Thursday, March 14, 2024

Retired Teacher Chapter Election - Opening Day for Petitions - And Retiree Advocate will be signing for the 300 candidates on the slate

March 14, 2024

Today is Pi Day (π) - where we celebrate the circumference of the circle being a little over 3 times its diameter. Today is also the first day we can pick up petitions, opening day for the upcoming titanic battle between Retiree Advocate (RA) and Unity Caucus for the soul of the almost 70 thousand member UFT retiree chapter. In recent elections, Unity didn't get 3.14 times the vote RA got -- it was a 70/30 split and we hope that when ballots are tallied on June 14, that gap will be eliminated. 

So today I and a few RA colleagues will be at 52 Broadway to pick up the blank petitions and begin the chore of filling out the headings for the 10 officer, 15 exec bd and 300 candidates for delegate assembly. Do you think that having 300 delegates critical of Unity in the DA, even if old codgers like me, will make a difference? Many of the candidates are old war horses from battles over the past 50 years and we will make a difference because we are not only here to stand up for the interests of retirees only but for the working members of the UFT too -- building alliances with the rank and file.

I'm about to head out, so I will leave you with a few things to read by Arthur:

If You Support Real Unionism, Support NYC Retirees

They are fighting for our rights, AGAINST our corrupt union bosses.


All Hail King Michael the First

Answerable only to Mayor Eric Adams.

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