I cheat on my wife, it is not a reason for her to divorce me…if a wife
cheats on her husband, she would be a whore.” –Pierre-Lopez
Who is the whore here?
Harlem Charter School Parents PAC
Harlem Charter School Parents PAC To Raise $250,000 To Support Political Candidates
Visit: hcsppac.org
For More Information, Contact:
Thomas Lopez-Pierre
Harlem Charter School Parents PAC (HCSP-PAC)
Harlem Charter School Parents PAC (HCSP-PAC)
Here are a few comments and info on Lopez-Pierre
It's heartening to know that this PAC is reaching out to typical Harlem
parents, the 25 or so who will give $10,000 each. Weren't charter
schools created for them?
Diane R
Diane R
they are looking for 25 contributions of $10k each, the money will come
from a “powerful coalition…of Wall Street Bankers to Charter School
Parents.” Anyone wish to wager how many of the donors will actually be
charter parents versus the usual suspects throwing their fiscal weight
around to tell the rest of us how to educate our kids; those 96%
attending public schools versus the 4% in charters?
Before you all get carried away by this nonsense, take a look at the New
York Times article on this piece of toxic pond scum named Thomas
. Yup, he and Eva (or maybe just her hedgehogs?) sound like a match made in (fictional) heaven.
<http://www.nytimes.com/2004/If you can't stomach the entire piece, I will reprint its last paragraph directly quoting him:04/21/nyregion/only-the- gorgeous-and-smart-club-s- rules-amplify-buzz-on-race- and-relationships.html>
Seems like my kind of guy''I didn't marry my wife because she was a kind, sensitive woman,'' he said. ''I married her because she is a complete package. I married her because she takes her butt to the gym, and she keeps it tight for me. I want it all, and I got it all. There are men who want the same.''
post about Thomas Lopez-Pierre prompted me to .... my good friend
Google. The array of posts are dizzying. In second place, already, is
Jim's post. In first place ... a notice about Mr. Lopez-Pierre's 2009
arrest for stalking. Not for stalking a woman, apparently, but for what
appears to be "real estate" stalking. (Real estate brokering
apparently being his main business.) As I said... dizzying. Further on
is much hue and cry over The Harlem Club. Each time he defends his
positions on it, he only seems to justify the uproar. E.G., from --
also gave his two cents, saying that while he wants his wife to work
outside the home, it should be obvious where her priorities lie."
I cheat on my wife, it is not a reason for her to divorce me…if a wife
cheats on her husband, she would be a whore.” –Pierre-Lopez
I certainly hope
this man isn't actually planning to start his own charter school once
he sees how quickly the money rolls in at the very mention of the term!
Only the Gorgeous and Smart; Club's Rules Amplify Buzz on Race and Relationships
Published: April 21, 2004
Published: April 21, 2004
Thomas Lopez-Pierre was looking for just the right men for the Harlem Club, a private social club for African-Americans and Latinos that he was forming in Manhattan.
$5,000, mid-career professional men could become charter members;
$2,500 would make them general members. But this club did not want just
any moneyed men. Rap stars, Hollywood glitterati and professional
athletes -- what Mr. Lopez-Pierre labels the ''ghetto-fabulous crowd''
-- would not be welcome.
could join the Harlem Club, too. But only as associate members. And
they had to be 35 or younger, unmarried, childless, college educated and
willing to submit a head-to-toe photograph, to prevent unattractive
women from making the cut.
to ensure that there would be a steady stream of fresh pretties at the
club, Mr. Lopez-Pierre planned to rotate 20 percent of the associate
members, who pay no dues, every three months. The goal, he said, was to
present members with undeniable marriage material.
people think of the Harlem Club, I want them to think beautiful,
intelligent, highly successful women of color,'' said Mr. Lopez-Pierre,
the public face for the club's 15 charter members, men who do not want
their identities known for fear of public backlash...