Written and edited by Norm Scott: EDUCATE! ORGANIZE!! MOBILIZE!!! Three pillars of The Resistance – providing information on current ed issues, organizing activities around fighting for public education in NYC and beyond and exposing the motives behind the education deformers. We link up with bands of resisters. Nothing will change unless WE ALL GET INVOLVED IN THE STRUGGLE!
Showing posts with label E4E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E4E. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
MORE Fallacies, E4E Inspire Caucus
From Ed Notes at the March Delegate Assembly:
MORE Fallacies: Beg UFT leaders to Organize and Mobilize, divide opposition and run not to win
In the current UFT election the MORE Caucus talks a lot about how much educators have won through striking in red and blue states. They point to the seminal and inspiring 2012 Chicago teacher strike and the recent strike in Los Angeles where the union leaderships organized, mobilized and prepared the membership for strikes, gaining over 90% support of the members. A keys to these strikes were alliances with community forces outside the union which MORE talks about – but only rhetorically.
Can you talk strike when you are not a serious threat to take power
What MORE won’t tell you is that the current progressive social justice oriented leadership in those cities formed broad-based caucuses and coalitions in Chicago (CORE) and LA (Union Power) to oppose the former timid top-down union leaderships and ultimately WON their elections in 2010 and 2014 respectively. If they hadn’t run to win, there would never have been strikes. The Unity Caucus leadership will NEVER strike or be pressured by the rank and file to strike. Only defeating them will lead to a union MORE envisions. And MORE is running NOT to WIN.
The way to change the UFT is to not urge the leadership to change but to present a credible threat to their overwhelming power and control by building the machinery of a massive rank and file movement with deep roots in the schools. UFT elections are only a piece of the mechanisms but they do demonstrate the ability to get support in the schools. In 2016 I helped run the MORE election campaign with a focus on winning a piece of the Ex Bd, which we did by winning the 7 high school seats. The hope at the time was to continue this building process by challenging in the middle and elementary schools. But the faction that took control of MORE blew that plan up.
Instead of following in the footsteps of CORE and Union Power, MORE has chosen an opposite approach of running not to win by refusing to unite with other progressive caucuses and independents and purging and pushing out those who resist this approach, using undemocratic methods and purposely not running divisional candidates where they could actually win. And to build an opposition, demonstrating an ability to win anything is part of the process.
A recent MORE election leaflet proclaimed: Collective Action Gets the Goods! Only a stronger base of rank-and-file teachers, counselors, paras and all education workers, knit together in a common organization that can share strategies and mobilize our coworkers can push the union leadership to alter its approach, and eventually lead the union in a different direction entirely.
I laughed out loud when I read this. As one of the founders of the MORE Caucus in 2011 I’ve watched with sadness (and some amusement) how MORE morphed from what began as an inclusive progressive big tent opposition group to Unity Caucus into an exclusive, divisive, narrow ideologically driven and fundamentally undemocratic organization that has driven out many progressive former members who way outnumber those who remain. There are even three former MOREs running on the Unity Caucus line, two of whom were elected to the UFT Ex Bd as MORE candidates in 2016 but have grown alienated with the actions of MORE. How can MORE boldly talk about knitting together rank and file UFT members when it has done the very reverse? Witness the current UFT elections where MORE’s refusal to knit together a coalition to attempt to make a dent in Unity power has led to a divided opposition where three weak caucuses are running limited election campaigns with 40-50 candidates.
I actually don’t disagree with many of the policies MORE puts forth but cannot go along with the tactics used internally and a program that not only has no chance of moving the UFT in a more progressive direction but by its divisive tactics actually has helped strengthen the control of the ruling Unity Caucus. MORE leaders talk about lack of democracy in the UFT while suspending members without due process and exhibiting a level of control that makes Unity look democratic in comparison. Instead of becoming a serious and inclusive caucus as a threat to Unity, MORE has become an ideologically driven exclusive club of self-proclaimed “activists” with loads of rhetoric but little action.
Still, I expect MORE to finish with the highest vote totals of the three running against Unity because New Action and Solidarity have their own problems. I will have more on the elections at the April 17 DA, the day the votes are counted when I will take a break from the count to hand out Ed Notes.
UFT Election: Inspire, E4E-based Caucus, new kid on the block
You might be seeing leaflets for the independent campaign of Michael Loeb, a CL in the Bronx. Michael is running under the UFT Inspire Caucus line. Educators for Excellence, funded by many ed deformers, has been viewed as an anti-union group but over the years has modified its tone and put forth a strong social justice agenda and through Mike has begun to engage in the UFT, mostly in calls for more democracy. Some teacher unions around the nation have vilified E4E, but not here. There has been some signs of cooperation between Unity and E4E. Is this a precursor of a future E4E caucus that might at some point contend with MORE for the title of THE SJ Caucus? Don’t sell such a well-funded group with full-time employees short. Mike serves on the national board of E4E and I have had some excellent conversations with him about unions and policy. He seems to have helped push E4E in a more positive direction towards unions and has been open to my criticisms. Whereas E4E used to throw me out of meetings, Mike has now invited me. Just in case, I will bring a food taster.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
E4E Stealth Infiltrates UFT Delegate Assembly - with Leadership Cooperation?
Stack of Resos on UFT table |
Unlabeled - |
E4E has found a new way to finagle itself into teacher confidences - Men teach and Restorative Justice....
Last time out E4E was backing Bloomberg's effort to end "LIFO" (last in, first out) seniority protections for teachers and offering teachers free drinks at local happy hours. They didn't get very far with this. But now they are trying a new tack -
She does the principal’s bidding whenever she can to undermine chapter meetings. This piece, which sounds very much like our principal, just reinforces a number of teachers thinking that the principal is working in concert with E4E.... a teacher at a school about the E4E teacher who was handing out the unlabeled reso at the Jan. DA.A reso from the floor during the New Motion dealing with restorative justice (RJ) was voted up and will be in the agenda at the
Feb DA tomorrow. This was an unusual occurrence at the DA. Some of us smelled a rat.
Actually I smelled a rat downstairs when I saw a lady I didn't know handing out the reso which looked fairly decent but the paper had no identification as to who or what org was behind it. When I asked her where she was from she was evasive. (apparently she is the person mentioned in the opening comment). The reso talked about some pilot program for RJ in District 18 (Canarsie/East Flatbush).
On the surface, the reso was progressive and pro restorative justice and hard not to support. MORE was trying to use the same New Motion time to bring its Black Lives Matter reso, so since Mulgrew called on this other guy - someone named Michael Loeb from a school in the Bronx right away and not one Unity person opposed it and it passed immediately, I figured this was a diversionary reso to kill time so MORE would never get to the floor. But it all happened so fast - sort of like scoring too soon in a football game and leaving time for the other team to come back -- and MORE got to do its thing, which has led to some blow back against Unity and also from some quarters against MORE.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Skewer the E4E Survey - let them know what you think about their ed deform agenda
--- do it often and show how you disagree with the pro-testing, pro-common fore, pro merit pay ed deform agenda of E4E. They call them selves a teacher driven organization without mentioning they are funded by ed deformers to create a 5th column to undermine the teaching profession under false pretenses. Screen shots below of sample questions below.
I'm betting they have a way of tracking people and the people who send the link will be wiped off their list.
Dear Member,
I'm betting they have a way of tracking people and the people who send the link will be wiped off their list.
Dear Member,
I am writing today on behalf of Educators 4 Excellence to ask your help with a confidential online survey about our organization. We want to better understand your reflections and thinking about how we present and communicate our work.No place to write in anything to keep people to their message.
Your responses will be anonymous and confidential, which is why we are working with an independent market research company to conduct this study for us. Please feel free to be 100% honest.
As a special thank you for providing feedback, you may enter yourself in a drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. The deadline for the drawing is Wednesday, October 14 so the sooner the better. Please complete the survey at your earliest convenience.
Click on this link to begin the survey or copy and paste it into your Internet browser to begin:
Thank you for taking the time to give us your opinion. We couldn’t do this without you.
Liz Utrup
National Director of Communications
Educators 4 Excellence
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Randi/Mulgrew Pal MaryEllen Elia Slammed for Position on Opt-out in Talk to Anti-Union Astroturf E4E
I suppose Ms. Elia felt safe to speak her mind before Educators4Excellence, an astroturf group funded in great part by the Gates Foundation. E4E has made it clear that it thinks accountability testing is just swell. Or perhaps she believed that it is brave to come into a new state, without having the experience of giving or reviewing even one cycle of testing, and denounce Opt Out and those who support it in front of the press..... Carol BurrisEducators for Excellence, which has guards making sure anyone with another opinion doesn't slip in to one of its events gets UFT/AFT/NYSUT darling Elia to speak before them. What exactly does that say about our union leadership?
Make no mistake about it. Elia is State Ed Commissioner due in part to the influence of our union leaders, who also oppose opt out but try to obfuscate to mislead the rank and file while patting deformers on the back.
With threats against educators who support opt-out, most will be cowed - but not all. Let's see what happens when people like MORE's Jia Lee openly stands up and support parents who opt-out. Will they dare go after her? And watch the UFT wiffle and sniffle if they do.
Watch what happens as MORE runs in the UFT elections -- the UFT/Unity machine will slam MORE and its attempts to get into schools while E4E attempts to subvert the union by gaining entry into schools will be ignored. I heard this the other day from a chapter leader who had mentioned MORE to a union official who practically held up a devil sign.
Our fellow bloggers have gone to town on Elia but they should not ignore the union connection which goes a long way back to her old Florida Hillsborough arrangement with the AFT and Bill Gates, which was a major keynote at the AFT Bill Gates 2010 convention.
NYC Educator: Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is MaryEllen Elia
I was pretty shocked when NY State Regents unanimously nominated MaryEllen Elia to be NY State Commissioner of Education. For one thing, I had heard Michael Mulgrew speak of the great hope he had in the Regents to modify the new and draconian APPR law. Given that, I was surprised they'd select someone with such enthusiasm for testing, junk science, and all things reformy. It makes me really wonder exactly how much interest (if any) the Regents have in doing the right thing.Perdido St:
NYSED Commissioner MaryEllen Elia Attacks Parents And Teachers Over Opt OutCarol Burris
Gates Foundation-funded MaryEllen Elia gave the keynote address to Gates Foundation-funded astroturf group Educators4Excellence and attacked parents and teachers who support the Opt Out movement (video below).
Tisch, Elia Warn They Will Go After Educators Who Support Or Encourage The Opt Out Movement...
That warning came after NYSED Commissioner MaryEllen Elia called teachers who support or encourage opt out "unethical."
She was very "specific" (her word) that she opposes the Opt Out movement, thinks parents who opt their children out of state tests are "not reasonable," says educators who encourage or even just support the Opt Out movement are "unethical" and is doing everything she can to make sure opt out does not grow next year...... Carol Burris
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2015/08/ 21/n-y-schools-commissioner- its-unethical-for-educators- to-support-testing-opt-out- movement/
Educators 4 excellence,
MaryEllen Elia
Thursday, August 20, 2015
MORE on Shill for Ed Deform E4E and Democracy - Talk About Antithetical
A teacher from E4E met with me to discuss the topic of democracy in the UFT.... Like every E4E member he signs a declaration in order to become a member. This is not democratic at all. These few teachers who declare their loyalty to this organization and lobby politicians on their behalf, do not represent the many voices in our school communities... Mike Schirtzer, MOREShades of Unity Caucus loyalty oaths. Democracy doesn't exist in E4E so it is interesting that they are trying to show how Unity Caucus and the UFT aren't democratic. Evan and Sidney must check out their own glass house before pointing fingers at the UFT. In fact the Unity leadership and E4E have a lot more in common with each other - on their actual positions.
Does E4E have the chops to actually put their ideas out there for members to vote on in the upcoming UFT election? They could toss a few million bucks into the election - an interesting concept. I would relish seeing them out there in an election. Imagine their election meetings - closed doors with security guards making sure people sign a loyalty oath before entering.
MORE's Mike Schirtzer was contacted by a teacher who said he wanted to meet with someone from MORE. Mike had no idea this guy was an E4Eer and then addressed every single argument this guy made.
The E4E teacher told me “as a special education teacher he values test scores and can learn about the progress of his students. It should be one of multiple measures, but an important measure”. These thoughts seem to reflect the narrative that have been delivered by politicians and corporate-reformers nationwide, but again we who are in the classroom for a long time must challenge this flawed message.The E4E guy seemed well-indentioned but seriously misinformed - E4E tries to restrict info to its members to its narrow line - but one would think some of these people would actually be more aware.
Exactly why is E4E trolling around asking about UFT democracy? To feed their union-bashing funders and use that against the UFT when it tries to organize charters? E4E has been pushing their people to get more involved with the union by running for chapter leader or delegate. Some of my friends in schools with them find some of them self-serving. We're hoping that those who stay in the system and don't take tail and run like Evan and Sydney will get what E4E is all about and instead turn their attention to MORE and building a caucus inside the UFT - if E4Eers want to know about democracy MORE is the place.
You can read Mike's entire piece at the MORE blog: E4E and Democracy.
E4E and Democracyby morecaucusnyc |
By Mike Schirtzer
UFT Delegate/Teacher Leon M. Goldstein High School-Brooklyn
Sunday, June 14, 2015
A Principal Asks a Question About E4E on CTS Listserve - and Gets Answers
Has anyone worked with E4E (Educators for Excellence)? They seem to be influential at the policy level. .. a NYC PrincipalThe positions of E4E and the Unity/UFT leadership are very much in alignment. We've tracked E4E since its beginnings. Backed by Bill Gates and the deformers and also very heavily connected to TFA, it was founded by TFA teachers who taught for 3 years before starting a heavily funded faux teacher group with outposts in NYC, LA and Minnesota and possibly Chicago - basically pushing the agenda of deform but in more subtle ways -- their connections to the deformers is what has given them access to policy - they have full-time employees trying to reach into the schools and undermine the union.... Norm
Yeah Norm I got that vibe from them as well. Anyone else have thoughts?..... NYC Principal
Here is E4E's stance on high stakes testing. You see they go right along with the deformers....
http://www. educators4excellence.org/ NYtesting
A former neighbor became a spokesperson for E4E. He's young, grew up being homeless, and was huge on attempting to prove that poverty and life conditions are not factors in one's education- that a really good teacher could overcome all of that. Well, two years into his first years of teaching at a charter school in my Bed Stuy hood, he started asking questions about what happens at my school. We never got a chance to really talk before he left, but he left teaching. Such a shame...
a nut shell, they're mostly straight out of college, recruited through
TFA, and and I know that with the TFA program dwindling, they attempt to
present in schools, which is illegal.
I haven't worked with E4E but have worked against them particularly when they partnered with Bloomberg's effort to overturn last in first out. They are an ed deformer 'macmovement' "influential" in policy making to the extent that they can buy favors and fool teachers into believing that they don't need a union. Even with the misleadership of the UFT weighing on our backs, I don't think many teachers have drank the kool aide that E4E serves up.... Sean
Recently the UFT, in its spirit of keeping ties to ed deformers,
had looked to collaborate and partner up with E4E -- giving them
legitimacy -- they look to get a foot in the door of some schools and
are now urging their people to run for chapter leader and delegate
I wonder if Bill Gates is paying for this
collaboration. In essence, the positions of E4E and the Unity/UFT
leadership are very much in alignment.
E4Eers have told us about their culture of control where people are
manipulated. They offered expensive gifts at raffles at the door.
have a security system where they check on people to make sure their
meetings are not infiltrated. I used to go and stand outside and give
out lit -- now they seem to hide their meetings and keep them limited.... Norm
educators for excellence,
Sydney Morris
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
6:30 p.m.—Fariña takes part in an Educators 4 Excellence discussion about Common Core and special education. Scholastic Auditorium, 557 Broadway, Manhattan
An indefensible act by Farina.Does anything change from the Bloomberg admin, recognizing the E4E ed deform shills? I guess money talks.
MORE Chapter Leader Patrick Walsh comments:
What's changing is the ground beneath our feet as as absurdities like E$E are given ever more credibility and become more and more institutionalized. An indefensible act by Farina.

Farina should be at the PS 261K event at 6:30 today, where educators like Carol Burris will be headlining a panel discussion, along with MOREs Sam Coleman and Brian Jones.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Beware of E4E Geeks Bearing Gifts for Chapter Leaders
![]() |
Will Cullen - Don't drink the coffee |
Will Cullen, Outreach Director of E4E in New York, sent the following to a chapter leader associated with MORE. E4E vets people to keep out spies but I suggest people go to these events and report back. E4E is as closed and undemocratic an organization as you can find - no outside their box thinking allowed - but this attempt to go right at the heart of the UFT in schools where Unity Caucus is weak is an escalation of their program. It seems E4E is pushing its people to run for chapter leader in the upcoming UFT chapter elections. MORE's March 14 CL training might even attract some E4Eers ---- they should come and see how a democratic organization operates -- they won't see that in E4E or the UFT/Unity operation.
E4E has reshaped its message to try to appeal to teachers and obviously because, despite its large budget and multi-full-time employees, it hasn't been getting very far in NYC or even LA - now their effort is in Minnesota. The "output" of their educational policy teams is pathetic.
And what has happened to the E4E budget -- only offering coffee? Hey Will, how about offering a sandwich? I'd meet you for something decent to eat.
Here is Will's linked-in profile:
Leadership Opportunity for [CL Name]
Hi xxxxxx,
I hope this email finds you well! My name is Will and I am an Outreach Director with Educators for Excellence, a non-profit that works to get teachers involved in the policy conversations that affect their classrooms. More specifically we have opportunities for teachers to write policy as well as advocate for those policies to elected officials and other stakeholders.
You can learn more about us by visiting our website: educators4excellence.org.
I am reaching out to you because of your leadership at xxxxxx High School. We strongly believe in the power of union participation and currently have a series of events, trainings, and networking opportunities for existing chapter leaders across all five boroughs and for other teachers considering stepping up to become more involved in their chapter.
I would love to grab coffee to discuss further! I can meet wherever is most convenient for you.
Looking forward to touching base!
Will Cullen | Outreach Director
Educators 4 Excellence-New York
Tel (212) 279-8510 ext. 19 | Cell (732) 266-9158
wcullen@educators4excellence.org | @willpcullen
333 West 39th Street, Suite 703, New York, NY 10018
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Quisling AstroTurf Groups Like E4E and Teach Plus Reality Distortion
...the views of most early career teachers differ from those of many veteran teachers. As a national survey conducted by Teach Plus in 2012 found, early career teachers are more likely than their veteran peers to strongly support rigorous evaluations, performance-based compensation, and inclusion of student growth measures in teacher evaluations..... Balderdash from ed deform astroturf orgs.NYC has been inundated by early career teachers over the 12 years of Bloomberg. Are they shouting about supporting ed deform crapola other than the few in E4E which despite enormous funding with full-time organizers can't gain much traction while MORE begins to attract teachers who decide to remain in the system once they get tenure and finish their grad studies?
I would say that most MOREistas have only been teaching under Bloomberg. In fact looking at the 11 new MORE steering committee taking office this week and the 10 people on the outgoing committee about half are in the relative newbie category. But I guess we can classify a veteran teacher nowadays at about 4 or 5 years.
The people in MORE vs the temps who join E4E is a counter-sign to their claims. They don't seem to have the nerve to test out their polls by actually running in a union election to see just how they would fare.
The fact that they are trying to claim union Quislings like Randi are out of touch because they fight ed deform is laughable. The very rise of MORE and CORE and NEW Caucus and lots more are due to Weingarten and her brethren doing the very opposite of fighting ed deform (see my follow-up piece on Randi whining about being stabbed in the back by her pal Cami Anderson in Newark -- and see Christie's response which will give you a laugh.
Just watch the next few years and see whether I or Teach Plus is right about where the new generation of teachers will stand once they get a few years in the classroom under their belts.
The Teacher “Union” Problem Within As teacher unions step up their calls to stop the “corporate agenda” in education and to confront the “privatization” movement, there is a far more real and serious threat facing teacher unions. The threat comes not from billionaires or charter schools or philanthropists. Rather, it comes from many teacher unions’ difficulty to modernize and reshape themselves in the midst of profound demographic changes of their members. At stake are the relevance and even existence of teacher unions–a force that historically has played such a vital role in American public school education.
Three basic demographic facts of today’s public school teachers should give teacher unions long pause before continuing to support policies that appeal primarily to a shrinking base of veteran teachers: 1) 52% of U.S. public school teachers have fewer than 10 years of experience (up from 25% in the 1980′s); 2) Approximately one million (or about 30%) of all U.S. public school teachers are expected to retire in the next five years; and 3) Today, there are more first year teachers in American classrooms than there are teachers at any other experience level.
As significantly, the views of most early career teachers differ from those of many veteran teachers. As a national survey conducted by Teach Plus in 2012 found, early career teachers are more likely than their veteran peers to strongly support rigorous evaluations, performance-based compensation, and inclusion of student growth measures in teacher evaluations http://www.teachplus.org/page/newsroom-6/news/december- 2013-342.html?utm_medium= email&utm_campaign=Newsletter+ December+2013&utm_content= Newsletter+December+2013+CID_ db0b06033f284dd40592acc2e02993 60&utm_source=Campaign% 20Monitor&utm_term=Read%20more
Educators 4 excellence,
Teach Plus
Monday, December 9, 2013
E4E Member Resigns in Protest Over Their Support for King/Tisch
Here is something you will never see mentioned at Gotham Schools.
Here is the E4E call to action:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Jonathan Schleifer info@ educators4excellence.org wrote:
Consider this my resignation of membership for E4E and the corporate driven ideology which binds this organization as a supporter of the Common Core and it’s test driven oppression of learning.... A NYC Teacher and FORMER member of E4ESo, E4E is trying to organize a force to support John King and Meryl Tisch and is urging its "people" to turn out in support to counter what is sure to be a vocal opposition. This teacher has had enough. I always say, the harder these characters push their ed deform crap the more they shoot themselves in the foot. The reality for those E4E people who actually are teaching and facing the Danielson rubric and common core in action is that it basically sucks. Good luck to E4E - maybe try starting a chapter in Detroit.
Dear Jonathan [Schleifer],
I am writing in regard to the E4E letter to Commissioner King stating “We are writing to thank you again for your leadership over the last two years in making New York’s teacher evaluation law benefit teachers and students across the state—and to urge you to make good on that commitment again as you develop a teacher evaluation system for New York City.”
I think the recent video and protests against the Common Core, and the state being forced to apply for waivers to allow developmentally disabled students with an IQ of 60, exempt from state tests. The issue of Danielson, with an untested rubric, and one which does not suit teachers or students of disabilities is central in the error of congratulating Commissioner King. Where was the foresight? Did anyone at E4E ever project the negative consequences of evaluating impoverished students (solely to determine “teacher effectiveness”) and essentially sanctioning teachers who serve them? I think not. Did anyone at E4E ever reflect to see how the Danielson Rubric may sanction educators? I think not.
Consider this my resignation of membership from E4E and the corporate driven ideology which binds this organization as a supporter of the Common Core and it’s test driven oppression of learning.
Here is the E4E call to action:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Jonathan Schleifer info@
Trouble viewing this email? You can View this Message Online
Educators 4 Excellence: An Independent Voice for Teachers
Dear xxxxxx,Over the next two days, State Education Commissioner John King will be hosting several town halls on the Common Core across the city. Teachers, students and parents will have the opportunity to weigh in on the new standards and their implementation.December 10December 11
- Brooklyn: Medgar Evers College, 6:30-8:30 PM
- Bronx: Evander Childs Campus, 6:00-8:00 PM
RSVP here to join E4E at one or more of the town halls.
- Manhattan: Spruce Street School, 6:00-8:00 PM
If you can’t attend the town halls, you can engage in the conversation on Twitter by following @Ed4Excellence. We’ll have teachers live tweeting each event. By replying to them or mentioning them in a tweet of your own, you the too can join the conversation and have a voice at the discussions.
Looking forward to hearing from you -
JonathanJonathan Schleifer
Executive Director, E4E-New York
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Shame on "Journalists" Supporting E4E Closed Meeting Where All Had to Sign "The Pledge"
When the so-called ed press takes part in a naked propaganda event to promote an organization funded by billionaires to put forth their anti-union, anti-real reform education. (Ask E4E what they think about a campaign to reduce high class sizes?)
Panelists included journalists Ben Max (Decide NYC), Lindsey Christ (NY1), Sarah Garland (Hechinger Report) and Sarah Darville (GothamSchools).What does this say about these journalists? Teachers who do not agree with the E4E position are banned. We know that E4E supports every Bloomberg ed deform position and those allowed to attend must agree with the E4E position. So what are people who call themselves journalists doing there? I don't care about the others but I am disappointed in Lindsey Christ.
E4E-NY: The Next Education Mayor
E4E-New York teachers gathered on Thursday, September 26, 2013 to ask local journalists questions about the mayoral race and what it means for teachers in NYC.
- Thursday's panel was moderated by teachers Lilly Ruiz and Nick Lawrence.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Shame on NYC Ed Reporters for Supporting E4E in Event Closed to Anyone Who Doesn't Sign Their Pledge
I saw the names of the reporters who are going to be on the panel and was sort of shocked that the "neutral" press would be on a panel for an organization that has banned people who do not agree with their pledge. In fact at one point I tried to go in with my press pass and they had CUNY security throw me out. They said press had to pre-register. I asked the rest of the press if they had to and they said "No."
One thing we can bet on: Gotham will have a reporter there as part of the panel and will cover the event in a story. I would go and challenge this farce but I have to do what little hair I have left.
One thing we can bet on: Gotham will have a reporter there as part of the panel and will cover the event in a story. I would go and challenge this farce but I have to do what little hair I have left.
The Next Education Mayor Thursday, Sep 26 06:30PM
On September 26th at 6:30 PM, E4E will be hosting a discussion with local journalists about the upcoming mayoral election at Baruch College Conference Center. Join fellow teachers for a great opportunity to hear from those who know this critical race best. Journalists will answer questions about the upcoming mayoral election and the candidates' education platforms, speaking from their unique perspectives from the campaign trail.
Doors will open at 6:00 PM, and the event will begin at 6:30 PM, with a reception to follow. Please join us at 55 Lexington Avenue, on the 14th floor.
Baruch College Vertical Campus Conference Center, 55 Lexington Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10010
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Where Are Rhee, Kopp, Klein, Moskowitz, E4E, DFER When it Comes to Defending Food Stamps Program (SNAP)?
.....you might think that ensuring adequate nutrition for children, which is a large part of what SNAP does, actually makes it less, not more likely that those children will be poor and need public assistance when they grow up. ... Paul Krugman, NY TimesYou mean SNAP might actually be more effective in fighting poverty than charter schools or TFA teachers? Yes it is.
economists Hilary Hoynes and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach have studied the impact of the food stamp program in the 1960s and 1970s, when it was gradually rolled out across the country. They found that children who received early assistance grew up, on average, to be healthier and more productive adults than those who didn’t — and they were also, it turns out, less likely to turn to the safety net for help.So all these people claim to be fighting the civil rights issue of our times by building political machines to fight teacher unions, tenure, urge teachers be evaluated by test scores, pour loads of money into defending the common core.
... almost two-thirds of SNAP beneficiaries are children, the elderly or the disabled, and most of the rest are adults with children....
You might think that ensuring adequate nutrition for children, which is a large part of what SNAP does, actually makes it less, not more likely that those children will be poor and need public assistance when they grow up.Where is the outrage from those intrepid ed deformers on this issue? Not one dime to fight a real struggle against the Republican assault on hungry children. What better example of their true agenda than to see Eva Moskowitz close schools for half a day to march against De Blasio's plan to make them pay the damn rent? (City charter school advocates plan to reprise a 2012 political rally. GothamSchools, Daily News, Post)
Conservatives seem, in particular, to believe that freedom’s just another word for not enough to eat. Hence the war on food stamps, which House Republicans have just voted to cut sharply even while voting to increase farm subsidies.Hey Paul. It ain't just conservatives.
charter school lobby,
Eva Moskowtiz,
Paul Krugman
Thursday, August 15, 2013
E4E Slammed in Minnesota by PEJAM
The new strategy is to convince the public that teachers really do want the corporate reforms, but that it is actually their own unions that are keeping them silent. It is a devious approach that can pit new teachers against veteran teachers. These newer groups receiving money from Gates, the Waltons, and other corporate foundations are started and led, by mostly TFA alumni, and recruit heavily among TFA corp members and other younger teachers.... (PEJAM)DFER tried this tactic trying to claim E4E had the voice of NYC teachers ( Joe Williams' DFER Propaganda Laugh Riot ...) while pointing out that few voted in the election and one fifth of those who did vote did not do so for Unity, trying to give the impression they were E4E types while neglecting to mention it was MORE, as anti-E4E as you can get, that garnered those votes.
Yes, E4E facing increasing failure in every venue has to keep jumping to other states like bedbugs to try to remain viable. They have to find ways to spend those bucks ($3 million recently from Bill Gates, who might as well dig a trench and throw his money into it.)
I spoke to some people from LA in Chicago this past weekend and they are also dealing with E4E and have opened up a dialogue with them, viewing most of the teachers involved as naive and misguided and hoping to bring some enlightment to them. Good luck. The leadership will never let anyone get near their rank and file -- one reason they no longer seem to be holding open -- or any - meetings here in NYC -- we often stood outside and handed out leaflets as to what they were all about.
PEJAM points to "reporter" Beth Hawkins hawking E4E -- playing the role Gotham plays here I guess.
Here is the full post from PEJAM:
![]() | Public Education Justice Alliance of Minnesota(PEJAM)
E4E: The Sheep Clothing for Corporate...
The neoliberals, corporate foundations, billionaires, and others looking to privatize our public schools work hard to sell their actions as that of local grassroots organizations whose only concerns are for the children, especially poor, urban, and minority children. These astroturf groups have worked their way into every state, including Minnesota. We have the well-financed MinnCAN and Students First among others, but in their efforts the corporate reformers keep running into the public school teachers and their unions who actually do care about ALL children.
These corporate "reformers" have long realized that if they are going to privatize the public schools, they must eliminate the the voice of the teachers, and the unions that protect their right to speak in defense of their students. The "reformers" have had a great deal of success, convincing both Republican and Democratic politicians to pass legislation that weakens teacher unions and public education. The push-back, however, has been growing steadily. Led by rank-and-file members who have demanded more action from their own union leadership or have taken over the leadership as C.O.R.E. did in Chicago, teachers are calling out the corporate reformers for what they are - privatizers and union-busters.
The corporate reformers are feeling the heat, but they will not go away quietly. A new strategy has evolved in recent years with the help of the "happy-face" of the corporate reformers - Teach for America (TFA).
The new strategy is to convince the public that teachers really do want the corporate reforms, but that it is actually their own unions that are keeping them silent. It is a devious approach that can pit new teachers against veteran teachers. These newer groups receiving money from Gates, the Waltons, and other corporate foundations are started and led, by mostly TFA alumni, and recruit heavily among TFA corp members and other younger teachers.
In many cities, it is Teach Plus that has taken on this role. It's stated goal is "to engage early career teachers in rebuilding their profession to better meet the needs of students and the incoming generation of teachers." Here in Minnesota, Educators for Excellence (E4E) is the group leading the effort to hide the union-busting/privatization agenda behind "real teachers." This past week, E4E officially launched in Minnesota, following a typical corporate product launch strategy.
Beth Hawkins, the "education reporter" for MinnPost and one of the Twin Cities biggest cheerleaders for the corporate take-over of public education, is now trumpeting Educators 4 Excellence (E4E) and their claim to offer teachers "a bigger voice in education policy." Hawkins presents E4E and its members empathetically, as idealistic teachers who have been marginalized in education policy decisions and ignored by unresponsive teachers unions.
Hawkins and MinnPost are helping Madeline Edison, now the full-time Executive Director of Minnesota's E4E, with the corporate style rollout of the "new" reform group. They are selling a movement that is not only not needed, but in fact is detrimental to public education. MinnPost published three "news" stories about E4E in four days (See here, here, and here). MinnPost is an on-line "newspaper" run by Joel Kramer, father of Minnesota's first family of corporate education reform and the former owner of the daily newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The Star Tribune probably would have covered the E4E "news" itself, had it not been so busy shilling for E4E's older sibling of corporate education reform - Teach for America (TFA) - (see here, here, and here).
Launch of a Corporate Product
Launching a new product, or in this case an organization, is not done with a single press release, or event. "Reform" groups like E4E use the same marketing strategies of their financiers. David Lavenda, a product strategy and marketing executive offers some advice for a successful product launch on FastCompany.com, including the following:
Start early. Don’t expect reporters to write about you when you want. Get a head start and begin preparing long before you plan to launch. A rolling launch is a great way to keep the conversation going.
Get partners involved. Channel and marketing partners who have a financial stake in the success of the launch are natural allies. The more people that are talking about the release, the better chances it will get pickup.
E4E-Minnesota has been rolling out its launch for well over a year. It had its origins in a group with another combination of letters and numbers - E3MN, which stood for Empowering Educators for Equity MN. E3MN began in early 2012, and its first Facebook Event was a meeting with the co-founders of Educators 4 Excellence.
The groups E3MN identity appears to have been a place-holder as the group built it's E4E brand. They focused on connecting with "marketing partners" by building alliances with other corporate reformers. The second Facebook Event they hosted in June of 2012 was a happy hour meet-and-greet with MinnCAN.
In addition to building a core group with mostly TFA teachers and partnering with other corporate reformers, the group needed to build a local financial base and Minnesota has its share of corporate philanthropists. In September of 2012, The Robins, Kaplan, Miller, and Ciresi Foundation for Children awarded E3MN a grant of $17,500. The foundation's website explains that the grant was to
"support the expansion of Empowering Educators for Equity (E3MN) to impact student success through teacher organizing and leadership for systemic legislative and contractual changes."Michael Ciresi, is a famous local lawyer who ran twice for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate, but lost. The Foundation that bears his name, and he leads, has become the major supporter of local corporate education reforms. E4E received the grant from his foundation because they promote an agenda that helps to dismantle teachers' unions, thereby opening the door to the free market...and closing the door on public schools.
"Liberal" Slight of Hand
Ciresi is similar to many Democratic (DFL in Minnesota) politicians and party activists, in that he claims to favor a liberal or progressive political agenda, but more often follows a corporate agenda. E4E leaders, and presumably many of its members follow this same approach, at least in regard to education. E4E, like the "reformers" who claim the Civil Rights mantle, does not just focus on dismantling teachers' unions, but also claims to promote a "progressive" agenda. This is "reformer" slight of hand, a distraction from the real work of E4E.
In Beth Hawkins propaganda piece published last Tuesday, she helps E4E's new Executive Director, Madaline Edison, sell the idea that focusing on "hot button" contractual/union issues "misses the point." Sydney Morris, the national co-founder and co-CEO of E4E, claims the aim of the organization is "to give teachers a greater voice in making policy on many issues."
Following another element of launching a new product E4E and MinnPost "put the focus on the people not the product." Hawkins introduces us to a number of E4E teachers who want to speak up for their students on issues beyond the classroom. They mistakenly believe, however, that E4E will empower them to do that. Members quoted in the article speak about the fight for immigrations issues and need for early childhood education. Edison, who has never been a member of the teachers' union, suggested that the unions weren't dealing with these issues and that's why they needed to create E3MN (E4E).
With this claim, E4E accepts and perpetuates the neoliberal myth of unions as greedy and self-interested. Social justice has long been a part of union work. Teachers' unions have certainly made mistakes and at times have been on the wrong side of social justice issues, but unions have actively worked for social and racial justice through most of there history.
Another E4E member in Hawkins article talks about her strong family union background and how she wanted to "wear red" in solidarity when union teachers in Chicago went on strike. Despite her union upbringing, she describes the union contact as "that’s where all the power just goes away." Beth Hawkins supports this twisted statement by describing the Minneapolis teachers' union contract as "notoriously complicated."
The third E4E story in MinnPost last week was written by James Kindle. He was a part of the first group of TFA corp members in Minnesota in 2009. To his credit, he has remained in the classroom. However, he also portrays the teachers' contract as a barrier to his "autonomy" as a teacher and his ability to speak out for social justice.
Kindle lets us know that he is the son and grandson of teachers, and like his mother, he wants to be able to look back on his teaching career and say, "Oh, yeah. I enjoyed every day." Unfortunately, if Kindle and E4E (and TFA) are successful in their corporate reform efforts, most teachers will not have much of a career on which to reflect. Without committed teachers organized in strong unions, the profession will be filled with under-trained temporary workers.
This is how the conservatives have taken the upper hand with regard to education policy. Many self-proclaimed liberals/progressives, who were once the ardent defenders of a strong, democratic system of public schools, have accepted the argument that the "free market" actually serves the public good and does so in an equitable way. Making matters even worse, these so called liberals have accepted the idea that unions and collective bargaining protections are relics of the past.
The Corporate Reformers and their Agenda
Focusing on "hot-button" issues such as tenure, seniority rights, and teacher evaluations, "misses the mark" according to Madaline Edison. E4E wants teachers and the public to see these issues as part of a larger "progressive" agenda. Edison, Kindle, and the other E4E leaders fail to see, or refuse to admit that this is a front for the neoliberal agenda. Their work will weaken the unions they claim to value and strip teachers of their voices they claim to be empowering. They are helping to privatize our public schools.
To become a member of E4E, teachers must sign the organization's "Declaration of Teacher's Principles and Beliefs." A third of this declaration is dedicated to "Restore[ing] Professionalism to Education." According to the document this is done through teacher evaluations that include "value-added student achievement data" (value-added measure - VAM), weakening tenure, and eliminating "last-in-first-out" (seniority rights). The document also contends that we can recruit, retain, and support "the highest quality teachers" by implementing "performance-based pay" (merit pay).
These are the positions of the corporate reformers. To argue these "reforms" will empower teachers, "give them a voice," and/or "autonomy" is naive at best. Merit pay is not a new idea as educational historian, Diane Ravitch, has pointed out. It is professionally insulting, divisive, and it does not work, especially in a profession that thrives on collaboration. Not only has merit pay not worked, Daniel Pink demonstrates that merit pay, in fact, produces worse results!
Value-added is another failed experiment. Despite repeated research demonstrating the inability of VAM to measure a teacher's performance, corporate reformers continue to argue it will separate bad teachers from good, and good teachers from great. What VAM actually does is promote more teaching to tests, and penalizes teachers who are willing to take risks.
Attacks on tenure and seniority are at the heart of the "reformer's" efforts and central to organizations like E4E. Tenure is depicted as "lifetime job security," something that makes it "impossible" to fire under-performing teachers. Tenure does not guarantee a job. It guarantees due process, if you are threatened with disciplinary action, including termination. It requires that administrators demonstrate "just cause" for disciplinary action or termination, and in Minnesota, state statue identifies five areas that can lead to termination at the end of a contract year (see Subdivision 9). Minnesota state statute also lays out reasons for immediate termination of a teacher (see Subdivision 13)
Tenure in Minnesota is only achieved after a three-year probationary period. During this time, the district can terminate a teacher contract without cause. What tenure grants is relatively small, but important power. It enables teachers to disagree with administration and express that disagreement with less fear of repercussions. This is one of the few things that does in fact "give teachers voice," and this is what E4E wants to weaken or eliminate.
Seniority works in concert with tenure to protect teachers from arbitrary loss of employment. In addition to termination due to reasons listed in statute, a teacher can also find themselves unemployed if the school district needs to layoff teachers due to declining enrollment and/or a decline in funds. Requiring layoffs be done in reverse seniority order or "last-in-first-out" (LIFO), prevents administrators from discriminating with regard to layoffs. In other words, they cannot layoff a teacher as a way around the due process guaranteed with tenure. Again, E4E want to eliminate seniority (some argue for making it "one of a number of factors" in determining layoffs), but any weakening of seniority creates a way around the due process guaranteed with tenure.
Losing tenure and/or seniority protections would silence teachers. This is the exact opposite of what E4E claims as its main goal. All of these attacks on teachers and our unions are empowered by a misguided faith in meritocracy. Young teachers are told they are being hurt by more senior teachers being "protected" even when they are "less competent." They are led to believe that administrators, with standardized test scores, can objectively distinguish between teachers who are competent and teachers who excel.
Those who are truly concerned with ensuring that teachers have a voice and are able to speak up for their students, should stand with the teachers' unions. Work to get rid of testing and "accountability" regimes that are really about dismantling public education, and defend tenure and seniority. Then we can work together on behalf of all students, for racial and social justice.
Teachers and the public need to understand the real agenda of Educators 4 Excellence (E4E) and expose this group for what they really are - the sheep's clothing for the corporate education reform wolves.
Posted by: Rob Panning-Miller
Additional information on the origins of E4E's national organization can be found here:
Beth Hawkins,
Diane Ravitch,
Educators 4 excellence
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
E4E Free Lunch Turned Away After Agenda Disclosed
Some colleagues had sent out info about E4E to the staff listerv -- and then the administration said that after finding out more about E4E's agenda -- the luncheon is cancelled. We'll be having lunch together as a staff instead. ..... A MORE teacher at the schoolAlong with this missive:
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”I forget which school but at one place they took the pizza and THEN asked them to leave.
“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”“Attack by Stratagem”"The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.”
― Sun Tzu
Monday, May 13, 2013
Help E4E, No One is Noticing
I'm beginning to feel sorry for the deformers at e4e. You don't even read much about them in the press. Even Gotham Schools seems to have run out of excuses to promote them. No one seems to be noticing them and poor Jonathan keeps sending out almost daily pleas to please pay them some attention. You see, they have all this stuff to give away and not enough people want their stuff. And think of how the Tweedies do their best to gain entry for e4e into schools.
Now they did have the opportunity to test their mettle and the popularity of their message by running in the UFT elections but I believe you need more than 20 people on a slate to run. They had the money to buy slick ads to get people to vote for them but how embarassing for them that a grassroots organization like MORE with no money would have beaten them in the elections.
Well you have until tomorrow to get e4e to treat your staff to lunch - and use the opportunity to expose exactly where they are coming from.
From: Jonathan Schleifer <info@educators4excellence.org >
Sent: Mon, May 13, 2013 6:03 pm
Subject: Last call!
Educators 4 Excellence: An Independent Voice for Teachers
Now they did have the opportunity to test their mettle and the popularity of their message by running in the UFT elections but I believe you need more than 20 people on a slate to run. They had the money to buy slick ads to get people to vote for them but how embarassing for them that a grassroots organization like MORE with no money would have beaten them in the elections.
Well you have until tomorrow to get e4e to treat your staff to lunch - and use the opportunity to expose exactly where they are coming from.
From: Jonathan Schleifer <info@educators4excellence.org
Sent: Mon, May 13, 2013 6:03 pm
Subject: Last call!
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Check out the
inspiring note sent from a teacher in the Bronx thanking her colleaegue
for having high expectations for teacher leadership. And read why a
Queens teacher appreciates Ms. Fahrenkrug for advocating for students
and teachers:
These stories are being shared because teachers invited our team to visit their schools to appreciate coworkers. You and your colleagues deserve to be recognized too.
If you want to celebrate your coworkers, there’s one more day to nominate your school for a Teacher Appreciation Celebration.
Help us share the
amazing work you and your colleagues are doing for your students with
the broader E4E community. To nominate your school for a free Teacher
Appreciation Celebration, please complete this brief survey. Let us know by TOMORROW, May 14, and we’ll do all we can to make it work.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
John King at E4E, Unity Caucus and E4E in Alignment on King, Ed Eval and Common Core

Unity Caucus and E4E: perfect together. Mulgrew showed up to an E4E meeting but won't show up to debate Julie Cavanagh.
This is the 2nd appearance King is making at an E4E event. He must have too much time on his hands.
Some MORE teacher and parent reps will be handing out Vote MORE leaflets but expect E4E supporters to vote Unity given they agree on so much. Come on down and join us.
Why go since they won't let anyone in who might ask a question or not sit there like a yoyo? At a recent NYCORE event a young lady came over and said she recognized me from the last time I leafleted John King's appearance. She trashed E4E -- she saw how they tried to bribe people with expensive gifts and raffles and finally saw through them. So you never know how many of these people if they stay in teaching will move politically as they see through the e4e sham.
E4E had the oportunity to test its support by running in the UFT elections. They declined, preferring to use the DOE to help them slink around schools. Their updates are so much more about LA than NY now, a sign of just how much they are petering out here. That is funny as how some of the press were bragging that E4E types won some seats in the last LA union election, which they are pushing as a sign the next gen of teachers are supporting ed deform while wearing egg on their faces when real reform groups like CORE can get 98% of the teachers to strike and MORE actually stands up to Unity.
But Gotham will strive to keep E4E alive by using every excuse to mention them. Did you see their story on chapter leaders where they quote James Eterno extensively but make no mention that he is a candidate for MORE? But they make sure to get one quote from one of the few chapter leader E4E has so they can mention the group.
Don't be surprised to see Gotham do a story on this event while ignoring every other group's events. Like did anyone see something on the NYCORE conference of over 600 people with Karen Lewis as keynoter?
Critical Questions: A Conversation with NYS Education Commissioner John King
Tell New
York State Education Commissioner John King about how policies are
impacting your classroom, ask your questions, and advocate for
meaningful change for our students and our profession. »
Thursday, April 4, 2013 | 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Bank Street Auditorium
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610 West 112th Street, New York, NY 10025
Subway: 1 to 110th St
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Show your support for the Common Core: Student Achievement Partners is launching a campaign to ensure teachers remain at the center of conversations around the new standards. Sign the letter from 10,000 Teachers in Support of the CCSS. »
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