Showing posts with label John Thompson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Thompson. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2008

John Thompson in the Trauma Ward

I often get tongue tied when trying to discuss what it was like teaching elementary school in one of the hard core poverty areas of Brooklyn. Or finger tied when trying to write about it. One year I'd have the sweetest kids. Another a difficult, problem-laden class (but still with a lot of sweet kids - mostly girls.) They all looked the same - 65% Hispanic and 35% black. But, oh what differences.

Thank goodness for John Thompson over at TWIE who says in two short paragraphs what would take me 5 pages.
If you do not understand why high poverty magnet schools have little in common with neighborhood schools, check out my neighborhood’s middle school..
It's the Trauma. Duh!