Showing posts with label CAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAP. Show all posts

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Report from the May 30th Anti_privatization March/Demo

The march [from GHI to Gov. Patterson's office] began with a surprise announcement that Randi Weingarten, the head of the Municipal Labor Council and the President of the UFT, had penned a letter to Superintendent Dinallo expressing concern about possible increases in premium rates and denial of access to care should the conversion be approved. She stated that the municipal unions were in the process of reviewing their support of the proposed conversion. This is an important victory for CAP since we have consistently argued that premium rates and access would be jeopardized by a for-profit carrier. Activists in ICE have also attempted to bring this message to the floor of the UFT Delegate Assembly for the past three months and have had many positive conversations with DA representatives.

Posted by CAP. Read the full report at Norm's Notes.