Sunday, October 9, 2022

Videos: Mulgrew Exposed on Healthcare as UFT Bulls**t

Here are a few videos from Marianne from The NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees exposing the misinformation - also known as Bullshit - from Mulgrew and gang at the UFT who claim Medicare Advantage is just another form of Medicare - Part C - which is its label but is a very different animal if you read my post yesterday with the NYT expose on MedAdv fraud - you know - the very organizations the UFT/MLC are trying to push us into. It's on the front page of today's NYT. 
An important point made in the article is the level of corruption at the top of the people running Medicare - appointed politically with no incentive to control these companies from which they emanate from and go back to after serving. So we can't just ask for medicare for all without serious oversight.

Marianne responds to Mulgrew - RETIREE HEALTH CARE LIES

 By the way: CVS owned Aetna Medicare ad downgraded by federal gov as a bad plan.

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