[Buffalo Teachers Fed president] Phil Rumore manned up courageously and strode into #45 with a roll of BTF stickers handing them with bravado to all the teachers and enjoining them to affix them to their raiment as a fierce show of unity, solidarity and power in the face of the evil doers....Phil thinks we should all cover ourselves in them to scare away the woman married to the Loew's hardware heir....The very people we shouldn't be taking shit from, the ones who are paid well to advocate for us and have our backs seem to be working against us more than they are for or with us. This shit needs to stop. I can only hope this post pisses off a few of them half as much as their lameass version of unionism is pissing many of us off. Member driven union on the march, my arse.....B-LoEdScene
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AFT/NYSUT/UFT: Driving Members Off the Cliff |
As we predicted from Day 1 of the Battle For NYSUT, the noise-makers were just making militant-sounding noises for public consumption. Now they have to deliver some show events but as revealed by Sean (and others), when pushed they go wimping away. In a few months Iannuzzi will look like he was a revolutionary compared the the current crew (I don't have the time and patience to give you the dozens of links I put up with the back story -- if you are new - look through the archives since January for NYSUT stories -- and if you have time to write a book, hop to it.)
This is so good I an cross-posting because I don't want you to miss one precious word. Remember how Rumore puffed out his chest and attacked Iannuzzi and Stronger Together for not being tough enough and then backed the MulGarten total takeover of NYSUT Regurgitate slate.
Note how WeinGrew and crew are now re-branding themselves from Solutions Driven Unionism to the MORE/CORE -social justice "member driven Unionism."
Just another phony attempt to co-opt the growing movement against them, as expressed so well by the B-Lo blog.
MulGarten's got it backwards given that what they are really doing is driving the membership off the cliff.
Some relevant posts I put up before you go on to Sean's full piece.
[And by the way - Stronger Together is meeting soon - hopefully they will include plans to put a dagger to some people's hearts. Rumore wouldn't be a bad place to start the ball rolling - and work themselves up from there.]
A Parent Exposes New NYSUT (Revive) Pro-Cuomo Lead...
Rallies Scare Cuomo into Meeting with Stronger Tog...
NYUST and BTF Are Too Chicken to Protest a Visit from Scary Meryl
Regent Bennett Appears to be Battling Flatulence Again. Madame Tisch Appears to Be Suffering from Tartive Dyskinesia while ASSemblyman Ryan is Simply a Politician and a Wanker.
We missed a good opportunity today to give Meryl Tisch a little of the Chuck Foreman treatment B-lo is infamous for providing its unwelcome guests. Not that we still have much snow lying around but imaginative folk that we are it seems a suitable substitute projectile could have easily been produced. Rumors began flying Tuesday that Assemblyman Sean Ryan was planning to escort the Dowager Chancellor into School #45 where she could observe all of the unseemly little brown, black and yellow foreigners there trying to NCLB their way into English fluency before the 3 year cut off. I am sure Empress Tisch kept her distance, after all, these weren't her gardeners, pool boys and cleaning ladies so she couldn't be sure they had all of their shots. It struck me and several like me that this would be a great opportunity for our dues collecting union leadership to take advantage of the fact that they are not obliged to be teaching in classrooms during the visit. Ergo maybe they could do a brother a solid and go holler at Tisch, hold up a correctly spelled sign and tell her Common Core blows and so do she and John King. O.k. choose your own pithy epigrams but that one's mine.