When my friend objected the workshop leader said she had no idea what E4E was all about. It is not clear how she got the leaflets but I'll let you guess.
Of course Gotham Schools reported (check out the comments) on the E4E salary report, as expected while ignoring the NYCORE all-day conference (March 24) that attracted 400 people attending 50 workshops with Chicago based professor and author of "Bad Teacher" Kevin Kumshiro as the keynote speaker along with student poet Amani Breanna Alexander: (See videos at: http://vimeo.com/39179678 and http://vimeo.com/39214616.)
The conf was run by volunteers and people actually PAID money to attend. No Gates/DFER funding here.
Really, how do you compare what E4E does with NYCORE ---- with much greater outreach and effectiveness? (NYCORE meets 3rd Friday of every month).
And check out all the activities by GEM and the State of the Union (which attracted over 200 people who paid on Feb. 4) and another 70 at the March 10 working group meeting. None of us have staff or funding yet accomplish so much more than E4E.
The Inside Co-location blog which chronicles what an Eva Moskowitz invasion of a school looks like also had a visit from the E4E gremlins and points out that E4E and Success Academy share the same web campaign manager info that Gotham manages not to report.
From the blog:
Last week, these unauthorized flyers mysteriously appeared in all faculty mailboxes, advertising free drinks to entice teachers to a meet-and-greet. The event sponsor was Educators 4 Excellence, a group founded by young teachers. The corporate-funded group shares a web campaign manager with Success Academy, as well as a decidedly anti-union stance.
So below is the E4E update --- monthly events to try to keep themselves appearing relevant.
The next one -- on April 17, the same evening as the GEM Teacher Evaluation event with speakers Carol Burris (LI Principal opposing the tchr eval), Francis Lewis HS CL Arthur Goldstein and well-known blogger Gary Rubinstein, amongst others. (Look for our announcement soon.)
Gee, Speed Networking -- a crucial issue facing us all.
Guess E4E is running out of topics to lure Gotham into covering.
AFTERBURN: Gotham ignores GEM film too
And if you read Gotham you would never know about our movie which has gone all over the world (we just got an email from New Zealand with an offer of $200) and with the NYC public library ordering 20 copies and with showings around the nation and the city (except for the UFT.) That we alone have not only produced 8000 dvds while people all over the world are making copies and give it and all rights away (and have received enough donations to cover all costs so far) is not a story?
Try to tell me that Gotham's willful ignorance about our film with attacks the corporate deformers is not connected to fear of loss of funding from these very same people.
By the way -- do you think a review would appear in Gotham given that the people who made the film are well-known teacher/parent activists in NYC?
Here are just a few upcoming showings we can keep track of:
•Saturday, March 31st. CEA New Teachers Conference, Connecticut.
•Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30 pm. Towles Montessori Intermediate School at 420 E. Paulding Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816.
So below is the E4E update --- monthly events to try to keep themselves appearing relevant.
The next one -- on April 17, the same evening as the GEM Teacher Evaluation event with speakers Carol Burris (LI Principal opposing the tchr eval), Francis Lewis HS CL Arthur Goldstein and well-known blogger Gary Rubinstein, amongst others. (Look for our announcement soon.)
Upcoming Events
New York
April 17 Speed Networking 6:30pm E4E Offices
333 W. 39th Street, Suite 703, New York, NY 10018
Gee, Speed Networking -- a crucial issue facing us all.
Guess E4E is running out of topics to lure Gotham into covering.
AFTERBURN: Gotham ignores GEM film too
And if you read Gotham you would never know about our movie which has gone all over the world (we just got an email from New Zealand with an offer of $200) and with the NYC public library ordering 20 copies and with showings around the nation and the city (except for the UFT.) That we alone have not only produced 8000 dvds while people all over the world are making copies and give it and all rights away (and have received enough donations to cover all costs so far) is not a story?
Try to tell me that Gotham's willful ignorance about our film with attacks the corporate deformers is not connected to fear of loss of funding from these very same people.
By the way -- do you think a review would appear in Gotham given that the people who made the film are well-known teacher/parent activists in NYC?
Here are just a few upcoming showings we can keep track of:
•Saturday, March 31st. CEA New Teachers Conference, Connecticut.
•Saturday, March 31st, 11:00AM. 400 Maryland Ave
SW, Washington DC. Occupy the DOE in DC, as part of the United Opt Out
movement to end punitive public school testing. Click here for more information.
•Saturday, March 31st from 2:30 – 4. Baldwin Public Library, 3322 Grand Ave, Baldwin, NY (between Sunrise Highway and Merrick Road).•Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30 pm. Towles Montessori Intermediate School at 420 E. Paulding Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816.