman has an interesting piece on Canada's HCZ. Don't you love this one:
Last week, Mr. Canada was in Birmingham, England, addressing Prime Minister David Cameron and members of his Conservative Party about improving schools.
England? Aren't there problems here to solve? POLITICAL AGENDA!!!!

Now, here he actually contradicts his other message with something we can support as Otterman writes:
A drop-off occurred, in spite of private donations that keep class sizes small, allow for an extended school day and an 11-month school year, and offer students incentives for good performance like trips to the Galápagos Islands or Disney World.
The parent organization of the schools, the Harlem Children’s Zone, enjoys substantial largess, much of it from Wall Street. While its cradle-to-college approach, which seeks to break the cycle of poverty for all 10,000 children in a 97-block zone of Harlem, may be breathtaking in scope, the jury is still out on its overall impact. And its cost — around $16,000 per student in the classroom each year, as well as thousands of dollars in out-of-class spending — has raised questions about its utility as a nationwide model.
Mr. Canada, 58, who began putting his ideas into practice on a single block, on West 119th Street, in the mid-1990s, does not apologize for the cost of his model, saying his goals are wider than just fixing a school or two. His hope is to prove that if money is spent in a concentrated way to give poor children the things middle-class children take for granted — like high-quality schooling, a safe neighborhood, parents who read to them, and good medical care — they will not pass on the patterns of poverty to another generation.
“You could, in theory, figure out a less costly way of working with a small number of kids, and providing them with an education,” Mr. Canada said. “But that is not what we are attempting to do. We are attempting to save a community and its kids all at the same time.”
I would say bravo to this last statement. So why try to make it seem like something else when talking out of the other side of his mouth?

Accountable Talk gets into this in his post: Superman Gets Riddled With Bullets
the Harlem Children's Zone schools didn't fare so well with the recalibrated ELA and math tests. They also didn't score well on the city's report card, with one school scoring a C and the other a B. Remember, these are the schools touted ad nauseum by Waiting for Superman and the Oprah show as the model we all should follow. Here's some reporting by the Times that makes the point a bit sharper:

But most of the seventh graders, now starting their third year in the school, are still struggling. Just 15 percent passed the 2010 state English test, a number that Mr. Canada said was “unacceptably low” but not out of line with the school’s experience in lifting student performance over time. Several teachers have been fired as a result of the low scores, and others were reassigned, he said.

Even more shocking than these pitiful results is the fact that these schools are blessed with advantages that city public school teachers can only dream of, to wit:

In the tiny high school of the zone’s Promise Academy I, which teaches 66 sophomores and 65 juniors (it grows by one grade per year), the average class size is under 15, generally with two licensed teachers in every room. There are three student advocates to provide guidance and advice, as well as a social worker, a guidance counselor and a college counselor, and one-on-one tutoring after school. 
I remember reading that O Canada responded with the same "At least we're better than Rochester" excuse BloomKlein have been using to defend their test scores as being better than the rest of the state. The NY Post even made this point again the other day in it's confused meandering over the test score issue, running around like headless chickens trying to attack everyone but BloomKlein. Oh, Canada said that his school did better than the surrounding public schools, giving me a stitch in my side from laughing too hard.

Mr. Talk is also astounded:
Are you kidding me? Two teachers in a class? Class sizes of 15? And you get those dismal results? This is a disgrace. THIS is the solution to all our educational problems? This is the model the entire nation is supposed to follow? And let's not forget that in order to get even these awful results, Canada dismissed an entire grade that wasn't meeting his "standards".

In my school, we have class sizes that range from 28 to 35, with just one teacher per room. We don't have any huge grants from billionaires or backing from Oprah, but our passing percentage was over four times higher than the results posted by the Times. And yes--we are those dreaded public school teachers who must be gotten rid of in favor of the charter school teachers that Mr. Canada prefers.
I left this comment at AT's Blog:
Let's not confuse Canada's educational vision, which I would think we want for all our kids, with his craven political attempts to vilify teachers and the unions. On the NBC Education Nation Harlem teacher Brian Jones went straight at Canada and he got real nasty - attributing his "results" to his ability to fire teachers instead of providing cradle to grave support. I don't care if his results are crappy - support for teachers and kids is what we want and if the scores don't show it right away we still should be fighting the bottom liners who want "results." Shame on Canada for playing this game and getting hoisted on his own petard.
Make sure to read the Amsterdam News take down of O Canada.

Leonie posted this: "Canada rebuts NY Times in Daily News"
Boy, the corporate reformers have a steady (and immediate!) pipeline into the oped page on the Daily news. They should rename the page in their honor.

 Oh, Canada has the nerve to say: "Successful charters have demonstrated that a longer school day and year, increased accountability and a reliance on data to drive instruction can help children who have fallen behind." 

Right, It's not the smaller class sizes or the 2nd teacher in the room. Nothing exposes Oh, C as a political operator rather than an educator than his blatant attempt to disguise what is really working in his own schools. "You see, we can get poor kids to do well with the same money," is the major refrain of the ed deformers. But I am repeating myself.

WfS Impact: Gates/Broad/ deformers aim for a WfS DVD in every pot
I think that the impact of Waiting for Superman has not been all that bad for the Real Reformers as it has forced people to take at closer look at the ed deform movement. WfS itself is a highly paid for (Gates just gave 2 million for promotion - the new Gates initiative will be a WfS DVD in every pot.

Here's a lovely update from Leonie on the progress of the WfS film:

Thankfully not doing so well and perhaps will be out of theaters soon…doing about as well as Aristocrats, movie about a dirty joke.  Perhaps that’s why they are giving out free tickets to CEC members etc. 

Waiting for Superman to Profit

Seventeen days after its debut, Davis Guggenheim's "Inconvenient Truth," starring Al Gore, had grossed $2,921,406 -- not huge, but a respectable amount of money for a documentary that would go on to win an Academy Award.
Guggenheim's latest effort on education policy, "Waiting for Superman," isn't fairing as well. Seventeen days after its debut, it has grossed $1.4 million. 
It's a great film, and it had all the buzz in the world, including major magazine cover stories, a tie-in election (the Washington, D.C. mayoral race), and an extensive media engagement campaign. But it isn't making a splash. 
By way of comparison, Michael Moore's "Farenheit 911" grossed more than $72 million. By comparison, "Waiting for Superman" is keeping pace with "The Aristocrats," a film about the dirtiest joke every told.

For those in the industry, the per-screen averages show the same twist. 
One big difference is that "Waiting for Superman"'s producers seem to have made a dedicated decision to screen the film for elite audiences. When you're grossing $50,000 a day, private screenings for teachers and education bureaucrats take away from your target audience.
Also, there's no Al Gore.
Leonie Haimson

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ding, Dong!


Breaking News !

Featuring Candi Peterson, blogger in residence and candidate for WTU General Vice President

The Washington Post reports that Chancellor Michelle Rhee will announce on Wednesday that she is resigning at the end of October. Deputy Chancellor Kaya Henderson will serve as the interim Chancellor. What do you think led to Rhee's abrupt resignation?

Read more on Rhee

President Surges Ahead With Teacher Union Busting Neoliberal Agenda

The recent defeat of DC mayor Adrian Fenty spells the end to the damaging career of dilettante school reformer, Michele Rhee, originally recommended to Fenty by Joel Klein, a close friend of Bill Gates and Eli Broad and described by people experienced in the teaching profession as edubusiness entrepreneurs’ attack dog.
Lacking any discernible qualifications, her shocking appointment, can be understood only when you realize that Rhee was brought in to inflict maximum damage on the district’s public schools. And as a cultist (Teach For America, New Teacher Project) and true believer she came at a bargain basement salary. Real superintendents were courted (Fenty visited Miami with several members of the D.C. commission to interview Dr. Rudolph Crew) but those candidates could not be counted on to mindlessly take a club to D.C.’s public schools. The havoc and disruption that Rhee has caused was no accident. It was the plan!


Too little and years late for the UFT on Testing

Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010,

I commented earlier this morning - or late last night post Jets win - J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS -  on Monday's NY Times "too little, too late article" on the testing crisis in NY, reposting Leonie Haimson's marvelous take down - with samples of interchanges with the Times and examples of how other newspapers did more to expose the issue over the last 3 years, with a little clip from Casablanca on the Louis Renault Award. See

NY Times Shocked, Shocked Over BloomKlein Claims on Reading Scores

One issue I didn't deal with was the role of the UFT on testing.

If I had time I would go back into the Ed Notes archives and show you how from the very beginning of Ed Notes in 1996 I was putting the high stakes testing issue on the table at Delegate Assemblies. I had a high stakes testing principal from 1978 and saw all the evils - in fact, though I loved teaching elementary self-contained classes, her policies ultimately led me to leave the infantry of teaching and become a computer cluster after 18 years. She as happy to get me out because I wasn't doing enough test prep to her satisfaction. But the more TP I had to do the less satisfied as a teacher I was. So I was bringing my experience to the DA. At one point I made a reso and in my speech talked about how high stakes testing had wiped out social studies and science in the elementary schools - and I was surprised to see the place erupt in applause. This must have been around 1999.

The Times piece only had these comments about the role of the UFT:
Teachers pushed back, saying they could gauge their students’ performance better than any mass-produced tests could......Each new policy was met with denunciations from the teachers’ union or from education experts like Diane Ravitch. Ms. Ravitch, a supporter of standardized testing when she was an adviser to the Clinton and Bush administrations, became one of the biggest critics, arguing that schools were devoting too much time to the pursuit of high scores. “If they are not learning social studies but their reading scores are going up, they are not getting an education,” Ms. Ravitch said in 2005, as the mayor coasted to re-election.

 The union only pushed back for internal political reasons - to make the teachers - and the naive NY Times - think they were pushing back. Yes, classroom teachers and Diane pushed back. But the union only did so rhetorically. They supported mayoral control, refused to push back on the social promotion issue when it was clearly done for political reasons, did very little about the onslaught of micro management and the increasing focus on testing and test prep.

Randi took a full page ad in the NY Times to celebrate the great increases – that everyone knew were due to test score inflation – when they were released. Trying to eat from the gravy boat while trying to claim she hates the taste - even though it's dripping down her face.

I put this up on the nyceducation news listserve yesterday:

Also left out of the story is how Randi and the UFT jumped in to grab a share of the credit for the high scores, joining BloomKlein in front of the cameras here and in Washington when they won the Broad prize, grabbing bonus money for the scores and agreeing to have teachers rated on the basis of the tests scores.

The UFT tried to claim teachers deserved a raise due to the results.

I wrote at the time "Does that mean a pay cut if scores go down?" What a slippery slope.

Now some people think with MulGarten in charge there is a new deal at the UFT because he has made noises about the tests. Randi did too. So did Obama. Watch what they do not what they say.

The UFT/AFT was the only truly organized force that could have blown this scam out of the water from Day 1 but instead has chosen to play footsie with the ed deformers. It is now too little too late. History has passed them by.

But history has not passed Real Reformers by - though MulGarten is trying to steal this idea to claim the union are RR's when in fact they are closer to ed deformers in terms of their support for so much of ed deform.

NY Times Shocked, Shocked Over BloomKlein Claims on Reading Scores

Yes, let's give the NY Times the Captain Louis Award. You just had to hold your sides laughing at the front page story NY Times article on testing (Oct. 11). "Warning Signs Ignored" is the title and the NY Times was the leading ignorer. No one is really responsible you know. It sort of just happened. All on its own. Regent head Meryl Tisch? Former State Ed Comm Dickie Boy Allen? All innocent bystanders. The best quote: From Test Prep Queen Kathy (Who Me?) Cashin.
As a superintendent in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, Kathleen Cashin had seen several schools improve throughout the early part of the decade. But when she saw the sudden jump, she said, she was shocked.
“I said to my intimate circle of staff, this cannot be possible,” Ms. Cashin recalled. “I knew how much effort and how much planning any little improvement would take, and not all of these schools had done any of it.”
But Ms. Cashin, who retired in February, held her tongue at the time. Asked why she did not take up her concerns with Mr. Klein or his deputies, she said, “I didn’t have their ear.” 
Excuse me while I take a minute............$##&*())()*))___
That felt better. I actually knew teachers at PS 193k when Cashin was principal (oh, boy) before heading Dist. 23 (in the status quo days), then Region 5, before Klein chose her as one of the 4 super superintendents, using her rising test scores at each post to rise further herself (there were even rumors she would replace Klein). And she didn't have anyone's ear. How sad. Actually, she is sort of a real educator (that's another story) who was shunted aside for the business model (Laura Rodriguez, one of  the other 4 Super Supes, won the brass ring and is now the DOE token educator in charge of something or other.)

Well, I'll go no further because Leonie Haimson savages the Times for years of non reporting on the testing fiasco. You can read it over at the NYC Parent blog too but I am printing it here too. I sent over a comment to the listserve that is was too little and much too late for the UFT, but I'll leave that for the next posting.

Too little and much too late, the Times finally reports on the state test score scandal

In yesterday’s front page story, entitled "On NY School Tests, Warning Signs Ignored," the NY Times recounted the history of the state test score inflation that left its own deficient reporting conveniently off the hook.
Anyone who was paying attention knew at least as far back as 2007 that there was rampant test score inflation, primarily through articles by Erin Einhorn and other reporters at the Daily News. These articles, which themselves relied on analysis from testing experts like Fred Smith, revealed that the test score inflation started as early as 2002, with questions and scoring becoming easier over time.
See this 2007 article on our blog by Steve Koss, relating the ingenious experiment done by Einhorn in which she gave the 2002 and 2005 math tests to the same bunch of children, with the results showing that the 2005 exam was much easier, a fact also reflected in the changing "P" values of the questions over time. Or this follow-up Einhorn article, where leading testing experts called for an independent audit, which of course did not occur until three years later.
Today’s NY Times article omits any mention of the Daily News’ earlier exposes – which brought attention to this issue to the wider public – and instead recounts as meaningful that a few individuals who supposedly had doubts about the apparent rise in test scores, like Pedro Noguera and Kathleen Cashin, didn’t directly mention them to Klein– as though he might otherwise not have noticed the evidence that was splashed all over the Daily News!
The article also lets Regent Merryl Tisch off the hook, claiming that “We came in here saying we have to stop lying to our kids,” without mentioning that throughout this period, she was Deputy Chancellor of the Regents, and yet did and said nothing.

(See my critique at the time of their August 2009 article, NY Times falls in line with the Bloomberg PR spin control; and the response from Times editor, Ian Trontz: The NY Times response, and my reply.)

Read Leonie's entire piece by clickingon this link (she has updated it.)

Too little and much too late, the Times finally reports on the state test score scandal

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reacting to the Klein/Rheeist Manifesto in WAPO - Sabrina Tosses the CRAP!

I just don't seem to have the time to do long blogs of my own anymore. So much great stuff coming in I can't manage to keep up. So instead of dealing with it I spent the weekend avoiding it all. The weather was just too nice. And all the sports and that new 46 inch TV dominating a small room so that watching part of Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster in "The Sweet Smell of Success" last night, it seemed they were in the Man Cave with me. Well, let's get to it.

There's been a lot of anti-ed deform buzz the Washington Post Joel Klein/Michelle Rhee Sunday Washington Post claptrap of market based solutions. To me it is a sign of panic as a result of the Rhee/Fenty loss in DC, the collapse of the test scores in NY (see a semi-tough story in today's Times - which I hope to deal with later), the reviews for Waiting for Superman including real facts that are glossed over in the movie - like only 18% of charter schools do better than neighborhood schools - (and taking into account their creaming and advertizing with their glossy brochures, it is probably worse than that) - I find it a delicious irony that W4S has managed to help get our message across.

The Gates Foundation has joined the millions being put forth for WfS publicity by tossing in 2 million of its own:

Participant Media, LLC
Date: August 2010
Purpose: to execute a social action campaign that will complement Paramount’s marketing campaign of Waiting for Superman
Amount: $2,000,000
Term: 7 months
Topic: Advocacy & Public Policy
Region Served: North America, Global
Program: United States
Grantee Location: Beverly Hills, California

The Always Awesome Sabrina at Failing Schools Blog has come up with CRAP - and she used a bit of our footage.

Introducing…the Corporate Reform Action Pack

October 11, 2010
by Sabrina
You know, the first time I read the manifesto by Klein, Rhee & company, I was pretty disgusted. It seemed like just another bit of heavy-handed propaganda from more or less the same people who are always hamming it up for the cameras to promote their ideologically driven vision for America’s schools.

But then I read it again. This time, I was inspired to join the McGraw family and everyone else cashing in on America’s anxiety about public schooling tidal wave of pro-reform energy currently sweeping our nation. I want to take part in ending practices that favor adults instead of children (as long as no one ends practices like the one where I could get a five-figure bonus on top of my six-figure salary, even if there was no measurable improvement in my district, while students in my district’s schools are crammed 30+ to a poorly-supplied classroom).

I want to help overcome the linguistic and statistical limitations of the word “best” and make sure that the best teacher is in every classroom, and that the best principal is in every school. I haven’t found who those two people are yet, nor have I perfected the mechanism by which I’ll clone them, but I do believe I have something to significant to offer in the meantime.

I give you…The Corporate Reform Action Pack! My words will do it no justice. Instead, please enjoy this commercial.

(For real, though, I do plan to actually take the time to seriously address some of the major problems I see with that hot mess of a document. But right now, I’m at that point where I just have to crack-wise in order to not go completely nuts. I’m betting I’m not alone in that, so enjoy :) if you’re with me, and calm the heck down if you’re not. There’s some fast text at a couple of places; it may not make much of a difference to you if you don’t read it all, but if you’re interested in what it says, go ahead and hit pause. You’ll probably get more out of it if you view it full screen, too.)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming Soon to a School Near You: The Co-Location Monster

Leonie Haimson's petition on ending co-locations... please sign and share widely...

Here is a note Leonie sent to her listserve:
See below; a notice we just received of an Oct. 20 vote on two new applications for Success Academy charter schools in D3 and in D7 – both to be co-located in district schools. 

For an article about how Bronx Success Academy squeezed one supposedly underutilized school this fall, leading to sped kids getting services in hallways and rising class sizes, check out
Check out this recent article about how the space wars in the playground at another branch of the Success Academies played out in Harlem over the summer:

And here is another column, about how the chain spent $1.3 million to recruit more students to its waiting lists.

I spoke to a teacher in Harlem last week, whose school shares space w/ a branch of HSA, and she reports class sizes of 29 in Kindergarten, and up to 41 in 3rd grade at her school, because of enrollment increases, with no or no room to create new classrooms because of the co-location.

If you haven’t already, PLEASE send in comments to, and sign my petition, which sends a message to the Charter School Institute, SUNY board member and the head of the charter committee Pedro Noguera, and the full SUNY board, that NYC public school kids cannot afford to lose any more space to co-locations.

Leonie Haimson




TO:                 Public and Nonpublic Schools in the Same Geographic Area as the Proposed
Charter School

FROM:           Charter Schools Institute of the State University of New York (on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York)


DATE:            October 8, 2010

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Education Law subdivision 2857(1), the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York (the “SUNY Trustees”), in its capacity as a charter authorizer, will consider the following applications, previously scheduled for consideration in September, at its meeting on October 20, 2010:

The Bronx Success Academy Charter School 3: Proposed location is NYC CSD 7 with a planned opening of September 2011.  Proposed enrollment and grades served are as follows: 1st year – 188 students in grades K-1; 5th year – 689 students in grades K-5.

The Success Academy Charter School: Proposed location is NYC CSD 3 with a planned opening of September 2011.  Proposed enrollment and grades served are as follows: 1st year – 188 students in grades K-1; 5th year – 689 students in grades K-5.

The Charter Schools Institute welcomes public comment on the above proposed action, which can be directed to the Institute at the address below or via email to

For further information regarding this Notice, please contact the General Counsel of the Charter Schools Institute, Ralph A. Rossi II, at (518) 433-8277 or

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Culture Club

Sat., Oct. 9, updated 4pm

Since we don't spend all our time trying to defang ed deformers and UFT/Unity Caucus slugs, we are initiating a new feature chronicling the limited amount of culture we manage to absorb. This blog will be updated throughout the day as I try to remember - anything. Let's see--- the great Beatle cover band, "The Fab Faux" celebrating the music of John Lennon (happy B-Day, John) , the Laura Linney play "Time Stands Still" about a war correspondent couple - what a great cast (see NY Times review Friday) and ....

NPR's Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
11am-12 pm- Listen now

Last night we went to Carnegie Hall to see NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." It was the second performance in two nights for this very funny Chicago-based show. Darn, we missed Mayor Bloomberg, who was the featured guest on Thursday. But we much preferred Nora Ephron. You can hear the Thurs. night Bloomberg show right now on 820 AM. Host Peter Sagal just happens to be one of the funniest people in the world. I'm going to listen now. Back later with more on last night and the rest of the Culture Club.

Well, that was fun.

All I am saying....

Two weeks ago we got to see the Fab Faux at Radio City Music Hall - a celebration of John's birthday - 2 hours of his music by a superb band that many say are better musicians than the Beatles themselves. When Lennon was killed we went to the memorial in Central Park on the Sunday after. Other than JFK, no other death of someone outside the family out me in such a state of shock. I was sleepwalking through my classes. I brought in some Beatles albums and played them over and over in my classroom. Years later one of the kids who by then was in the army in Germany wrote me a letter saying that he loved the Beatles - and it was due to those days.

I just loved Lennon's attitude and  humor. He really as the leader of the Beatles - an adventuresome spirit that opened them up to directions no band has ever gone in. I used to take my classes to the playground near the Dakota, dreaming we would one day run into him as he took Sean out to play.

Today is Lennon's birthday. There's a new documentary out that includes a lot from that famous WNEW session with Dennis Elses that I actually listened to at the time. We actually got to meet Elses at Pete Seeger's  Hudson River Festival recently. And a new movie on the boyhood years. Looking forward to seeing both.

Friday, October 8, 2010

NYC Gates-funded small schools enrolled fewer disadvantaged 9th graders than enrolled in large HS they replaced

Prepared by Jennifer L. Jennings, assistant professor of sociology at New York University, and Aaron M. Pallas, professor of sociology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, in collaboration with Annenberg Institute research staff   
Over the last decade, the New York City public school system has sought to reform high school education by closing or downsizing large, failing high schools and opening new small high schools in their stead. This report explores whether these reforms altered the distribution of student characteristics across schools by comparing the demographic characteristics of students entering the new small high schools with those of students entering the large high schools that closed and with high schools across the New York City system.
The authors found little evidence of a fundamental redistribution throughout the system, but their data indicated that new small high schools located on the campuses of the large comprehensive schools they replaced enrolled much less disadvantaged ninth-graders than those who were previously enrolled in the now-closed large comprehensive schools. The authors recommend that the New York City Department of Education remain vigilant when opening and closing new schools, keeping in mind that the fortunes of one school can influence what happens to other schools. (October 2010)

I had conversations with Jennifer Jennings about this issue from the time I first met her in the early days of her research into small schools over 5 years ago. She told  me about a few of the schools - most cherry picked but one principal really tried to do it with the same kids -  his school had loads of issues because these kids just needed more resources. Now if he were given more teachers and more non-classroom resources, it would have been possible, but by no means a sure bet. But the ed deformers don't even want to go there, trying to make it seem it is only a matter of replicating successful models, quality teaching, etc.

Oh, how easy to be a higher quality teacher when there are kids with less needs - and that money spent the right way - let me say it again - money spent the right way - not on schemes like merit pay, or coaches, or ARIS and data and accountability - all the non-classroom accouterments that won't make a difference. See below for a prime example of waste: Hiring teacher effectiveness coaches who need no teaching experience.

Nothing surprising here. We know there are no magic bullets.

Pallas - Jennings report:

NYC Gates-funded small schools enrolled fewer disadvantaged 9th graders than enrolled in large HS they replaced. 

Findings appear to contradict DOE’s claims on this issue.

Annenberg Logo
News from the
Annenberg Institute

Do new small schools in New York City enroll more advantaged students than the city's other schools ?
The New York City public school system has sought to reform high school education by closing or downsizing large, failing high schools and opening new small high schools. In a new report, NYU professor Jennifer Jennings and Teachers College professor Aaron Pallas explore whether these reforms altered the distribution of enrolling students’ characteristics across schools.
> Read more and view the entire report

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Posting for NYC Department of Education
Position Details 
Position Title: TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS COACHES Function: Education/Training Position Type: Full-Time (Paid) Posted On: 10/5/2010 Job Description: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


Position Summary:
The Department of Education’s (DOE) Division of Talent, Labor & Innovation is currently seeking multiple full-time Teacher Effectiveness Coaches to implement a talent management system focused on teacher effectiveness.  These positions offer the successful candidate the opportunity to assume a role in supporting school leaders in evaluating and developing effective teachers in New York City public schools.  The Teacher Effectiveness Coaches will be required to travel 4-5 days a week to New York City schools. 

These positions offer the successful candidate the opportunity to support school leaders in evaluating and developing effective teachers in New York City public schools.  Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

Communicating the Teacher Effectiveness Program
• Create materials, agendas, and talking points to help principals have conversations with teachers

Determining Individual Teacher Development Needs
• Provide written guidance to principals on using data to assess teacher effectiveness
• Create tools to help principals diagnose teacher needs and choose appropriate interventions

Tracking Progress of Developmental Support
• Track teacher development needs and the delivery of interventions to establish school and project level patterns

Supporting the Completion of Teacher Evaluations
• Work with principals to improve use of existing evaluation tool, provide logistical support to ensure principals follow the evaluation process
• Track the alignment of evaluation rating to teacher effectiveness, as determined by the principal
• Provide logistical support to ensure principals make timely and informed tenure decisions.
Qualifications: Qualification Requirements:

• B.A.
• Minimum four (4) years experience in human resources, talent development, performance evaluation, professional development, operations, public or education administration or a field applicable to the position, with at least 18 months of management experience or
• A satisfactory equivalent of post baccalaureate education and experience
• All candidates must have 18+ months of managerial/supervisory experience