Here is her perspective on the recent UFT press conference on class size:
Written and edited by Norm Scott: EDUCATE! ORGANIZE!! MOBILIZE!!! Three pillars of The Resistance – providing information on current ed issues, organizing activities around fighting for public education in NYC and beyond and exposing the motives behind the education deformers. We link up with bands of resisters. Nothing will change unless WE ALL GET INVOLVED IN THE STRUGGLE!
School Scope: A (Very) Brief Message From Kyoto
By Norm Scott
I’m writing this from Japan on the morning of Tuesday October 19 which is the evening of Monday October 18 back in Rockaway. I’m still jet-lagged and confused after 2 weeks. I have to get the score of the Mets game while they are playing at 10 AM in the morning. And as I get ready to head out for our final day of touring the Giants are just getting started with their Monday night football game. Let me know how it comes out. Anyway, we expect to be back in New York on Wednesday night, October 21, which will really by Thursday morning October 22 here in Japan. And last night was the first night I slept a full 8 hours. I’m too confused to tell you more about our trip. All I know is that I have missed tons of rehearsals for the RTC production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Producer Susan Jasper has been sending me emails that they own me once I get back – my first rehearsal will be Thursday night October 22 which will be Friday morning October 23 over here. I need a big jug of sake.
— The least number of people make the decisions.As soon as their monopoly of power is challenged, the union’s officers change the rules of the game. Some years ago, when members elected an opposition candidate for high school vice-president and came very close in the junior high division, the officials changed the voting procedures for divisional leaders, turning them into at-large positions. They eliminated elections for district representatives who leave mid-term and fill these positions with appointments by the presidents. District reps play key roles for the union bosses by rewarding friendly chapter chairpersons and punishing dissident chapters through the delivery or withholding of services. They intervene in chapter elections by stealthily supporting candidates against known dissident chapter chairpersons and sometimes even delegates.
— The rank and file are deliberately kept unaware of what is going on in regards to most issues.
— There is a conscious attempt by the president and other officers to limit rank and file participation in meetings, discussions and the decision-making process, with union structures set up to enforce this policy.
— There is a consistent effort by union officers on all levels to stifle dissent and opposition. They go so far as to modify or violate previously existing democratic practices and procedures in order to do this.
— Measures are taken at the Delegate Assembly and in citywide voting to ensure the desired results.
The continued insistence on the issue of backfilling I think is wrong-headed. Instead we should have data on attrition, which the state refuses to provide. Even if they backfill, does that negate the injustice of kicking out low-achievers? Moreover, if they do start backfilling, that will further disguise how many kids they kick out only to replace them with others. ... Leonie Haimson on Leo Casey's Shanker Institute report on Success Charter DisciplineLeo is Leonie's favorite person in the world as he so often attacks her when she dares to criticize the union's darling partners in crime in the de Blasio admin. When Leonie talks I listen but will take a closer look when I get home later.
At a recent press conference, Success Academy Charter Schools CEO Eva Moskowitz addressed the issue of student discipline. “It is horrifying,” she told reporters, that critics of her charter schools’ high suspension rates don’t realize “that five-year-olds do some pretty violent things.” Moskowitz then pivoted to her displeasure with student discipline in New York City (NYC) public schools, asserting that disorder and disrespect have become rampant."Sure - suspending a 5 year old who does terrible things ought to work - work getting the parents to pull their kid and out them in a public school.
For the record, I don't always agree with everyone in MORE, or everything they do or say. But whether I agree with them or not, they are among the most dedicated unionists I know. A good number of them could have joined Unity, signed the oath, and gone to conventions to vote as Mulgrew instructed. Instead, they opt to lobby for member voice.....
I admire Jia [Lee] for bringing up the resolution, but I knew they would find a way to kill it. Once the Unity person complained of the MORE ad on the back of the resolution, the faithful knew how they were to vote. Then there was her nasty insinuation there was no "union bug" on the paper, as though MORE had the work outsourced to slave labor in some third-world banana republic......
I don't really understand the democracy inherent in a forum in which the chair talks about whatever for three fourths of the meeting, entertains a few questions, and needs to add extra time to allow a single motion. I wonder whether he wants people to come back, or whether he wants to drive them away so as to ensure the "highest decision-making body in the UFT" remains largely a forum for his pontifications and indulgences.
..... ... NYC Educator, DA TakeawayArthur Goldstein has some great stuff in this post. I hate to keep agreeing with this guy - and that he always beats me to the punch on so much good stuff.
The UFT has been structured by Unity Caucus in such a way as to enforce a fundamentally undemocratic system. We will review that structure, discuss what type of structure could be created to ensure a more democratically run union, and delve into the issue of whether such reforms can be implemented given the absolute control Unity has over every formal institution. Lurking behind all this is the possibility of losing the agency fee case and how that impacts on the issue of democracy.*attendance depending in scheduling.
Randi Weingarten’s latest pontification in the Huffington Post, “Race in America: Changing Reality by Facing It” was brought to my attention by Schools Matter blog. Her analysis of confronting white privilege is amusing at best. Unbeknownst to Weingarten, there are many white teachers who go every day to poor neighborhoods of color to teach the children. Four cities where the American Federation of Teachers predominates; New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Newark are famous for the multitudes of school closings in those same neighborhoods.Never forget that Randi went in and worked with Christie to negotiate a Newark teacher contract. Where has that gotten them?
Weingarten claims that “As a woman, as a Jew, as a lesbian and as a labor leader in a time of great anti-union animus,” she has been subjected to bias in our society. As a member of only two of the four aforementioned groups, I would venture a guess that the societal prejudice she has confronted in her glass house pales by comparison to the unrelenting racism suffered by people of color in the United States.
My question is what is Randi Weingarten doing to protect children of color in the United States from losing their schools and their neighborhoods? What is the President of the American Federation of teachers doing to protect the public school teachers she is handsomely paid to represent?
What is Her Highness doing to support public education in these fifty states? Newark, the city of my employment, is being bombarded by charter school expansion plans as enabled by our new Superintendent in cooperation with our traveling Governor. Is Randi Weingarten doing anything to mitigate the damage to the Newark Public Schools? Other than occasionally publishing pabulum, the only entity being advanced by Randi Weingarten is Randi Weingarten.
Abigail Shure
Just found out DR coming next week to my school to discuss Friedrich case.
I guess UFT reps worried about THEIR jobs.
Donna Connelly at Ps 24 in the Bronx has been controversial for years; she was pushed out of ps 3 by parents when my daughter was there, has been despised by teachers and also threw a reporter out of an SLT meeting a few years ago- illegally as the DoE spokesperson later explained.I'm not astonished. It's been going on for decades. Principals can get away with anything.
In her latest craziest move, astonishingly, the DoE spokesperson appears to back her up. sit-so-she-threw-out-their- desks/
Jamaal Bowman: Incredibly blessed to be a part of tomorrow. Almost 600 strong working on the most important issues in and related to education. Another major step toward the schools and society that we and our children deserve. It's on!Jia Lee, a non-stop energizer bunny who is all over the place, is helping headline this conference. I'm so sad to miss this today.
Success charters won't sign contracts to allow city to oversee its preK program yet presumably wants to continue to receive city funds for that purpose.Leonie questions why the city even wants to have Success run a pre-k program where they can suspend kids they don't want so the parents pull them out of the school and allow them to cream even further.
The city doesn't have to grant them these funds but according to this article wants as many charters as possible to have preK.
Question I have is given Success charters Abusive treatment of Kindergarten students as well documented in the recent PBS segment why should the city want them to have preK? 8579889/pre-k-contract-sparks- new-fight-between-success- academy-and-city-h
If you read Ed Notes you know my position is for the opposition to totally ignore the retiree issue related to their voting in UFT elections - at least until an opposition can show it can win enough votes from working UFT members in an election. Unity Caucus takes care of its retirees.Our faux Tough Guy President's pathetic excuse is further belied by the fact that he made sure that retirees were made whole before anyone.
Not to suggest they were undeserving - we all deserved that money back in '09, and should have been made whole immediately, with interest - but where was their "continuous employment?"
Then again, what does he care? Like the so-called reformers he often shills for - witness his continuing support for Common Core, test-based evaluations and expedited firings - or passively allows to loot and pillage, it's obvious to me this man thinks teachers are chumps.
The Queens maternity liason for the U.F.T. rose to oppose the resolution. First, she objected to the printing of the resolution on a page containing advertisements for an oppostion caucus, free of the "union bug." Even the parliamentarian, himself, could not say whether it was permissible or not.
Then, she proceeded to oppose the motion on the grounds that people on leave must know what they're getting themselves into. I would guess, however, if one is fighting off a deadly disease or surviving brain surgery, one doesn't have much of a choice. If one is about to give birth, although the situation is usually infinitely more joyous, one may also lack much choice.One of our new MORE moms missed the retro by returning to work a day or 2 later.
The Queens liason further stated that the resolution seemed vague and that all persons on leave would be made "whole again" when the next retro check rolls around, provided he or she has returned to work. It is my understanding, however, that if one dies, not only will one never be made "whole again," but one's spouse, children or family will never be made "whole again" in more ways than one. The money once earned will be gone. Perhaps, retro is not a "God-given right," but the Union might have taken further pains to fight for it as a contractual right for those who might need it most.
The arguments used by the maternity liason struck me as callous, particulary to our colleagues fending off life-threatening illnesses and those who are the parents of children, much like the ones we have dedicated our lives to teach. So many members of our profession are women and so many are mothers. The system is stacked against them and the Union seems unphased--even the Queens Maternity Liason. Given that all members were asked to create a sea of pink shirts at the October Delegate Assembly in recognition of breast cancer, the callousness was magnified many times over. It felt like a flood.
Maternity Workshop (Queens)Try this common core math question - if you are pregnant in April when do you have to deliver and be back in time to get your retro?
Date:April 14, 2016
Time:4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
UFT Queens borough office
97-77 Queens Blvd.
Rego Park, NY
Preregistration is required. Walk-ins will not be admitted. RSVP by emailing
...considering the extraordinarily high pressure work environment at Success Academy that is also verified by job review sites, it is hard to believe that very many of the promised teachers for next week’s rally feel comfortable declining to participate... Daniel KatzCan we take a secret ballot of all those teachers attending the rally asking if they would like to be in a union?
I don’t know about you, but when my children’s unionized public school teachers take a half day, it is because they are in professional development workshops and related activities. They certainly are not being taken from their schools to a rally organized by a lobbying group funded specifically to increase their influence with lawmakers in City Hall and in Albany. In fact, try to imagine this scenario: Chancellor Farina organizes a half day of work for all city schools and then coordinates a rally for public schools with the UFT on the same day and 1000s of public school teachers, rather than using the half day for professional development, show up near city hall to provide the optics.I love that Eva always goes too far. She is her ultimate worst enemy.
Fresh off their rally with charter school parents and students on October 7th, “Families” For Excellent Schools has announced that they will hold another rally on Wednesday the 21st of October. This rally, which will be held in Manhattan’s Foley Square, will reportedly feature nearly 1,000 charter school teachers predominantly from Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy network. While some teachers from Achievement First, Uncommon Schools, and KIPP are expected to be present, Ms. Moskowitz’s workforce will be the primary participants, and the network just so happens to have a scheduled half school day so that teachers can show up to the rally for the purpose of pressuring law makers into allowing more charter schools in the city. Chew on that for a moment: a scheduled half day of school. A political rally. The teachers in attendance.