NYC Transit Union Protects Medicare; UFT Retirees Beat Mulgrew


Bitter fight inside UFT over NYC Medicare Advantage proposal propels opposition slate to victory


bitter dispute over forcing retired NYC municipal workers’ into Medicare advantage as the only option for health insurance is causing a political shakeup inside the city’s powerful teachers union.

An opposition slate won the Retiree Chapter election with 63% of the vote, wresting control for the first time in decades away from United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew’s caucus, according to official results released Tuesday.

“This was clearly a gigantic referendum on healthcare,” said incoming chapter leader Bennett Fischer, the candidate for the Retiree Advocate caucus, who defeated Unity incumbent Tom Murphy. “We improbably, wonderfully and decisively won the election, and we really plan to use it as a platform to try to change our union’s position on this issue.”



Insurgent slate wins UFT retiree chapter election
Campaigned against proposed Medicare switch