Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Susan Ohanian's Mid-Week Musings

Damn. Now I have to stay awake another hour reading all this great stuff from Susan.

Hit the links.

 What the world needs NOW:



In solidarity for ethical teaching and the ability to say 'No!'


Wrong-Headed Common Core Testing
Susan Ohanian

Smarter Balanced assessments pushes 4th graders to write in the 'It was a dark and stormy night' genre.

Parents, Protect Your Children from the Smarter Blanced Test
Susan Ohanian

Consider the terrible test prep that will be inflicted on children to prepare them for this nonsense.

Vermont State Board of Education Statement and Resolution on the Appropriate Use of SBAC Standardized Tests and School Accountability
Vermont State Board of Education

This resolution uncoupling accountability from Smarter Balanced testing passed unanimously.

Organized Confusion: PARCC Hypocrisy, Bullying, and Fear-Mongering in Chicago Public Schools
Troy LaRaviere
A Chicago principal stands up to his boss and defends the right of students to opt out of PARCC.

Smarter Balanced Guide for Spying on Students
Susan Ohanian
Smarter Balanced test security instructs schools to follow students on Twitter and Facebook. And more.

Pearson, NJ, spying on social media of students taking PARCC tests
Bob Braun
Bob Braun's Leger
Here's evidence of just how much a Big Brother Pearson has become.

Privacy Pitfalls as Education Apps Spread Haphazardly
Natasha Singer with Ohanian Comment
New York Times
Teachers are wildly using so many apps that 'guarding against the potential pitfalls -- data breaches, identity theft, unauthorized student profiling -- is a herculean endeavor.'

To the editor
Stephen Krashen, USC Professor Emeritus
US News & World Report
Excellent, whistle-blowing letter.

Law Schools Face New Rules on Reporting Graduates’ Success
Jacob Gershman
Wall Street Journal
Law schools face scrutiny for their practice of funding jobs for graduates, a move that can boost their position in the U.S. News rankings.

Tisch Must Go -- Bill Cala to State Board of Regents
Bill Cala and Norm Scott
EdNotes Online
A lifetime education leader asks for ouster of longtime New York State Board of Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch.

Why Walton Has Stopped Funding  Milwaukee
Alan J. Borsuk and  L.S. Hall
MilwaukeeInside Philanthropy
The Walton Family Foundation is pulling out of Milwaukee, 'redirecting' its money mill to places they believe are 'most ripe' for their aims.

When the Market Drives Reporting
Susan Ohanian
A small look at the bias in the Education Week narrative.

Children's Books for the One Per Cent
Eric Schulmiller
The New Yorker
Very funny. Very clever. And early childhood reformers aligned with the Common Core won't 'get' it.

As “Right To Work” becomes law in Wisconsin, a reminder of its inventor’s racist past

Old-school racism at the heart of anti-unionism? Who would have ever thought?... Michael Fiorillo

As “Right To Work” becomes law in Wisconsin, a reminder of its inventor’s racist past

On Monday, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed into law the controversial anti-union “Right To Work” bill, following weeks of protests in Madison. Right To Work laws are designed to kill unions by mandating “open shop” workplaces, allowing workers to work in unionized workplaces, without paying union dues.

Wisconsin is historically one of the most pro-union, progressive states, home to the legendary “Fighting Bob” LaFollette, and the only community-owned nonprofit NFL football team— so gutting unions in labor’s historical heartland is like what Russian homicide detectives call a “control shot” — the point-blank bullet to the head that makes sure the bleeding target on the ground never breathes again.

It’s also gratuitous, like doing donuts on road kill, when you consider how close to extinction labor unions have fallen over the years. Only 6.6% of private sector workers are in unions today, down from a peak of 35% in the mid-1950s. It’s only thanks to public sector unions—which Scott Walker destroyed in Wisconsin in 2011—that the overall percentage of the workforce that’s unionized is 11.1%. California, which has rejected “Right To Work” laws in the past, has the largest number of union members in the country —  2.5 million workers — though as a percentage, California ranks sixth highest.

Which reminds me of two things: First, Scott Walker proves that pranks don’t work. Four years ago, when Walker first waged right-wing jihad on Wisconsin’s public sector workers, an old comrade of mine, “Buffalo” Ian Murphy, pulled off the single greatest phone prank ever. Posing as billionaire David Koch’s voice, Murphy managed to swagger his way past Gov. Walker’s aides and into the governor’s handset for a long 20 minute call, which revealed Walker as a grotesquely slavish Koch towelboy. Four years later: Walker is a top presidential contender, the Kochs are worth over $100 billion, Koch-backed groups passed “Right To Work” in Wisconsin…and “Buffalo” Murphy is an ex-con, jailed in 2013 for brandishing an unconcealed, fully loaded dildo at a mob of homophobic religious fanatics. As the saying goes, “The Koch is mightier than the prank.”

The other thing Walker’s RTW law reminds me of is some unfinished business I have with the number one national organization behind the law: The National Right To Work Committee.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article for NSFWCORP (since acquired by Pando) exposing the ugly, racist roots of the whole “Right To Work” movement, tracing it back to the brains behind “Right To Work”: Vance Muse, the loonie anti-Semitic, anti-black Texan who coined “Right To Work” in the early 1940s, and worked Karl Rove-like to push through the first “Right To Work” laws in the South in the 40s and early 50s. Since a lot of people these days are not in tune with labor union struggles and what “right to work” laws even mean, my article exposing the KKK racist who started “Right To Work” created a bit of a PR headache for the union-busting movement.

Countering Arne Duncan Slander: Opt-Out movement grows into new communities in NYC

I may have a new career. I will be going to a PTA meeting at a Title I school in Brooklyn to rep CTS tomorrow. Parents at another Brooklyn Title I school asked CTS to send a rep this morning but I couldn't make it. The "only white middle class opt out" line is beginning to break.
I have been maintaining that it is only a matter of time before the opt-out color line is broken. Black and latino/a kids are even more messed up by high stakes tests. The middle class in those communities supposedly support tests. I think that may turn into a myth.

The hard work of parent-oriented groups like the state-wide NYSAPE and the NYC based Change the Stakes (CTS) is beginning to pay off. Arne Duncan slammed opt-outers as white suburbanites who didn't want their children to be subject to his test based mania - they see it as child abuse. While we have seen the opt-out movement strength in certain communities like Park Slope and Washington Heights, the organizing work of NYSAPE and CTS is beginning to reach into other parts of the city. CTS made a decision last year to do outreach into these communities.
Parents from Title 1 schools have been in touch asking for us to send representatives to their PTA meetings to inform them of their rights to opt-out and to demolish some of the mis-truths and distortions some school and district administrators are telling them.
In fact I've been drafted to cover one of these schools and bring information to a PTA meeting because many of the CTS ladies are tied up this week (though now I think some parents from Park Slope are joining me).

If this grows deeper into those communities, that will be a sea change. Even some of my colleagues in MORE seem to buy into the line that opting out is a white, middle class thing.

The other day I heard Republican NYS Assemblyman Jim Tedisco on NPR making a presentation on testing and common core that could come from Susan Ohanian. I almost choked when he said "follow the money" and mentioned Gates and Pearson. And here is the story on the bill he proposed on March 16:
Assemblyman Jim Tedisco, R-Glenville, who turned out to be the top contender in the Assembly on the "Stop Common Core" ballot line in 2014, announced new legislation he is drafting: the Common Core Parental Refusal Act. This legislation would require school districts to notify parents about their right to opt-out of Common Core standardized tests for students in grades 3 through 8.
Where are the Democrats? With their pals in NYSUT and the UFT I guess.

Leonie Haimson has been busy as usual:

Bookstore in Oneonta NY: books for kids to read while opting out of the state tests.  NYSAPE suggested the list and supplied the sign.
A CTS parent sent this regarding administrator obstructions:
I am so steamed today b/c at our school's meeting for parents getting ready for tests, admin. would not share the DOE Parent Guide. There should be copies available for parents. Though I asked beforehand. Luckily I prepped another parent to tell the other parents b/c I could not make it. And, this is after we all marched together around the school on Thurs. But more parents than before have asked for info about opt out and the fifth grade parents might be ready to try now.
She includes this letter.
To the City Council:
As a parent in a public school for the past six years, and as a strong proponent of refusing state ELA and math tests, I ask that you require specific information about opting out of state tests, steps detailing how to do so, and an outline of
consequences, be shared with parents at the start of each year in the Parents' Bill of Rights.

The Parent Guide at is difficult for parents and guardians to find and, to my knowledge, has not been widely shared. Families who want to make an informed decision about whether or not to allow their children to take the tests are unable to do so. At a time in which the DOE wants to engage parents more fully, and work together in partnership, every step should be taken to give us information that we are fully entitled to. It is every parent or guardian's right to determine what is best for their child, and not providing clear information to all parents, early in the school year, is unacceptable.

Schools ask permission to take our children's photos. to take them on field trips, and to participate in sports or dance classes. However, for the state tests, which have stakes that are higher than ever and cause tremendous disruption to the schools, the burden is upon parents and guardians to search for information in order to opt out or refuse.

Please pass this bill (Res. 577-2015), so that all parents have equal access to opt-out/refusal policies.
Add on: Opt-out is causing panic at the DOE
My sons teachers told me today I can't opt out for the state testing this year. They said the principal will require them to go to summer school and they will have to do a project. Is this true? Last year my son was able to opt out with no problem.
And then this:
I'm choosing to opt my son (8th Grade, NYC public school in Manhattan)out of the upcoming ELA exam.  I wrote a letter to his principal explaining my views and expressing my desire to opt him out.  Today I get a phone call from his school saying that due to new DOE policy, I need to have a meeting with the school administration to discuss the matter before they will exempt him.  Never heard of this policy, do you know if this is legal or legitimate?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jeff Bryant on Sloppy Education Reporting

I was at the press table with Jeff Bryant at the AFT 2014 convention in Los Angelos and found him to be insightful and enlightened on education issues. Here he takes on one of my favorite topics -- education reporting. He calls is sloppy - I call it biased. I get daily ed reports from Chalkbeat and Capital Education and just in what they leave out makes them biased. For instance, Chalkbeat covered a few rallies last week and had a headline that hundreds turned out - yes to the rallies THEY covered -- but it was clear there were rallies all over the city, some with 700 people at one school alone. In response to criticisms by Leonie Haimson (I complained too) they changed the headline to "thousands". Then they complained in a tweet that it was hundreds at the rallies they covered. But that report left out so much context that there were probably as many people who rallied that day as at the Moskowitz dog and pony show - these rallies had to take place before and after school.

I believe, intentional or not, they have different coverage if it was an Eva Moskowitz rally. Like they would leave out that their teachers are paid and their parents are told if their kids don't go to Albany it is THEIR responsibility to arrange for their care that day -- no question that the schools are left with some staff to cover for parents - the so-called parents who want choice -- not being given a real choice on the Albany trip. Thus the claims of thousands, while technically they might be true but overinflated on a number of levels -- are accepted and reported without context.

Jeff Bryant, at Alternet, takes on the non-regular ed reporters like the business reporters writing on education -- similar to the work The Daily Howler does regularly. He calls them "low information" reporters. I can almost excuse them because I see the bad (intentionally?) high information reporters in our daily papers, especially the NY Times, being more than sloppy.

How Sloppy Education Reporting Is Slowly Killing Our Schools

Most of the news media have no idea how schools run, but they write about them like they do.

Be afraid, be very afraid, any time you see a reporter in the business media turn his or her attention to education and public schools. What will likely follow is a string of truisms used to prop up a specious argument, steeped in biased notions that were themselves picked up from ill-informed conversations promoted by other clueless business news outlets.
All of this chatter would be something best to ignore were it not for the fact that reporters and pundits from these outlets are often raised to prominence, labeled as "experts," and lionized by political leaders and policy makers, while real authorities on education are overlooked or completely drowned out in the babble.
Exhibit A in the case against bad reporting on education is in the Feb. 14, 2015 issue of the Economist. An article titled "Pro Choice" highlights efforts to create new school voucher programs in many states and allow parents to take money meant for public education and use those tax payer dollars to enroll their children in schools of their choice, including private schools and charter schools.
This topic has been the subject of countless research studies and is a matter of ongoing examination by numerous authorities. Yet the writer barely skims the research and consults with a bare minimum of real experts on education policy.
Had the Economist made the effort to consult some real research and talk to bona fide experts, what they would have learned is there are some very big problems posed by school vouchers, and there are much better alternatives to improving schools.
It's important to call out this article and others like it, not only because it's an example of feckless journalism, but also because it exemplifies an all too common pattern when low-information reporters tackle stories about education.

Rank and File teachers increasingly sick of Democratic party as UFT/NYSUT/AFT Continue to Pander

Our union is in many ways just an appendage, a weak one at that, of the Democratic party.  As the party sinks further into the money raising pit, don't expect to see much positive change. Democrats are not capable as currently constituted of doing much for us. Since our union bosses are a major part of the Democratic establishment, do not expect them to lead a movement to put real progressives on the ballot.  We'll need to do it ourselves at the grassroots level... James Eterno, ICE blog, BEWARE OF DEMOCRATS COURTING UNION VOTE
Two recent items caught my eye, the Eterno piecce and this
email from Roseanne McCosh on the same topic.
Hey Norm,
I got a call from the Democratic Party last night.  I politely listened to the gentleman who told me dems lost seats in the last election.  Dems who lost strayed away from the party and our president.  They want to back the best people who stay on message. The voter turnout was low.   When he was done I told him that if the democratic party showed a backbone and supported unionized teachers, then more of us would have voted for them.  But as things stand now I will not support them.  He responded with more rhetoric about Obama.  Then I told him President Obama has proven that he too is bad for unionized teachers.  His appointee Arne Duncan is a clear example of that.  He interrupted me as I was making that point and began to argue.  I told him I would wait to see how the dems behave going forward and they would have to earn my vote.  He continued to interrupt me so I told him I wasn't staying on the phone arguing with a stranger who wants my vote and I hung up.  Are there any other teachers (or unionized workers) you know of who have gotten this phone call lately?  
The absolute nerve of these people.....they turn their backs on us and then complain about low voter turnout.  I always vote....but I've gone Green Party last couple of elections....until the dems grow a backbone they aren't getting my vote.
Then James Eterno posted a great piece on the ICE blog today. The UFT/NYSUT/AFT has so tied itself to the Democratic Party -- it is so important for Randi to be able to play in that pen, they leave themselves little options.

James contrasts the Chicago Teachers Union.
Instead, we need to be more organized and much more militant. That should be our first priority but we can't stick our heads in the sand and ignore elections. Chicago Teachers are setting the example by strongly opposing Democratic anti-union Mayor Rahm Emanual's bid for reelection.  They might not win but they have earned respect for sure by forcing a runoff.
 And he attempts to answer the question raised by NYC Educator:
As for how the weakness of labor impacts teacher unions, NYC Educator did a piece about a week ago wondering why UFT/NYSUT/AFT leaders make decisions that actually harm their members. Why is our union supporting rubbish such as teachers being rated based on student test scores on standardized exams (junk science), the untested Common Core and plenty of other nonsense that the rank and file overwhelmingly abhors?  Why did AFT President Randi Weingarten make phone calls for anti-public school candidate Kathy Hochul in a contested primary last yea?  Why did Randi act as an apologist for our foe Governor Andrew Cuomo during the fall election campaign?
These questions are not that difficult to answer.

Our union is in many ways just an appendage, a weak one at that, of the Democratic party.  As the party sinks further into the money raising pit, don't expect to see much positive change. Democrats are not capable as currently constituted of doing much for us.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Hearing on Opt-Out Bill in NYC CIty Council: Helen Rosenthal and Danny Dromm sponsor parent rights bill

The noose tightens around ed deform.
Dear education advocates,

Council Members Helen Rosenthal and Daniel Dromm have introduced a bill (Res. 577-2015) to amend the DOE Parents' Bill of Rights. The bill would require DOE to distribute the document to all parents at the start of every school year, and it would require DOE to include information about parents' right to opt their children out of standardized tests. You can see the current version of the Parents' Bill of Rights on the DOE website.

The bill will be heard in an Education Committee hearing on Thursday, March 19 at 1pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The hearing is open to the public, and you are welcome to submit testimony about the bill to Jan Atwell at or Ashya Schomburg at If you cannot attend the hearing, you can watch the video here. (It will be streaming live, or you can watch it after the fact.)

Please share this information with your network, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Stephanie Buhle
Director of Communications 
Office of Council Member Helen Rosenthal
6th District: Upper West Side & Clinton
(212) 788-6975

Tisch Must Go - Bill Cala to State Board of Regents

Chancellor Tisch has vehemently supported the policies of John King and demonstrated an uncomfortable alliance with the draconian policies of Governor Cuomo. She has been unapologetic, unresponsive and deaf to the public she serves. Her continued leadership of the board will signal defiance of the will of the educational community and an arrogance of unmeasured proportions... Bill Cala

One of my favorite people is Bill Cala, former acting Supt of Rochester schools and long-time, now retired, Supe in nearby Fairport. We met at an anti-high stakes testing conference organized by Susan Ohanian in Birmingham, Al over a decade ago. Bill should be running the State Ed Dept. --- if this were a rational world.
Dear Members of the New York State Board of Regents,

Over the past year, it should be apparent that the direction of education in New York is changing. Parents have raised their voices and are no longer willing to blindly accept the state and national agenda of testing and punishment to their children and their children's teachers. Parents have made it clear that they support their public schools and teachers and will no longer accept a rigid curriculum and testing regime.

Former commissioner King's management of curriculum, data, parents and the implementation of the common core (as well as the common core itself) surely precipitated his departure. Parents, teachers, school board members and the general populace demanded that the process of appointing members to the Board of Regents by the legislature dramatically change and that the process become more transparent. Those demands were so loud and deafening that the legislature had little choice but to listen. As a result, unprecedented turnover resulted. The most ardent supporter of John King was regent Robert Bennett. Throughout Bennett's term he has supported positions that have been at cross purposes with the wishes of parents and teachers. Before John King's departure, Bennett's praise for his policies were unwavering. In fact, when King resigned, Bennett was quoted as saying "...he is the best educator I have ever met." Quite curious that when interviewed for reappointment to the Board of Regents recently, the story changed. It became apparent that Mr. Bennett read the tea leaves and knew that support for John King would not secure reappointment. Fortunately the legislators paid attention and knew very well where he stands on the issues and this led to Mr. Bennett's withdrawal of his application. As you know, this was not the only incumbent who fell.

You all know the history and hopefully you all are aware of the movement for a more responsive government and a board of regents more receptive to the needs and desires of the people of the state of New York. The big question that remains is whether or not the new composition of the board will do "business as usual" or will this board respond to the outcry of parents and teachers. The most effective sign that the Regents are listening and care about the people they serve would be to elect a new chancellor.

Chancellor Tisch has vehemently supported the policies of John King and demonstrated an uncomfortable alliance with the draconian policies of Governor Cuomo. She has been unapologetic, unresponsive and deaf to the public she serves. Her continued leadership of the board will signal defiance of the will of the educational community and an arrogance of unmeasured proportions.

I trust that events of the recent weeks and months will bring a change of heart which subsequently will lead to a change of leadership so desperately needed in New York. Anything less will send a signal that the voices of communities across the state have been ignored.


William C. Cala Ed.D.
Lifetime New York educator and child advocate
By the way- Bill and his wife Joanne run an amazing charity in Africa where they build schools and do other wonderful stuff. Check it out - - and DONATE!

On Differentiation and Grouping: Three Cheers Plus One for MS 88 in Park Slope

MS 88 has been part of our FLL robotics program pretty much every year since I began volunteering 13 years ago when I retired. We had another rousing event this past weekend and MS 88 was in the house of Javits on Saturday, along with 78 other teams from all over the city and they won a 3rd place award for programming their robot.

So, when I  saw this Daily Howler headline from Bob Somerby based in the Baltimore/DC area, my first thought was that somehow he was connecting to MS 88's robotic win. Not. The Sunday NY Times had a major piece on MS 88 and Howler takes the writer somewhat to task. (For those who don't know, Howler taught in inner city Baltimore for a decade or more - I believe.)

Here he touches on ability grouping, differentiation and other related topics and seems incredulous that it might be possible kids doing math on 1st grade level are in the same class as kids on 7th grade level. Ahhh, Joel Klein's "reforms" where that point is irrelevant -- all the teachers have to do is say the magic word - DIFFERENTIATE - and VOILA - MAGIC.

Well, maybe technology using one on one is an answer. And maybe not. I'm posting in full her because excerpts won't make sense. Best to click here and go to the site if you can - and check out some of those weird comments Howler gets.
Posted: 16 Mar 2015 11:49 AM PDT
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015

One cheer for the New York Times:
Last week, we offered an anecdote and an impression about our public schools.

On C-Span, Professor Guinier and a gloomy caller had said that we’re destroying another generation of black kids in our public schools.

That’s often considered the hip, gloomy thing for know-nothing “liberals” to traffic! In response, we said we think that a lot of people have been trying very hard to create better schools for low-income kids.

To refresh your recollection, click here.

Middle School 88 (Park Slope, Brooklyn) sounds like another such school. We’ll offer three cheers for the school itself, one cheer for the way the New York Times reported on its math instruction.

The report appeared in yesterday’s Sunday Review, a very high-profile placement. The Times described Tina Rosenberg, author of the report:

Justice Not Just Tests: NYCORE 2015 Conference Saturday, March 21

I've done work with NYCORE, mostly on the testing issue, since 2003 when they did a little testing play at a PEP. When they formed their first Justice not just tests committee I joined, along with Lisa North from ICE along with Angel Gonzalez. Out of that ICE/NYCORE alliance on this committee (around 2008) GEM emerged in early 2009. So this Saturday it will be a bit of nostalgia to revisit the JNJT concept. Both MORE and Change the Stakes will have tables and presentations on their work. I was asked to tape the keynote and morning activities and then will be free to check it out all day. And maybe have enough energy left for the after party.

NYCoRE 2015 Conference: Justice, Not Just-Tests
Hosted by New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE)
Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 8:45 AM to 6:00 PM (EDT)
The James Baldwin School, 351 W 18th St, Manhattan, NY 10011  |  Directions 
Download Mobile Tickets

A Message from New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE):
We can't wait to see you Saturday at NYCoRE's 6th Annual Conference.  A couple of announcements and reminders to make the day a success!
The final conference schedule is now online.  We recommend reading it over now and making decisions about sessions to attend. The workshops are first-come first-serve, so get to your room early as they will be closed when full.

Please arrive EARLY!  The keynote is going to be one of the highlights of the day! Please be sure to arrive by 8:45-9:00 so you can register, have a pastry/bagel and get situated.
We have amazing NYCoRE and conference T-shirts, tanks and sweatshirts for just $16-$25, NYCoRE waterbottles, buttons and books from NYCoRE authors. There are 40 other amazing ally organizations tabling at the conference with great resources and information on how to get involved.

While we do offer free childcare, you must sign up for it by filling out this form. You may not drop your child off without signing up, so if you would like childcare, and haven't yet signed up, fill out the form immediately so we have enough providers.  (please note- childcare is not offered during lunch).
Be sure to stick around for the whole conference.  We will have a raffle and cookie/coffee/cocoa community time at the end. After the closing performance, we will be heading a few blocks away for an after conference after party to continue the conversations and unwind. Please join us! 21+
Finally- we will be doing a social media campaign this year called Hey Cuomo!  We want everyone to use social media to tweet, fb, instagram messages @nygovcuomo about your thoughts about educational justice throughout the day!  Use hashtags #nycore and #notjusttests.  Stop by the selfie stations (3rd fl, cafeteria) to take photos! Let’s trend!
 There is still time to register, so please spread the word over facebook, twitter etc!
 --The 2015 Conference Planning Committee

A, C, E to 14th st.
L to 8th Ave
1 to 7th Ave and 18th  
Path to 14th or 23rd 

Denying the Hedge Hogs: Board votes against investing in charter supporter’s hedge fund

This is a positive development -- hit those Eva supporting slugs in their pocket books. Our pension money should not go to people who declare war on us.

NY Post reports:

In a rare move, the board that oversees the city’s retirement fund for civil servants killed a proposal to invest in a high-yield hedge fund — run by one of the city’s biggest investors in charter schools, sources told The Post.
The New York City Employees’ Retirement System nixed a recommendation from the comptroller’s office to sink a portion of its $54 billion pension fund into Gotham Asset Management, which is run by Success Academies co-founder Joel Greenblatt.
The charter network is overseen by Eva Moskowitz, a long-time foe of Mayor de Blasio.
The 11-member board is stacked with reps who are allied with the anti-charter teachers’ union — including appointees from de Blasio, Borough Presidents Eric Adams and Ruben Diaz Jr. and leaders of three major city unions.
“It’s extremely rare for public pensions to be run like this,” said an expert on municipal finance. “The fact that we do it through these boards lends itself to decision-making that isn’t solely based on rates of returns. It can get political.”
The investment was rejected even though it’s unusual for such proposals to be derailed after making it onto the board’s agenda, according to a source familiar with the process.
Investment recommendations are made only after considerable economic research by a division of the comptroller’s office.
“New York denied itself the opportunity to invest and get a great return,” said a separate source familiar with the vote.
Gotham’s four fund offerings have done relatively well since launching over a stretch of time, ranging from a 7.8 percent return for one launched nine months ago to 48 percent for the oldest fund, launched in August 2012.
Officials at the hedge fund declined comment.
It’s not possible to determine which NYCERS reps voted down the measure — nor their motivation — because the action was taken in executive session.
The Comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management referred Greenblatt’s hedge fund to NYCERS for consideration as a potential investment last month, but a spokesman for Comptroller Scott Stringer declined to say how it learned of the fund.
“As the investment adviser to the New York City Pension Funds, the Bureau of Asset Management recommends investments based strictly on their merits,” said Stringer spokesman Eric Sumberg.
Stringer is among the 11 trustee members. Other board members either did not return calls or declined to comment, citing the confidentiality of discussions that took place in an executive meeting on Feb. 24.
But some of the reps have made it clear in the past that ideological considerations are fair game for investment decisions.
As public advocate in late 2012, de Blasio called for the city’s pension funds to divest themselves from firms that manufacture military-grade guns — both for financial prudence and moral reasons.
“Beyond our fiduciary duty, we should not be giving capital to an industry that is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans each year,” de Blasio said shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.
Asked about the board’s vote, UFT President Michael Mulgrew said, “We’re confident that the NYCERS board members voted in the best interest of their members. 

The UFT is not among the three unions — DC-37, TWU Local 100 and Teamsters Local 237 — that sits on the NYCERS board. But its parent union, the American Federation of Teachers, has sought to steer pension funds to invest with firms that help, or at least don’t harm, union members.

City-As-School Leads march from school to rally at Washington Sq. Park

Featuring extensive coverage of City-As and the convergence in Washington Square Park where folks from PS1, Liberty High, Independence HS, Manhattan Comprehensive Night and Day, NYU, and other schools rallied and spoke out.... John Antush
I've been working with John Antush in MORE for almost 3 years and it gives me such great pleasure to see his efforts to build coalitions inside his school and in the lower Manhattan area begin to pay off. What distinguishes this City-As led rally and the District 15 rally at Cuomo's office was the networking of schools which builds power of them all - and let's not neglect to say these events have not been oppositional but partnerships with the UFT leaderships in and outside the schools. To see so many MORE's take part like Alexandra Alves from PS 2, who we met just last June when she attended a lower Manhattan meetup hosted by John and Jia Lee.

(By the way - this group is hanging out this Friday - Join us at MORE's DOWNTOWN GATHERING this Friday March 20th @ 5:30pm LOCATION: Karavas Place 162 W4th Street
Let's catch up and discuss our next steps against Governor Cuomo's Education plan!)

Here is the press release from the City-As folks

Hello Everyone,

This was an incredible week for our community. Thank you to everyone for all the support, energy and effort!

Here is the post event press release and photos that can be broadly shared. We also attached the Chalkbeat articles.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Maria K and John A

For Immediate Release: March 13, 2015

Contact: Maria Krajewski

Cell: 917-763-8837


Social Media: #wearecityas #protectourschools #allkidsneed

Anti-Cuomo Protest in West Village:

Students, Teachers, Parents March, Rally, Shout and Sing

Thursday, March 12th, at 3:30pm sharp teachers and students marched out of City-As-School (CAS) High School. Kicking off their protest of Governor Cuomo’s education agenda, over a hundred teachers, parents, students and supporters, shouted “We don’t want your multiple choice; at City-As, kids have a voice!” City-As is an alternative public high school in the West Village in New York City that promotes hands-on learning experiences through its widely-acclaimed program, where students spend part of the week in internships and part of the week in classes. City-As is part of a network of schools in which students complete a portfolio of papers and projects instead of taking tests to fulfill the state graduation requirements.

Organized with marshals, the procession marched seven blocks to Washington Square Park, where marchers converged with members of school communities from across Lower Manhattan, the West Side and even the Bronx. As they soldiered forward, students waved signs and banners, emblazoned with slogans like “More Than a Score,” “#WeAretheData,” “#WeAreCityAs,” “Innovation Not Standardization,” “#AllKidsNeedArt,” “Students Are Not Statistics,” “In Teachers We Trust,” and “#ProtectOurSchools.” From current students pushing baby carriages to retired principals and teachers, the crowd captivated passersby, yelling, “The problem is poverty, not teacher quality,” “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Cuomo’s Plan Has Got to Go!” and “They say test more, we say teach more!”

At Washington Square Park, the crowd joined forces with people from PS 2, Manhattan Comprehensive Night and Day School, the International High School at Lafayette, Liberty High School, Independence High School, Sojourner Truth Middle School, the Earth School, Parsons New School, and NYU. Using a small bullhorn and surrounded by a crowd that swelled to 200 at one point, students, alumni, teachers and administrators, spoke out on behalf of authentic education and against Cuomo’s plan to use student test-scores as a criterion for labelling schools “failing” and for designating teachers as “ineffective” so they can be fired without due process. From a two-year old child, the daughter of a student, who chanted, “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Cuomo’s Plan Has got to Go,” to Brett Schlessinger, the white-haired former City-As Assistant Principal who shared a rousing poem, to a current CAS student who performed a discordant, biting cover of Bob Dylan’s “Times They Are A Changin’,” (which teachers’ in the crowd of all ages sang along to), the message was clear: Governor Cuomo’s proposed education agenda extorts funding, undermines authentic education, harms students and teachers, and destroys school communities. The event attracted national and even international supporters, including Quebec students who brought their own banners and an educator from Detroit who participated in the speakout.

Some of the speakers included (not in order):

Get rock the boat at RTC "Guys and Dolls" Auditions reports:
Hey folks: Get rock the boat! You know you want to!
#auditions #Theatre #musicals #acting's photo.

Sunday, March 29 at 2:00pm
Rockaway Theatre Company

Show opens in mid-June.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Indypendent Featuring MORE Steering Committee's Michelle Baptiste: Cuomo, Corporate Reformers Take Aim at Experienced Educators

32,000 teachers have left city schools to take their talents elsewhere or have exited the profession altogether since 2002. Among mid-career teachers with six to 15 years of experience, the number of resignations per year leapt from 500 to 900 between 2008 and 2013... 
While the UFT ignores, the Indypendent takes on the issue of principals from hell.

Brooklyn elementary school teacher Michelle Baptiste got in trouble with her principal when she used her after-school hours to meet with families of troubled children instead of entering her students’ standardized test results into an Excel spreadsheet. Photo: Alex Ellefson

Issue # 204
When discussing how to improve public education, Governor Andrew Cuomo likes to complain about how difficult it is to fire “bad teachers” and the need to reduce job security for classroom educators. He is not alone in this. The Partnership for Educational Justice, a well-funded nonprofit fronted by former CNN host Campbell Brown, is pursuing a lawsuit in a Staten Island court that seeks to scrap teacher tenure protections. Both New York City tabloids, meanwhile, never miss a chance to promote a lurid teacher sex scandal and then denounce the teachers union for protecting the right of the accused to a fair hearing.

But what if the real teaching crisis in New York is not the inability to get rid of bad teachers, but the failure to keep experienced and highly capable teachers and allow them to do their jobs?...
Baptiste told The Indypendent she had been too busy meeting during after-school hours with the families of troubled children in her class — including some who did not have stable housing — to keep on schedule with entering data, which she described as “garbage.” Still, she recognizes her actions put her career in peril.
“If you get enough of these letters in your file, you can be brought up on charges of incompetence and you can lose your livelihood,” said Baptiste. She has switched to teaching second grade, where students are tested less frequently.

Principals From Hell

“My assistant principal was absolutely disgusting. I walked in on him cornering a special education teacher in the library,” Thurman told The Indypendent. “He would even eye students who came into his office. I started encouraging teachers, who started coming to me, that I could be a witness for them, but as a young teacher there’s so many fears, not just sexual harassment.”

MORE at:

Opt-Out Resources from Children Should Not Be a Number

Starve the beast. Teachers can't be rated it there is not enough data. Opt-out is clearly so threatening to the ed deform movement they are resorting to strong-arm tactics. But the opposition from the right has turned things topsy-turvy. Yesterday I heard an early morning interview with an upstate Republican NYS Assemblyman who made every single point the left has been making for years -- he even said "follow the Bill Gates and Pearson money."

On the Change the Stakes listserve parents are reporting they have offered to go into schools to teach the opt-out kids lessons during the tests on topics of interest to them -- like astronomy. Principals are so scared they run and hide or say they can't do it without the permission of their Superintendent, most of whom are slugs.

Share this info with parents - if you dare.

From Chris Cerrone

Opt Out & Refusal Resources

Why Opt Out?

What Opt Out is NOT.

Important Articles

Opt Out Myths & Talking Points

Our 2015 Refusal Letter

A few notes:

  • This is our fourth year refusing the state assessments.
  • Last year our district allowed children to read in a separate location, so we are thanking school administration for respecting families who are standing up for their children's education. 

March 15, 2015

Dear Administrators & Teachers,

Thank you for all that you do for our school.

We are writing respectfully on behalf of ______________ (Grade __) and _________ (Grade ___) to refuse the New York State Assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science(4th grader) this spring. As we have expressed numerous times in the last four years, our family is very concerned about the direction of education in our state. The increased importance of mandated standardized testing is having a significant negative educational impact on children and contributes to the financial crisis facing districts across the Empire State. Governor Cuomo’s education agenda and attacks on public schools have only intensified our concerns and advocacy.  We feel a mass boycott of the New York State Assessment system is the primary vehicle to reverse the wrong-headed education policies that are already federal and state law as well as halt the damaging education proposals from Governor Cuomo.  Thank you once again for listening to our concerns.

We have no issue with properly written tests that monitor our children's progress but the current assessment system does not help parents or educators achieve that goal. Despite what state education officials repeat ad nauseam, teachers are provided with very little data from the state assessments to “inform instruction”. Parents receive a vague score report that does not assist families in assessing our children's academic progress. The secretive nature of the state assessments contributes to the need for significant reversal in education policy in our state and nation. It short, the current New York assessment system has no educational value for the students of our state.

In addition, we please request that our children do not take any practice tests that are designed for the sole purpose of preparing students for the state assessments.  Please give our children an alternative activity or assignment during any practice testing, which could include reading, homework completion time, or any academic assistance they may need.

We would like to thank the {school name} administration for once again allowing our children to read in a separate location while other students are testing.  Thank you very much.  I look forward to a great end of the school year.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

See what your school is missing - Join me for a day of robotics TODAY, March 14, 2015 - At the Javits Convention Center

Really, if your school doesn't have an NYCFIRST robotics program going on you need to see this.

At 6PM Friday night - HS kids still at it

Today is the big day and I head out at 6AM. I got home at 9PM last night from helping get ready for the 80 teams coming from all over the city and from public, private, charter, parochial and home schooled teams for the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) NYC championship tournament for kids aged 9-14. 

In FIRST LEGO League (FLL®) the children will design, build and program an autonomous robot (using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot set) to score points on a thematic playing surface, as well as conduct a project research and create innovative solutions to a problem, all while being guided by the FLL Core Values. The FLL Challenge this year is called World Class - Learning Unleashed.

The Pits: Where the 80 teams hang out
In the morning the kids - we have 80 teams with about 10 kids on a team -- present their research projects to a team of judges, show how they designed their robot to another team of judges and demonstrate their level of teamwork - and core values to a third set. While waiting they spend the morning doing practice runs - and modifying their software and robot designs for the afternoon game competition where they get to run their robots in 3 rounds - roughly once an hour.

Like my flannel shirt? That's where to find me

I'll be managing the team pit area - when I'm not sneaking out for a snack in the volunteer canteen- so come on down and hang out.

But there is so much more in this 3 day event -- we are only here for today.

During the morning, the little kids 6-9 - will demonstrate the Junior FIRST LEGO League projects.

For children ages 6-9, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®) captures young children's curiosity and directs it toward discovering the wonders of science and technology.

Children get to design and build a challenge-related model using LEGO® components, create a Show Me Poster and practice presentation skills, explore challenges facing today's scientists, discover real-world math and science, and engage in team activities guided by Jr.FLL Core Values. The theme this year is called Think Tank - Redefining Learning.

Check out the high school field

And going on all day and Sunday too is the big kids - the varsity.
I was there last night and the kids were still working out at 7PM. Backstage in the pit area is a wonder - you need to wear safety glasses which they loan you -- I got to see an old pal, Steve Raile from Staten Island Tech who retired this past June but can't stay away.

The varsity Sport for the MindTM, FRC combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology for high school students between the age of 14-18.

Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, teams of 25 students or more are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors.  It’s as close to "real-world engineering" as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team. The FRC Robot is limited to
 28" x 42" x 78" in size and a maximum weight of 120 lbs
The FRC Challenge this year is called Recycle Rush.

There is room in the stands for you to watch these 6 robots - 3 vs 3 go at it - and these kids drive the robots - not autonomous mode except for the beginning.

And there is even more. The lower level - and cheaper - middle and high school tournament - FTC - has already taken place but there is a demo field set up just outside our pit area -- their tasks are described:
FTC is designed for students in grades 7-12 to compete head to head, using a sports model.

The robot kit is reusable from year-to-year and is programmed using a variety of languages. Teams, including coaches, mentors and volunteers, are required to develop strategy and build robots based on sound engineering principles.
The FTC Robot is limited to 18" x 18" x 18" in size, and the competition field is 12' x 12'.
This year's FTC Challenge is called Cascade Effect

Well, that's it for a busy day. If you stop by and see me sleeping on the table, give me a nudge.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Video: Rally at Cuomo's Office by Brooklyn District 15 Teachers and Parents - March 11, 2015

Some MORE chapter leaders in District 15 joined other CLs in the district to formulate a plan that would take protests beyond one school - most schools did these anyway the next day. The organizing concept is to help create links between neighborhood schools that over time can become a political force. The UFT district leadership saw the potential and jumped in to support it. But the key here is that the organizing force came out of parents and teachers working from the school level, not from UFT implementation from above. And the concept of the mext day school protests came from people like Leonie Haimson, not the UFT. If the union finally gets that this is the way to go that is a good thing. If it ends after some deal with Cuomo then it's back to the way things were. But press reports that the UFT organized all these protests is only 50% correct.

I know some people in MORE and beyond are rolling their eyes -- and did not take part in the protests because they felt this was UFT manipulation. But the younger MORE's, some featured in this video saw this as an opportunity to reach out to their school community and to link up with other schools, an essential organizing effort over the long run. For them this doesn't end the day a deal with Cuomo is signed. Now if people in the other 45 or so districts did the same we might be on to something.

I got there about 45 minutes in and was astounded that they got so many people to go to midtown after school for this rally. And kudos to the crew at PS 261 in Boerum Hill which brought out a massive contingent which you can see gathered at the end of the video.